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Everything posted by FLIPSID3

  1. AYE! anyone wanna play lingor island? i played for like 1 hour so far found a bus, suv, hippy car, motorcycle and a little red car. anyone wanna play on a new server its cool. im just bored and wanna have fun. ANYONE IN THE US WANNA PLAY LINGOR?

    Lingor island lets play, us

    skype is Erik pshh

    Recruiting for a Group/Clan

    IM IN MAN i live in cali. so yea i play on us server im expirienced. i love to laugh i have steam add me asap plz steam name : flip31o leter o not #0
  4. just filter ther name in man if that doesent work then mabey its because you guys live to far appart. if you dint know how to filter look at the server name (ex. US 222) then click filter at the bottom type that in and that server will pop up along with any related ones. there now you can check if thats not your problem contact the dayz help line or something

    Confirm before Suiciding

    they fixed it today with the hot fix no more respawn button

    Weird business on Cherno hill in US346.

    aaaaa i see what you did there

    No colour in my game

    your brightness fix it or gamma mabey blood
  8. im in man i made a skype but idk how to use it. i have steam tho name flip31o (letter o not #0) so add me and tell me how to skype. oh and i am expirienced

    Zombie Spawn distance.

    Well i go by if i can see them with detail without useing bino they are mine but if you see them as migets or blobs (you will get used to noticeing it) then they arnt yours. yeep
  10. IM 15 steam name flip31o and ima try to ad you now i am a us player so u you dont play us servers sorry ima have bad pin
  11. FLIPSID3

    Anyone wanna join up?

    dont have skype :( have mic. can i still get in?
  12. alright well dnt forget my steam name and tis name
  13. i can only use west side servers :( its all :thumbsup: is still got my :beans:
  14. uhhh man that, that suck
  15. YEA ummm there is no server with that name what region are you from. i live in cali so
  17. filter in US 838 LA
  18. i know im mad right now cuz its telling me the same thing so yea aye ima check on a low ping server real quick hold on
  19. dont see you on the server list
  20. HOLY DAMN THAT PING IS HIGH DUDE ! add me on steam so we can chat
  21. aye ima go in that server my name is erik on dayz
  22. aye im in! MY STEAM NAME IS " flip31o " with the letter o not the #0 so add me asap and im in cherno so yea im loaded with food and med supplies