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About DraigoDragon

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. DraigoDragon

    If You Could Add 1 Weapon to DayZ...

    Paint ball gun's... The troll's weapon of choice!!
  2. 1: Zombie hit through walls 2: Item's vanishing 3: Environment kill __________ Feature's 1: More weapon type's 2: Environment/Zombie's make tougher/more Zombie's 3: More health options
  3. Gods.... what have you people done!? We need a priest In this post... and a, A grade baptising >.> And holy water/gas/rags/match's... also sunglasse's
  4. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    I would rather have the chance's Increase with how bad you're character Is... Like how the weather Is, Is It raining are you soaking wet? Did you jump In a pool of water !? Weak character = higher chance to be infected Also could work with panic... The higher panic you have the more weak minded you will be = a weak body >.>
  5. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

  6. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    My new Idea though Is that instead of turning into a zombie after the timer hits 0... you just die... >.> simple right At-least with this Idea the people who say that arma 2 engine can't do melee attacks can be calm... also turning Into a zombie on this huge a map would be boring as hell. PS I know the word... Just not how to spell apparently >.>
  7. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    I'm not delusional that It's a mechanic that can be done right away... but I am at-least hopeful It has a chance of not being on life support ~.~
  8. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    Unless I see a back story by rocket himself saying all the country has immunity to the zombie infection my foot will be firmly placed On the right side of my desk drinking my coffee and yelling at the kids... OUTSIDE OFF MY WINDOW!! :@
  9. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    Immune? so the whole off the country has immunity!? Pffff hahahaha "clears eye's" That was funny... Also "aren't dead come back to life either" <<< This what Is this supposed to say?
  10. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    I added that If you become a zombie you die after the time ticks to zero No hand to hand crap or just scurrying around In hopes you can die when the time reaches zero that's that >.> Makes zombie's that much harder to be close to and will make people say we need less zombies not more... maybe?:angel:
  11. DraigoDragon

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

  12. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    Don't forget the game Is In alpha And rockets famed words are anti game/experiment = could happen In future >.>
  13. DraigoDragon

    Becoming a zombie/dying

    Way I see It people would rather die quickly as a zombie so they can be human again? With how big the map Is This Idea could be a string being stretched to the point where people will break... In the mind/rage.
  14. DraigoDragon

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

  15. DraigoDragon

    More Infected People Types

    That's verging on the side of being too gameish and reminds me of the lambent of Gears of War. The infected are just that' date=' they're not dead, high radiation levels are bound to kill them as much as the survivors. Besides, why would they be radioactive? [/quote'] Sounds like If they can die by radiation then maybe they can have diseases as well? soooo... Disease zombie: A zombie that has disease's In It's body Being near It for a long period of time could be bad for you or even killing it could have the blood be contagious? "What do you think" :idea: Also we have not heard about the back story off how the zombie's came about don't throw the Idea off a radiated zombie/"Nuclear power plant" till we have answers anyway the radiated zombie doesn't NEED to explode just being damaged near it would suffice ~.~