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Posts posted by NinjaC123

  1. I just wanted to thank you guys for the Ural on US196 this evening. Was kinda surprised to almost run face first into it, but I'm somewhat bewildered as to why a whole bunch of you logged off in your camp when I threw three grenades in the middle of your tents.

    I then went on a Benny Hill chase in a huge 2-3km loop around your camp, before finally having the chance to nail the Ural driver and steal it.

    Good fight Kearo Nasanam, you stayed until the bitter end. I haven't had an adrenaline rush like that since way back early in my EVE days.

    Hey IzmaK,

    We dont acuse you of being a hacker nor your friends,(as you kind of stated in a later post) it was just a spur of the moment , a few seconds before the grenades went off we had a CQF member enter our channel and tell us how our server may have hackers on as there was one particular who's name had come up again and again, so the grenades sorta caught us off guard i am sure we all would have fought if this member had not alerted us, we had also found the URAL with a hacked gun in it and were therefor more on edge than we would have been. We were also very shocked how sombody managed to find us, as we were hidden in the forest in pretty much the middle of nowhere.
