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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    From Hicks_206 Reddit on Development

    They do, and you're on it.
  2. rickenbacker

    First time I lost my temper :)

    We didn't get harder zombies. We got zombies that hit you from 5m, facing the other way. And zombies that can't be hit with any melee weapon but the fireaxe and the hoe, because all the other ones simply don't hit anywher near the aiming point. It's bullshit and it needs to change. This is on the experimental servers, of course. Where, I might add, you also have to "cock" your melee weapon before you can swing it wildly around, hitting nothing.
  3. rickenbacker

    make pipe wrench as damaging as it shoudl be

    Just wait until you try the "new and improved" melee system in the next patch. You'll be lucky to hit the inside of a barn with a melee weapon the way it works there.
  4. rickenbacker

    Simple ideas for better dayz

    I thought he was referring to melee on the experimental servers. Currently you have to "cock" your melee weapon, and then swing it in a huge arc, hoping the zombie will be kind enough to step into its path. It doesn't work, and it needs to be changed. Firearms should work as they do now. Though I wouldn't mind the option to fire with your weapon lowered. You wouldn't hit anything, but it'd be a fun way for newbies to screw up and pull down a shitstorm of zombies on themselves :).
  5. rickenbacker

    Simple ideas for better dayz

    1. The servers display time in the way most of the world does. Bohemia can't help it if you're in a backwards country like the US or England :). Maybe make it an option, though? 2. Sure, why not. Nothing wrong with what we've got now, though, IMO. 3. Yes. 4. Agreed. Melee weapons should also always hit the center dot. The way it currently is in experimental makes melee combat unnecessarily clumsy and frustrating. 5. How do you know they can see you? 6. Sure, why not. I don't find it very intrusive as it is. 7. Yes. And then make this default on hardcore servers. 7. Nah, the current icons are very recognizable and work well.
  6. rickenbacker

    [POLL] Do you regret buying the SA?

    That's because you're not paying for an alpha, you're paying for the full game. If you look at it that way, it's a screaming deal.
  7. rickenbacker

    3 New pistols in DayZ Standalone Experimental

    I'm still hoping for a Smith & Wesson 625, which is chambered in .45 ACP. Needs moonclips, but it's a pretty awesome gun. There's also an obscure 9mm revolver that doesn't require clips, but that's a little less likely :).
  8. rickenbacker

    3 New pistols in DayZ Standalone Experimental

    Yeah, it's a CZ-75 in 9mm Parabellum, with threads for a suppressor. The .22 is a Ruger Mk II with internal suppressor, and the 1911 looks like an STI Spartan, chambered in .45 ACP. All good guns!
  9. rickenbacker

    Nice review of DayZ

    Reviewing a game a year before release? That's new.
  10. rickenbacker

    New Guns In DayZ The Colt 1911, Sporter 22 And The CR 75

    Ahh, it's the Ruger Mk II. Figures.
  11. rickenbacker

    Do you taunt people after you've killed them?

    So they say. I've never bothered to find out, I just log as soon as I'm killed. I figure a guy who killed me will have nothing useful to say anyway.
  12. Because experimental is a public test. It's fixed in the internal version, which will make it to experimental eventually, and then to the stable servers. That's how it works.
  13. rickenbacker

    New Guns In DayZ The Colt 1911, Sporter 22 And The CR 75

    Very nice! I can finally have a CZ in-game (I own a Tanfoglio clone of the CZ-75)! Looks like it has threads for a suppressor as well. Other random thoughts: The 1911 doesn't look like a Colt. From those grips, I'd say they took the looks from the STI Spartan. Either way, one of the most iconic pistols ever, I'm glad it's here. Are those lead bullets in those 9mm rounds? I don't know anyone who shoots anything but jacketed or hollowpoint jacketed 9's... But maybe the Chernarussians couldn't afford those :). What's an Amphibia S? Anyone got images?
  14. rickenbacker

    Just another new member opinion

    Some pointers for the OP: In military bases, avoid everyone or shoot first. Most people will simply drop you on sight there. Learn what a water pump looks like, and it's impossible to die of dehydration - almost every village has one.
  15. rickenbacker

    New Patch?

    Maybe everyone was trying to stock up on ammo before the new nasty zombies arrive? I know I did :).
  16. rickenbacker

    New Patch?

    Sorry, I just have to: It's a stripper clip you want. The Mosin already has a 5-round magazine built in :). And yes, I really really want to see clips for the Mosin too.
  17. rickenbacker

    Pliers made useful (and simple base building)

    You're thinking of wire cutters, not pliers. Pliers might be useful for putting fences together, though.
  18. rickenbacker

    Whats up with the mouse?

    The idea has nothing to do with over-reacting (well, apart from people over-reacting on the forums :)), but is rather an attempt to make your character in-game move at the speed a real human would move. But since we're used to inertialess head and body movements in normal shooters, this feels wrong.
  19. rickenbacker

    suggestion for login dead areas around attractive areas

    I like it, with the addition that you SHOULD be able to log out in the restricted area, and if you do you'll log on again on the edge of it. Which could be dangerous, but that's the risk you take when choosing to log off in a town or military base.
  20. Not always, some armies wear then on the outside. In the Swedish Army we wore our trousers on the outside of the boots, and they had special hooks to keep them attached to the tops of the boots. And in DayZ we're all civilians anyway, and most people don't tuck their trousers in.
  21. rickenbacker

    WTF are with the Books?

    Make your own flak vest by stuffing your shirt with books! Also, they must have been very quick to implement, free (they're all from Project Gutenberg), and only require a single 3D model with various, simple textures. They're a fun detail, that didn't require any resources to speak of to put in, so why the hell not?
  22. rickenbacker

    Long range skope (LRS) where does it spawn?

    Just go to Elektro and kill one of the "1337" snipers in the hills above the town - they never look behind them. You'll be doing everyone a favor, AND get a long range scope for free.
  23. rickenbacker

    broken legs

    This will be solved once we can gather sticks and firewood from trees.
  24. rickenbacker

    Long Range Scope question

    Not yet, but there will be eventually.
  25. rickenbacker

    Two primary weapons

    I think the current system is too generous. There should be NO carrying rifles on your shoulder, unless you find a sling (or make one using rope, or duct tape), and then only one.