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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Actually, I think most deerstands and barns are razorwired in solid by now. On some servers I feel like the entire map is covered in razorwire, three deep from border to border. Hopefully the bear traps will be easy to set off without dying (which is what happens if you break a leg without morphine atm).
  2. rickenbacker

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Isn't that what we're all here for? :)
  3. rickenbacker

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Bear traps at least sound more interesting (and more aviodable, and hopefully triggerable) than all this damn razorwire. You can't move for all the fucking wire these days! Plus, planting bear traps in the inner corner in the barracks (you know the one) will easily net you 20-30 server hoppers an hour!
  4. rickenbacker

    This game needs a punishment to being a bandit...

    This game needs a punishment for posting the same thread over, and over, and OVER again, without using the search function.
  5. rickenbacker


    Forever, or until the main server is reset :). If you die, it lasts 2-3 days, I believe.
  6. I would wager that people with any kind of military experience are less likely to shoot on sight in DayZ. It's the couch warriors you have to watch out for :).
  7. rickenbacker

    Shoot on Sight

    I connected my microphone yesterday, and found out that using voice chat can make encounters much easier. I ran into a few people, talked to them, and neither of them shot me. I still got shot a lot while looking for supplies in the south, but not by people I'd actually talked to. I guess it makes the encounter more human if you hear another voice. I tried shooting on sight, but I'm just not that much of an asshole. Had a guy in my sights last night at a store, was going to shoot, but changed my mind and asked if he was friendly. Turned out that he was, and very new, so I showed him where to find a backpack and some equipment, and we walked our separate ways. Almost gives you back hope for humanity!
  8. rickenbacker

    Barb wire and other Blockades!

    What? I don't get it. Why isn't that fair? If you want you can do that too. But as someone else said ... in most cases it's trolling. If you fortify your position i could ... not saying i would ... i could hop on another server get behind you and hop back onto the server. Oh yeah, combat trolling with cheating - good thinking!
  9. rickenbacker

    I have ALOT of questions :p

    What's an "alot"? Sorry, just had to.
  10. rickenbacker

    Introduction to DayZ (article)

    "ghillie", not "guille" and "lose", not "loose". Other than that, not bad. Kudos for using (some) of your own screenshots. At least I think you did :).
  11. rickenbacker

    What determines unlimited zombies?

    I once shot 54 zombies in a house in Elektro. They kept on spawning and running to me (this was before spawn rates were toned down), and only stopped when I switched from my AKM to the revolver, which is quieter.
  12. rickenbacker

    Sidechat and broken bones

    OP: Zombies can't see the flashlight, or chemlights. They CAN hear flares, and will investigate them if you toss one. The only danger with flashlights and chemlights is that other players will see them, and most of them will shoot you because they didn't get enough attention as children.
  13. rickenbacker

    What determines unlimited zombies?

    Depends on how many zombies can hear you shooting. If you shoot in the middle of a city, 30 or more can hear you, and will come looking for you. If you shoot at one zombie on the outskirts, only a few zombies can hear it. Shooting a loud rifle in the middle of a town can, with respawns, result in a literally endless train of zombies until you run out of ammo, or at least it could before the crazy spawn rates from 1.7.1 were toned down. So it's not random, it's just every zombie in the audible radius of your weapon coming to investigate. Louder weapons and/or more zombies around you, results in more action :).
  14. rickenbacker

    How I Dodge Zombies, And You Can Too!

    If there's a hill nearby, run at an angle up it (so that you don't slow down), then when the zombies are a ways up the slope, run straight down it. They'll run so fast that they fall off the hill and kill themselves. Only works on walkers, though, but you can outrun the rest.
  15. rickenbacker

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    no but they should add some kind of bolt cutter...or anyone who got a tool-box should be able to cut that wire fences off. That's how it works now! But when was the last time you saw a toolbox? I haven't seen one since 1.7.
  16. rickenbacker

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    The fog thing sounds really wierd, why would fog amplify sound? Sure, it might seem that way sometimes, but that's a psychological effect, not a real one. But hey, we're still all running around with fevers that would leave a real human flat on the ground, unable to stand up straight, so...
  17. rickenbacker

    To people blocking doors with tank traps

    You can if they're glitched into the floor. Happens a lot at airport towers and that grey industrial building with roof access. But since these things might as well not be there as far as the zombies are concerned, they're currently useless, except for griefing and being a total cunt. I say make them despawn 5 minutes after the placing player disconnects.
  18. ...which is EXACTLY what an alpha is for; trying out new, wild ideas and seeing what work, with the help of your alpha testers (you and me). Beta is where you fix the things you have decided should remain. You either have to grow some patience, or go away and quit whining about things out of our controls. Also, being rude is the best way to get Rocket (and everyone else) to ignore you. You know, like in real life. JEEZ, what's with this sense of entitlement? You didn't buy anything from Rocket or any Dayz developer, you bought ARMA2:OA, which is an excellent game in its own right. If THAT didn't work, you would have cause to bitch about how you paid for it, but the mod developers owe you jack shit.
  19. rickenbacker

    Loot washing up along the shore line

    I like it!
  20. rickenbacker

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Some quick notes from a short afternoon session: -Made a new character (in the main menu), but did NOT get the option to select gender for it. -Shot some zombies outside a barn. They respawned within 1-2 minutes, literally faster than I could shoot them and sneak past to get inside the barn. It's impossible to clear an area now, and it looks silly when 5-10 zombies spawn out of thin air in front of your eyes. -Ran inside said barn, pulling 5-6 zombies with me. Most of them followed me up the stairs, where I shot them. One lost track of me, and later responded to a thrown can just outside the door by walking over to it so I could shoot him. The can also pulled in three other zombies that had spawned outside in the 30-40 seconds it took me to shoot my entourage and toss a can on the ground. -One of the zeds above went behind some crates on the bottom floor, and lost sight of me. It started making the usual idle sounds, walking slowly into the open, where it spotted me and aggroed again - very nice! -crouch-walked behind a wall to avoid zombie LOS, which seemed to work well. Was surprised by a zed coming around the corner of a house, but I immediately went prone, and he walked past me, 4-5 meters away, without noticing. Nice. -Went inside a store, found a revolver, some matches and lots and lots of binoculars and watches. Other than that, every loot pile was empty cans. So, aggro and the following behaviour seems to work very well, as does LOS (from my limited experimentation). Loot seems broken, at least I didn't see any food or water, but this was a limited sample. Zombie spawn rate is INSANE - they literally spawn faster than you can knock them down. Frame rates were as good as 1.7 or better throughout my playing session.
  21. rickenbacker

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Of course not, the mod isn't in beta yet.