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Everything posted by chewsta

  1. I like this kind of banditry, the bandits who aren't douches. The bandits who kill new spawn are either A) too scared too take on anyone with a weapon or B) Just plain douches. Also someone made a comment about shooting at a long range, trust me it is easier said then done (in game and IRL) If you have something moving around and you are trying to take a shot through a sniper you have to take into account so much how fast they are movign and far you are away so you know where to shoot at so it will it the target. Also things like gravity pushing the bullet downwards, I have great respect for people who can snipe from a long distance because I cannot. well not yet anyway, practice makes perfect.
  2. This was spawned off DAS1337's idea however have added some extra ideas into it myself. Basically the idea is when you kill too many players in a short period of time you character becomes emotionally affected. You character would get the shakes randomly, every now and then would start crying and also vomit from time to time. You could use alcohol to get rid of these status effects but it would only stop it for 12 hours. If you drank too much alcohol your screen would become blurry, you would make more noise and make it easier to be seen, you would also pass out every now and again (same as with low blood).To stop it completely you would have to take anti-depressants or not kill for a certain amount of time. The more you kill the worse it gets. The shakes would just be the same as if you had a severe pain, however painkillers would not stop it. Crying would make your sound level go higher in bars, hence alerting zombies and other players. Vomiting would be similar to passing out where you could not move, but it would only be for a few seconds and immediately afterwards your character's hydration and hunger levels would go red/flash red. Being drunk basically means that your character can not walk straight, your vision is blurry, you make more noise, you can be seen easier, you randomly fall over, you randomly pass out and you can vomit (as above) I am not sure how much if this would be able to be placed in the mod, however it would go well in the stand alone version. You may be able to put a few things into the mod, such as the crying (you would just need a sound affect), shakes (already there) and put in the medication and alcohol. This would be good as I think players would think more about killing if it had repercussions like this and it is realistic. If there are any questions just ask. Thanks DAS1337 for spawning the idea.
  3. I myself don't kill new players, I only kill players who are armed and in certain areas. However I see this idea has not gone well with you guys. It was a simple idea. Anyway I would still like to know why you guys think it is a bad idea.
  4. Actually mook, yes I do get killed by snipers every now and then. Sometimes I kill bandits. This isn't me trying to make the game easier. This would make the game harder for all. I do not care if I get sniped by a bandit, I start again. I happen to kill people aswell, which means this would also apply to me. What I am sick of is the fact that I can go around killing anyone I want with no downside. I want to be challenged more, I want my killings to have repercussions like they would in a real life scenario. Does no one else find sitting on a beach killing new players boring? Or sitting a far and sniping someone who has not even seen you boring, even if the player has shit loot? There is no challenge in doing these things. It is the easiest thing to do in the game and that is why most people do it. Why not make it harder for us?
  5. I personally don't like that idea. I think it does nothing to deter people killing for no reason, if you can only get it once then once you have gotten it you would not have to worry about getting it again. The idea behind this is so one players won't necessarily kill on sight as they know they could potentially get this psychological sickness and two so bandits have something to challenge their play style. Making this effect for the first murder only would not achieve any of the previously stated ideas.
  6. Can you tell me why you think it sucks? Most people who have posted thinks it's a bad idea but no one has said why. So please enlighten me. If you think it sucks because it will make it harder for bandits or people who kill a lot, then you need to toughen up. This is dayz not Barbie's ocean discovery!
  7. I think why people are so opposed to it is because they think it would be really hard to come back from. It would be like if you were in pain but had no pain killers, if you were coughing with no antibiotics, the worse thign would be the vomiting but most people have plenty of food and if they dont then maybe they should not have killed too many noobs.
  8. I honestly think that would be too hard to put into the game, not only that it would not make sense as you were killed by a player not a zombie. I honestly don't think that my idea would be that hard on players either. If you vomitted you just ate and drank back to full hunger and hydration. Crying would only be a few seconds here and there, just a few sobs. It;s not like you would be bawling your eyes out all the time. Would be kind of like when you are sick you cough every now and again. And the shakes are no different to a player who is in pain. I mean these conditions are still easily playable in. If you wanted to fix them you could just drink some alcohol (but not too much) or in the long term find anti depressant (same rarity as antibiotics) or stop killing for 48 hours or so.
  9. I am not quite liking that idea. Bandits having their position given out would be worse. Having a sign above your head? I know it's a game but the game tries to be fairly realistic. Having a sign above your head saying I am a bandit or anything else goes away from that realism. Both of these things would ultimately be sending more people too the bandit, yet the bandit would probably prevail with still nothing to at least challenge him.
  10. Also don't get me wrong this is not directed at bandits I have nothing against them, and some may even consider me a bandit.
  11. Ok first let's look at reality. In the real zombie apocalypse killing someone would be something that would have a deep emotional impact on anyone. That is what I hope to put in. There is no downside to killing people, you get good loot, or if they are a noob, you get a good laugh. However as speaking above in a real life situation doing something like this would have severe impact on 99% of people. Also as of now bandits have really nothing to worry about other than other players. It would just mean that it would make killing a little more challenging for the bandits. The snipers could not sit up in the hills all day killing everyone who walks past. they would need to get alcohol anti-depressants to keep the character stable. I would not class it as punishing, I would say making being a bandit more challenging.
  12. It would be say if you killed 10 people in one day, either everyone is out to get you or you are killing people that's not for self defence. It would not be if you killed one person or multiple people over a large quantity of time.
  13. Did I once say Oh no I am always getting killed? I do kill back, a lot. However i think this would balance out the deathmatch a little and it would also make the game harder for people who loved to kill. I think it basically would put into play that more people would stop killing noobs and others for no reason and would only kill for self defence and for loot if they really wanted or needed it. Also if this was put into play then you would not have to kill for self defense as much because most players would realise that this could happen if they killed someone.
  14. Das1337 also came up with the idea that you could use alcohol to make Molotov cocktails.
  15. chewsta

