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Everything posted by Vanz0r

  1. Vanz0r

    AS VAL Analysis Video

    An in depth analysis of how the AS VAL is OP.
  2. Vanz0r

    More sandbox Pvp then survival?

    how I'd like to see the Z's, notice the dates on the vids.
  3. Name:Van Location:UK GUID: 766f8acda53e76515b6f33f1dffa4701 Looking for a good UK server
  4. It may have already been suggested but just-in-case. Everyone is fed up of people logging in behind them when they're at the NWAF, Stary, Devil's etc.etc. so how about making such popular places hot zones where you cannot logout. You could even do the same for cities. Set a perimiter of say 200m from each hotzone. This way if you've fought your way into the NWAF and are trying to 'hold' it you know for sure the enemy has to fight their way in rather than spawn in. If you logout/Alt F4 or 'lose connection' in a hot zone it's simply an auto death.
  5. While wandering your neighbourhood you pick up an empty tin can from the gutter thinking 'it mght just come in handy later...' -------------------------------------
  6. Vanz0r

    Sniper Zeroing sheet

    ARMA 2 Weapon Ranging and Correction Guide Created By: Daniel_Malloy
  7. Vanz0r

    Sniper Zeroing sheet

    Interesting read. Lots of valid arguments for doing the math and having notes, bear in mind snipers work in pairs so that someone can actually spot the shot for them and do all the work telling them what adjustments to make before they fire. One thing I discovered was the difference in what I'd seen were the zeroing points of the DMR and M24. In the Arma2 info. on ranging and mil dots the sheets all show the DMR as zeroed at 300m whereas in Dayz it seems to be zeroed at 400m?? The same sheets show the M24 as zeroed at 250m, whereas again in Dayz it seems to be 200m? So if anyone can confirm or refute the above I'd be very interested to hear it. Also finally does screen resolution and aspect ratio make any difference? I play on a 4:3 monitor whereas I suspect the majority play on widescreen monitors?
  8. Time zone urgh; fwiw I think it should be around GMT -6. Core playing hours are GMT 6pm-2.00am with -3 GMT really only school kids will get to play in the light. Anyone who works or only has evenings free will be stuck playing in the dark :( . With the time set to around GMT -6 the server will also (IMHO) be more popular :D
  9. Could this make the NWA too busy? I think there should be a chance of finding these at other military sites (Balota, Bera, NEA, Stary etc.) as this means players could get 'lucky' and hence will check there. It's a difficult balancing act and I see the rationale but wonder whether this will make players focus more on one area rather than scouring the 'wilderness'.
  10. WRT to EU server, do you plan on copying the existing player dB over? Obviously that doubles up characters but this shouldn't be a problem as within a short space of time people will die anyways and then will revert to their 'home' server. Or perhaps you can migrate characters 'manually' for those who request it? Or is it going to be a totally fresh start?
  11. Of LittleBirds and Vodniks.... Polana factory and the LittleBird was humming about dropping off survivors to loot the deer stand. It then decided to hover over the factory, it was at the edge of effective range for a Winchester but still worth the chance. A few rounds clip into the plexiglass canopy, enough to make it move off in a panic only to come back again looking for trouble. But wait there's a low rumble too - a quick glance to the south and what should come lumbering through the trees but a Vodnik! Bushes are crushed, zombies tossed high and wide. I sight in, fire a shot and side step as the armoured ambulance smashes through the trees. I fire another shot at the front left tyre as the Vodnik clips a tree and side swipes me, breaking a leg and knocking me unconcious. The egg timer slips away painfully slowly as my life seeps into the brown earth. Finally I'm concious, I bandage, apply morphine and scoff down a packet of pain killers. But I'm weak and even a dose of paracetamol doesn't cure my shakes. The LittleBird buzzes back into view near the factory, as I bring my gun up the effort is too much and I slip into unconciousness once again. The timer cascades away and shaking myself to my senses I kneel. The LittleBird is still above the factory, I fire off 3 rounds before it once more zips away. No sooner has it gone than the Vodnik is back, crashing through the woods two eager killers sitting up front searching for me. I see the passenger window is blown out and expecting the drivers window to be well armoured I see this as my opportunity to draw some blood. The Vodnik lines up with me, I steady my aim, fire and sidestep. The Vodnik rushes past me as a body falls from the passenger seat, missing most of it's head. The Vodnik circles me like a hungry beast waiting to pounce, I fire off 3 more rounds which all plink harmlessly against the hull. The driver scoffs and over the loudspeaker belittles my aim; laughing to himself. The Vodnik turns and careers towards me, but I'm nimble and again jink and side step. As it rushes past me once again I sieze the moment and fire through the front passenger window - but the angle is too obtuse, I sidestep once more and to my glee see the passenger door window is open. With pain trembling hands I bring up my aim and fire - the drivers door window splashes red with blood and fragemnts of skull and the dead driver tumbles out onto the ground calling out to his compatriots in the LittleBird for help " OMG he got me you gotta get down here and help" he wails. I circle around and then once again pass out. I wake and manage to loot the passenger just as my support arrives. There are more shots as a reckless paratrooper lands near us, I hunker down near a fallen tree shaking with pain and fatigue, shots ring out and with the most painful of ironies a new spawn's Winchester slug ends my life... There is a bit of mopping up as the new spawn is dispatched and the Vodnik is rolled out of the woods and down to the coast. Within minutes it is back at the factory and the spoils of war are loaded into it...I sit in the back cocooned by steel and armour plate caressing the M4 Holo between my knees as we rumble off up North in search of trouble...
  12. private hive ftw atm. Generally higher populated and a more balanced mix of weapons. Some hives have removed AS50 and L85 thermal, geared up now means having an AR. Add in the fact that there's no ghosting or duping and you'll soon realise that (as said above) private hive is how DayZ was meant to be. Also don't think small community, many of the private hives have 2k+ registered players...all for a 50 slot server.
  13. Vanz0r

