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Everything posted by nemahsys

  1. nemahsys

    Friends with two different server lists

    Ive been wondering why I can only see 500 servers in my list. Its all making sense now.
  2. There are plenty of other amazing modern titles that bring back the gaming awesomeness from "back in the day" Go grab demons soul's for starters (console title), once you have died a bajillion times and beat it thoroughly and have fallen completely in love with it go and grab its sequel, dark soul's (soon to be available on PC...who says petitions dont work?). You will relive your glory days of gaming with these titles, just thought you should know.
  3. So it was my second day playing. I was with my friend Justin and we were a lil southwest of stary sobor. We had separated a bit when suddenly I lagged out. My friend went prone under a tree and alt tabbed out while waiting for me to re-log. Well lo and behold some random guy walks up behind my friend while he is prone behind the tree and ask over the mic "hey, you there?" So he tabs back in and quickly announces himself and asks not to be shot. At this point the guy had backed off behind a church and was hiding again so my friend didnt have eyes on him, he told me over vent where he thought he was and told me to log back in. So I come back into the game and I can hear them chatting over the mic. My friend is telling him he is alone and acting scared, the stranger is saying the same thing and also acting quite nervous. I decide to pretend like I have just stumbled across the 2 of them and announce myself over the mic. Now our stranger is quite excited, he believes he has made some new friends to quest with. He couldnt be further from the truth. So after a bit of intense "I wont shoot if you dont" back and forth we all decide to come out into the yard in front of the church at the same time. Our new "friend" says "I'm so glad to finally meet some pe-" BANG.....thanks for that gps bro :)
  4. nemahsys

    Pending Update: Build

    Very excited about the upcoming changes. Not entirely sold on all of them but definitely looking forward to testing them all the same. Thanks for a great mod rocket and thanks for your continued work on it. Please do your best to ignore the more insane posters around here *cough* djshauny *cough*.
  5. nemahsys

    Pending Update: Build

    the real problem with tents is that you can use them to very easily dupe items.
  6. nemahsys

    Pending Update: Build

    stop being retarded. If you cant type dayz commander into google and click on a link then sell your computer cause you're not gonna m ake it very far here. I'm pretty amazed you've managed to get the mod running at all really. Also, stop asking whole lists of fully fleshed out features in a freaking alpha. This is expected to be a buggy piece of crap that you have to work around just to reliably play, thats what alphas are like. They dont give you every bit of info, they dont have perfect GUI's or HUD's. But you make do, cause its a fucking alpha. THIS IS NOT A FINISHED AND COMPLETE GAME BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION, NOR IS IT SUPPOSED TO BE, STOP CRYING ABOUT IT.
  7. If youre watching from a safe distance then you cant possibly be in direct communication with other players and sending them to your camp unless you're using rcon commands from your own private server. I'm just gonna go ahead and say this is something you want to try doing but I doubt you have ever actually done it. And you're expecting us to believe it.
  8. nemahsys

    Game Nerfed BAD!

    No, what youre "just saying" is a lot of nonsense. The game is not "too hard". If you are dying to zombies or from hunger/thirst then you're just pretty bad at video games in general I would imagine. Why make a pure whine thread with absolutely zero actual content in it? Even the title is bad. The game being nerfed would suggest it has been made easier, but then you go on to complain about how its too hard. This whole thread is just one giant facepalm.
  9. nemahsys

    Kicked from all servers

    The posted fix worked for me