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About sqad

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  1. :D no ,im pretty sure, that im not wearing glasses. i think and i know that sounds crazy... but... i think the problem could come from my PC
  2. Hi, i got a little problem. I was playing DayZ for a time, when suddenly a random idea apears. i connected my PC to my TV with a HDMI wire. everything works great and i can also play other games without problem. only if i start dayz, everything looks purple. that means its actually the normal game but like if im looking through purple/pink glasses. i know that sounds weird but maybe somebody has an idea how to fix that problem? :D
  3. hahahaha, im so proud of you, im telling you something and you just ignore it and keep posting some things i never wanted to know. i want a lan/singleplayer/PVE/non-player server to do things, you cant do with other players. i just asked for some answers for my question and not about some guys telling me things i already know or people that think they know everything better than me. :)
  4. i allready said i know how to play, i know how "to move through citys". but i didnt asked for how to play on servers with other players, i asked for a server without players. the only helpful post was from scavenger, thank you.
  5. i think i know how to play, because i had at least everything you can have in the game, so i became bored and shot myself but if you are on top of the hospital in elektro and wanna do the move from zombieland (just pull all zombies on to you and hunt them down) you cant do it, because there will defently be a player that is just shooting you.
  6. hi, i realy like the mod, there is only one thing that is realy annoying: other players that just kill you. of course its a part of the game that there are other survivors that want your stuff and i know that its cind of pussy, but if you join a server, and you get killed by some random guy,thats passing by, before your game even loaded the game,thats also not funny. so my question is, if theres a way, that i can play with out other players, do i have to make a lan server, is there a trick to find servers with 0 players or are there for example PVE only servers?
  7. @SeanOfTheDead im trying, but sometimes i just need something from the hospital or the supermarket.
  8. no ^^ i bought it maybe 2-3 years ago. i'm realy not comfortable with all this hardware stuff, so i dont realy no what you need to know. all i know is, that is has 3 GB RAM, but thats all.
  9. Hi, i just wanted to know if there is a trick to make the game a bit less laggy. im playing on 800x600 with normal texture details and all shaders disabled. the game is not lagging for me. just when I get close to a big town with many loots, buildings and zombies my game starts to get very slow. now my question is, if there maybe is a trick, how i can improve my framerate, without buying a new computer or playing with very low graphic settings.
  10. sqad

    Need some advice - I've broken my leg

    just lay down for about 5 minutes, your leg should be fine again