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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker


    I'd like to reply to your question with a counter-question: WTH IS WRONG WITH ALL THE ENTITLED ASSHOLES ON THIS FORUM LATELY???
  2. rickenbacker

    Can I run this with ARMA II Free?

    Can you use the search function and/or Google? In that case yes, you can.
  3. rickenbacker

    Post Spawn Loot Comments here ONLY

    That would help' date=' but personally I'm very much for the weaponless spawn. Preferably with one or two random useful items (knife, watch, matches, compass, map etc), and one 'dose' each of food and water, and probably the basic medical supplies as well (bandage, painkiller, autoinjector). Sure, it's hard on the newbies, but what have all these new players done for the mod (except of course pay your salary :))? They've turned it into the world's slowest deathmatch game, that's what! Making the player spawn with no weapon will get rid of most of the ADD kids. Might be a good idea to reinstate the side channel, though, or maybe just make radios that you can use to communicate within a certain range (or all the map), so that noobs can ask for help. [hr']
  4. rickenbacker

    Aww, such a shame!

    This happens to me a lot, so I've just stopped helping people. I've even had guys stop, and start shooting at me while I was busy helping them with the zeds! That's just rude. Nitpick of the day: It's not a .44 revolver, it's a .45ACP, in real life it uses the same ammo as the 1911. In-game, the game mechanics forces them to use different ammo types, for some insane reason.
  5. rickenbacker

    Daytime Only Server?

  6. Well, that was quick, pulling out the standard response of those who exploit!
  7. rickenbacker

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Don't walk too close to walls either. I was just sucked out through the tower wall of a fire station, and landed bleeding, and with broken bones, on the roof outside. I regained consciousness just in time to bandage and drug myself up so I could get out of there :).
  8. rickenbacker

    Incentives to Cooperative Play

    How about you get a group of 2-3 and THEN approach random solo players? He's probably a lot more likely to take the olive branch if the alternative is a 3v1. Sounds great' date=' but if you don't have any IRL friends playing, making "friends" in this game is very difficult. I have tried reaching out to 6+ people in the week I've been playing and guess what? I was shot by each and every one of them. If you can find an ally, that's fantastic. But for those like myself, this is a very difficult proposition. Also, half the things you list can probably be condensed into one line. Example: Epi-pen, Bandages, Bloodpacks, etc > Render First Aid. I appreciate you trying to counter all the "whiners" like myself out there, but your list looks like you intentionally broke it up to make it appear larger (and hence, showing more benefits of cooperation) than there really are in this game. TL;DR Teaming up is great. Getting a team of strangers to cooperate together without dying in the process is easier said than done. [/quote'] I agree with all of this. There's no advantage to NOT shooting other players, so everyone plays the game like CoD and shoot on sight. I always try to talk to players near me, tell them I won't shoot, ask if they need help etc. The results the first few weeks of alpha: some really nice groups helping each other out. The results the last two weeks: every single person, without exception, just immediately shot me.
  9. rickenbacker

    Door sounds

    Definitely needed. Doors do nothing at the moment, except stop you from seeing through them. Zeds see through them, and other players can open them without you noticing, so there's no point in closing them at all.
  10. rickenbacker

    This is the MOST antisocial game ever

    The OP is talking about the 'prisoner's dilemma', although in very vague and confused terms. But that doesn't apply to Day Z, since in this game, there are no consequences to shooting on sight, so that's always the winning strategy for people who play to 'win'. Which is, of course, boring as fuck all, but that's the way the game is now.
  11. rickenbacker

    Dear Bandits

    I've yet to see any bandits in this game. Plenty of deathmatching CoD kiddies, though.
  12. rickenbacker

    should there be regular resets on characters

    Don't worry, there will be no reset. Well, I expect there will be ONE, when the mod is done (if it ever is), but not after that. Rocket has stated excplicitly that he doesn't want the mod to be 'fair' or 'balanced'.
  13. rickenbacker

    New item: sheppard's cane (just for fun)

    Making a corral won't work, though, as animals just ignore physical objects in ARMA 2. Just like zombies, they see and walk through walls.
  14. For the TL:DR kneejerk artists: The OP is saying that if resources were more scarce, maybe even with a limit per server on certain weapons, there would be some POINT to the free-for-all deathmatch servers we have now. Which I agree with.
  15. rickenbacker

    How my play style has changed

    Discuss what? You like stuff, other people might also like stuff. End of discussion.
  16. You have to remember that most of the 100.000 players don't post to, or even read the forums, they're busy playing, cooperating and surviving. It's not that bad, even though there are a few douchebags who kill for kicks, and justify it with 'that's what people would do in a real zombie apocalypse', which is obvious bullcrap even to them - they just need something to justify their griefing. If there WAS a real zombie apocalypse, most people would be zombified. The few survivors wouldn't have any weapons, and most of them would die within a few days when the food ran out at the local supermarket and they didn't know where to find more. But they wouldn't kill each other for no reason, or for food for that matter, simply because killing doesn't come naturally to 95% of the human race.
  17. rickenbacker

    Voice comms are supported in-game, right?

    Hey, ARMA II has only been out what, two years? Can't expect them to have it working properly already :).