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Everything posted by googz

  1. googz

    im screwed

    I can help, not too far off from Stary. Will only be on in an hour though....PM me with the server details and I will pull in
  2. googz

    First impressions

    Love your enthusiasm and the way in which you describe the game, it echoes my sentiments exactly and really encompasses how people who enjoy the game really feel about it.
  3. googz

    First impressions

    So far: too hard with extremely sewere consequences. One small mistake and you loose hours of accumulate rewards. (This is what makes the game exhilarating - BTW if you give the game some time and once you learn the area it is very quick to get yourself geared again after dying - I have only been playing for a few days) Look at an online map if you dont have one in game - google is your friend...use it Very rarely any feeling of triumph (at all) (Ummm try playing with a group of players - there are loads of clans/people looking for groups - great gear to be had etc) Really unprecise controls (Dont know how you came to this conclusion, they are not the tightest in the world but they actually compliment the world of dayz) ....with extremely severe consequences - which is fine if the in-game possiblities match the challenges. They don't: unrealistic in a bad way - why can't I use a hunting knife or my bare fists to fight zombies? have they grown fangs when they became zombie? (the knife is there only for skinning animals hence the name hunting knife there are axes and crowbars for melee - anyway its really not that difficult to find a weapon within 10-20 minutes of spawning) lack of melee-weapons: I'm sitting at a laptop now: used right I can kill people with it. Why can't I beat the zombies with 2x4? branches? the big hatchets in the chopping blocks? every household has a kitchen; what about the butchers knife in there? (from a so called programmer you should know that you are not going to get such granularity from any game never mind a mod - as a positive there are loads to interact with in dayz and loads of items you can collect and use) Bad affordance: you can't see which houses you can loot and which you can. (well my friend its clear at this stage you have not given the game much time because within a couple of days of playing you will know what to look for when looting buildings - this is just a lesson you learn from playing) Controls are very different from other shooters (Counterstrike, Team Fortress, Battlefield) and way to complicated for this game. Shave them down. (yes they are - most people like that) How come a whole colonne of dead soldier doesn't have any weapons on them? did the zombies take them? seriously? (well they are just props - considering the size of the world and the innumerate number of places and things you can loot Im sure you can forgive not being able to loot dead AI soldiers.) Extremely little chance of escaping zombies once you are detected - essentially: detected = dead.(again you didn't even try - there are a good few techniques you learn on your own or by just doing a bit of reading) Really really annoying with the grey screen when you are hurt. (yea don't get that badly hurt and even so dying, getting injured etc. is part of the experience, I reiterate group up with a few people via the forum here) You just really havent given this game anytime at all - if you are not a patient player then dont bother because when spawning patience is an absolute must to get a little geared.
  4. googz

    First impressions

    Yea mate, this is clearly not a genre you understand at all or a type of gameplay you enjoy. I assume you read a bit about it before playing it so not sure why you bothered at all. For myself (and loads of others out there) the patient, deliberate and gritty nature of the gameplay is exhilarating - the triumphs comes from looting great gear, grouping up with other players, surviving PvP and PvE encounters to name a few! Many of the points you have put down as negatives are all positives for the people that play and enjoy this game.
  5. Funny thing when you get a family - you still have time to enjoy the things you did before you had one. (just not as much time)
  6. googz

    Ban all Bandits!

    Hi Capercaillie I agree with a lot of what you are saying and understand where you are coming from. Within my first first hour of playing the game I realised it was a lonely cruel world. Thats when I decided to join a clan, that's the solution really!! None of this direct chat stuff - headset and mic - Roll with a crew dude
  7. Thanks Dan, sounds good!!
  8. Hi Dan Believe it or not I actually work during the day, ha ha. I am on most evenings from 6:30pm till late and yea I do have a headset/mic - the only way to go!! Gregg
  9. Hi Hammah I am based in Dublin, Ireland so same time zone. Currently I am playing with guys from the states and it is going well however as you can imagine the time difference is definitely a difficulty. I'm 28 so not quite 30 yet although my missus keeps reminding me that I am almost on the big 30 :) If you are looking for a mature player to join you guys who is on the same time zone then I would be really keen to do so. Look forward to your reply Gregg