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    I like this idea a lot, if you kill too many players in a short amount of time it takes an emotional toll on you and your character can behave very weirdly accordingly. Like as suggested shakes, maybe even every now and then your player starts crying which means other players and zeds could here you. You're player would not actually have to cry but just have the sound enabled. Also maybe vomiting, or something. You character starts vomiting randomly (similar to passing out) where you cannot do anything for a few moments and you become instantly more hungry and dehydrated. You could drink alcohol or take anti depressants to fix the shakes and the crying, drinking too much alcohol could make you drunk making your character a lot louder and easier to see and the screen becomes blurry and you could also pass out and drinking does not cure it properly only delays it for 24 hours. To cure it you would have to go so many days without killing or take anti depressants. Anti depressants would have no side affects but would be very hard to find. As for the vomiting maybe there could be a medicine to stop that. The more you kill the worse it gets. Rocket should definitely take this idea into consideration as I think having consequences like this would make people think whether or not it is worth killing people.
  16. chewsta

    Graphical bugs

    Green mountain was particularly bad last night.When ever I look in the direction the the tower I got artefacts, If i veered my view right or left of the tower it was all fine.
  17. I thought I would put my 2 cents in. After first starting in the new patch I spawned outside the map, after re-logging multiple times this did not change. So I picked a direction and ran towards it. Luckily it happened to be the right direction cause I happened to stumble back into the map near Myshkino. Only after finding a tent and raiding it for an M16a2 and 4 rounds of ammo. Sorry to whoever's tent that was, but this is dayz. It first everything was good, I managed to convince my friend to play even though he had been experiencing problems earlier. I met him at green mountain. Green mountain was particularly bad, even looking at if over a K away I got artefacts galore, however if I veered my view left or right of the tower then it was all good. We got pretty close to the base at the top and wanted to raid it but the artefacts got too bad. I eventually got kicked for a massive ping but logged onto a different server, my friend stopped playing after this. I went and hit up some deer stands, aggroed a zombie from a fair distance away however I was running. It took me two shots to the chest to kill it, it was a military zed. I headed north and am now near stary sobor however I am not getting the artefacts. Basically some feed back: 1. I did not get spawned back onto the beach after glitching out into the wilderness, however it was not the debug plains so maybe it did not apply to my character. 2. I did not find zombies any harder to kill, but they aggro alot easier now, not really a problem, however I am curious as to how far a zombie will be from you before it aggros if you are crawling. If it has changed then crawling through towns could become nearly impossible. This is something I should test out. 3. The artefacts only show up in certain areas. It could be due to high traffic in that area, for example apparently there were loads of dead bodies on top of green mountain which could have caused it, however I did not get the artefacts while approaching Stary sobor I did binoc the town and did not see any movement so maybe there was no one there. 4. The loading times are horrendous, It takes me twice as long as it used to. I am often going from server to server because I play with friends and we try to find the best server for all of us, and as it is my modem is playing up so this on top is excruciating. I think that is all I have really noticed for now, I really do hope this gets fixed soon. I am so eager to play a smooth game where I can go into towns and not worry about getting artefacts galore.
  18. I run the game through steam and I am on 95417 or something like that. I did manage to find a tent in the wildy though, looted it. Got a good gun.
  19. I keep spawning in the wilderness with the new patch. Is there any way of fixing this, that does not result in death. I want to roll back to but non of the AU, ANZ or NZ servers are compatible.
  20. chewsta

    I don't want to get banned for this!