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    fwiw I'm thinking about offering DayZ life insurance for anyone over 40...
  14. Vanz0r

    Why i am a bandit..

    3rd person and x hairs... l337...
  15. I predict will be the Hero skin, afterall anyone can be a bandit...props to first (legit) Hero I see.
  16. Vanz0r

    Bandit skin ate my ghillie suit

    spawning on beach near Elektro is a bit of a shock...made every1 on TS laugh when it happened to me...
  17. Vanz0r

    The Survivor Running Speed

    FWIW I use this rule-of-thumb for time/distance calcualtions: On average you can cover 1km (1,000m) in 3 1/2 mins.
  18. Have I missed something or have you all forgotten about Hero skins? To cut to the chase, if you're a bandit man up and face the music, skins will show you for what you are. Likewise bandit killing 'heros' will be easy to identify and hence something for weaker bandits to stear clear of and for survivors to embrace. I think it will work out pretty good, good bandits will be good and something for survivors to fear and heros will be something for bandits to fear. Instead of playing fast and loose folks will have to decide what their humanity really is...
  19. A little help if you will... 1280x1024 on a 22" CRT (4:3 AR). Can you suggest settings for say 70, 75 and 80?
  20. I share the sentiments of the OP. The game has fantastic potential, we can all imagine player controlled 'cities', bases and bandit no go areas all with a degree of perpetuity. Sadly I don't see this happening simply because of the the trusted nature of the Arma client. It's a real shame because I, like the OP, relish the thrill of playing a perma death game. However, currently it's impossible to play on a server that isn't visited by script kiddies or folks simply seeking a shortcut to getting 'geared'. If that wasn't bad enough you then have the ghosting issue, I mean how lame is that? I've seen it happen so many times.. now a real 'fight to the death' is just wishful thinking or something that is almost as rare as winning the lottery, oh the joy of trying to flank somone who simply disconss and ghosts around you... The game was an uber adrenaline rush - when you heard a gunshot eveyone dived to the ground and panic swept across teamspeak - now everyone disconnects because 9 times out of 10 it's not just someone who has the drop on you but also someone who doesn't even have to aim... The irony is that the game's popularity will fall off a cliff if it is ever transformed to the perma death state that it was originally. Many of us will be pleased that it will have become the game we so desired and once enjoyed but it won't have 30% of the playerbase it has now.
  21. Will compile a list of the best ones...just wanted to get it started ;-)
  22. Vanz0r

    When are the artifacts going to be fixed?

    several ad hoc fixes exist; first try going into video options -> advanced and setting video memory to 'default' (or just changing setting) or try turning vsync on/off finally check the trouble shooting forum for a scene complexity setting (10k). the video memory setting worked for me btw.