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About sander345

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. sander345

    1st Kill(s)

    Good job man
  2. sander345

    is this normal?

    I use DayZCommander also and I sometimes launch Arma 2 CO from steam. It depends what your DayZ version and beta patch is i think.
  3. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Thank you everyone, the head bob thing worked . Cheers!
  4. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Thanks mate. Hope it helps.
  5. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Well if i aim there is no shaking. Its only when I run in first person . And taking painkillers has no effect.
  6. sander345

    First person . Shaking.

    Hello . While I am playing DayZ in first person and running it starts to shake is there a way to disable this from options or is it just implemented in the game? My blood and everything is good.