    Non the less hoarding vehicles outside of the map is kind of shit. I believe they are now doing weekly wipes of everything outside the map. I dislike it personally because if you have vehicles you can travel a fair way out that no one on foot would bother going to find. On to the topic, you won't get banned for it.
  21. chewsta

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Teldrius, I am a fairly new player aswell, been playing for around a month now. Don't give up on the game because trust me when you get good there is a lot of fun to have. et me give you some tips. You will die a lot when you first start playing. Whether it be a zombie (glitched or not) or a bandit shooting you in the face, it will happen and a lot. After playing a while you will start to make some vital discoveries, for example you can get within 5 metres of a zombie without pulling aggro if you are crawling. When going into towns crawl, I barely crouch walk unless I am in a building or I cannot see or hear zeds. Crawl though town. If you break a bone and are nowhere near a hospital and don't have friend nearby with morphine start again. the only time you should be running through town is if shit hits the fan and you need to leg it. If you are in the forest and you have a zed or two chasing you, run down a steep hill, most of the time the zeds fall too their death. You can eventually out run zeds but this can be hard. http://dayzdb.com/map#4.037.101 Use this map, it will show where loot is and what type of loot it is, for example you won't find morphine in some hut. Unless someone died there. Learn to read contour lines as it will help you navigate a lot better. if you are wanting to meet up with your friend it is better to get to him slowly then run towards him as you will probably get yourself killed, nd him if you get close enough. I have a dual screen setup so i keep that map open on my second screen. If you have duals then do that aswell if not then print out the section of the map that you are in or alt tab when you are safe. There is not a lot else I can help you with, read tutorials and guides. These helped me a lot when I started playing. This game is supposed to be frustratingly difficult. Rocket has said many of times that the greatest thing for him is reading that someone got so pissed off at this game that they deleted and then half an hour later re-installed it and gave it another shot. Once you get used to the game you will get a lot better, hence less deaths. All I can say don't give up. The first 6-7 times I played I barley made it past 20 minutes.
  22. chewsta

    Why does everyone want me dead?

    I have some advice for you that may or may not help. 1. I never kill anyone who has no gun, however if they have an axe or crowbar and they come running at me I will not hesitate. 2. I will kill anyone I see in high risk areas unless rule 1 applies. These areas are basically Cherno, Elektro, Balota, Stary and NWAF. 3. In small areas I won't shoot on sight if I see the player, I will do either one of two things. I will make an escape without them noticing or try to make contact. 4. If you try to make contact with some one make sure you are behind cover and can see them at all times. Never leave yourself out in the open because if they open fire you are dead. 5. Anyone with a scoped weapon (ranged scopes, not kobra sight ect) are bandits. No man carries a scoped weapon to kill Zeds. These people I will kill on sight. 6. The better the loot someone has the more wary you should be of them, most of that good loot was not obtained by finding it. 7. If someone enters your backpack without permission or you give them permission but they take something that you did not say they could have, kill them. 8. If you meet up with someone who has no weapons and you give them a weapon never turn your back on them, insist the leave first. 9. If using a mic, when using direct com don't sound like a girl scout. You want whoever you are talking to you to think you mean business. Example, a friend and I were looting the balota airfield . In the hangar I found an AK74u-Kobra, a guy ran passed and saw us, over direct com he stated he had no weapons, relying back to rule 1 I let him live but I said to him in a firm voice that he was to continue in the direction he was going in and if I saw him again I would kill him. He agreed and left. 10. Never turn your back on someone you have just met. I have killed before for loot, however I will never kill for no reason. Even when I kill for loot it has to be very well worth it because killing someone in this game is a big thing. It's a lot harsher than other games, if you kill someone you are seriously going to screw up their day. Anyway I hope these tips help you to survive whilst not having to kill heartlessly.
  23. chewsta

