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Everything posted by sander345

  1. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Hello . While I am playing DayZ in first person and running it starts to shake is there a way to disable this from options or is it just implemented in the game? My blood and everything is good.
  2. sander345

    1st Kill(s)

    Good job man
  3. sander345

    is this normal?

    I use DayZCommander also and I sometimes launch Arma 2 CO from steam. It depends what your DayZ version and beta patch is i think.
  4. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Thank you everyone, the head bob thing worked . Cheers!
  5. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Thanks mate. Hope it helps.
  6. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Well if i aim there is no shaking. Its only when I run in first person . And taking painkillers has no effect.