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tex zero

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About tex zero

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, Australalia
  1. Muther f... Best character yet. Has camo clothing, decent weapons, has raided the hospital and was stocked up. Then teleported to the "Thunderdome". No option to abort so I had to force quit. Everything gone.
  2. tex zero

    I keep spawning at the coast?

    I'm running / 95883 and I've tried only / 95883 servers tonight. I still repawn at random coastal points. Out of interest I've tried quitting out of the game properly and Alt-F4 and I get the same coastal spawns no mater how I exit the game.
  3. tex zero

    I keep spawning at the coast?

    +1 for the coast repawn. Happens every time I log in now.
  4. tex zero

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    Saved one. Murdered one. So I guess I'm even. I came across a guy being chased by 4 Zeds across a field. He didn't have a weapon and they were gaining on him. I put all 4 down and I don't think he even saw me as I melted back into the woods. I might have saved him but I wasn't about to trust him. Later that day I was looting one of the old hill top castles. There was barbed wire and tank traps set up so I suspected it might be being used as a bandit camp and was pretty nervous. I was sneaking into a ruined tower just as another player came out. I paniced and pulled the trigger just as he yelled "friendly!". To late, I hit him in the head. Poor bastard still only had his starting kit. I want to play as a good guy but sometimes bad things just happen.
  5. tex zero

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big thanks to +Ben+ for saving my butt. All you medics do a great job.
  6. tex zero

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    You sir, are a champion.
  7. tex zero

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Jumped into a bush near Pusta to avoid a Zed and broke a leg. I can trade a few bandages for help. I'm in the Australian Timezone if anyone can help. Steamname: Shellcaster