    DayZ Stories

    This is the story of my current character, it involves me playing with 3 close friends. The names used will be that of which are the character's names in the game. I spawned near kamenka, and Swift jim had spawned nearby, we met up and decided we would hit up Balota, even though our friend Maul was telling us over vent not too. We went anyway. We arrived behind the Balota airfield and went straight for the tower, found some useless ammo and some other stuff. We then headed to the hangars. It was here that i found my prized possession, and AK74U-Kobra. A new player run past us, he saw us and over direct chat called out friendly, he stated that he had just spawned and had no gear. I told him that he was to continue on his way and if i did not see him again he would live. After he left another man came slowly into the hangar, I shot this man straight away. Swift Jimm took his gun, which was a MP5SD and we shared the rest of his loot. We then headed south to the deer stands and collected loot from there. It was getting late so we decided to call it a night, we headed north of the airfield and logged out. We logged in again the next night and Maul had died, so he deciced he would meet up with us while collecting loot along the way. We meet up with him north of the airfield and went in to loot the place again however it had already been looted, realising this we ran and started to head north. We hit up all the deerstands we could. At this stage we had a full hunting set, we had a hatchet, knife, matches and a guns so we could live off of the land. We arrived at the farm house between Drozhino and Kozlovka. After looting it we decided to head north, we were running across a paddock when we heard a sniper shot go off, then suddenly I had been hit. We ran back into the barn, My blood dropped quickly. Swift Jim bandaged me up, I had 2.5 k blood left. We decided we would stop playing for the night as it was getting late. We logged back in and decided that we needed food to get me more blood. Maul headed out towards Zelenogorsk while Swift Jim and I stayed at the barn, i was constantly passing out, I did not want to move. Maul had found a cow and killed it for its meat. Swift jim and I decided to go to Zelenogorsk and meat maul there. We made it to the small mountain called kurgan which is where we met Maul. Maul gave me 3 pieces of meat, him and swift Jim had a piece each and some glitched out of his bag. Maul and Swift Jim headed into Zelenogorsk whilst I binoc'ed the town. After a while I crawled into town my self, still constantly passing out. We decided we would meet at the supermarket, once I got their I got attacked by 2 zeds, I killed them but by the time I got bandaged up was back down to 2k health. Once again it was getting late so we decided to get out of town. We camped up in a hill west of Zelenogorsk. The next time we played we managed to convince spoon to play with us. He had not played in nearly a week and was up in the northwest airfield. He had decent gear such as an AK74U and a few mags. I came down south to try to meet up with me, Maul and Swift Jim went to loot the supermarket again. After waiting for a while Spoon finally got to me and gave me a blood transfusion, I was so happy. Passing out every 10 minutes is a bitch. Due to a miscommunication Swift Jim shot Maul in the leg, thus resulting in breaking it. Spoon and I decided to head into the supermarket to give Maul some morphine. We got there looted the place and then bailed. We headed back into the hills and started a fire, it was raining and cold. Spoon cooked up some meat that he had obtained along the way to me. Giving it to Maul and Swift Jim to get some blood back. It was good, we finally were ok. We decided to call it a night. The next day we decided to head east, we hit up the farm between Zelenogorsk and Soznovka. We found 2 cows and multiple Zeds. we killed the cows and the zeds and got all the meat we could. We then headed towards green mountain, hitting up deer stands and killing animals. When we got close to green mountain someone hacked the server and turned us all into cows. We loggged before anything else could happen. So right now we are all geared up, with plenty food and supplies. Headed towards Berezino to hit up the hospital.
  24. chewsta

    your first murder experience

    My first murder was I spawned in Elektro and raided the fire station, I found the m1014 shotgun but later got killed by a bandit. After re spawning near Elektro, I decided to go back there. I found my shot gun again but it only had two bullets. I picked it up and ran into this office building of sorts, upon running into this building I noticed another player crawling through another entrance. After running throughout the whole building and grabbing everything I wanted I climbed down a ladder to the road and went back into the building on the ground floor. I walked up a set of stairs and saw this guy crawling out of a room. I shot him with my last 2 shotgun shells, killing him instantly, I then proceeded to loot his corpse which I found some good gear such as an akm. This sounds bad, but i was not willing to let this man live because of the risk that he might find me and kill em first. This is what the main cities are like, it's kill or be killed.