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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    They have one use, apparently: Steel target shooting matches, where you have to drop steel plates at 50-150m. And even then, the most common caliber is .357 Magnum, the .50AE is just for drug dealers to show off to their friends.
  2. rickenbacker

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Are you sure you don't mean 7,65x17mm (.32ACP)? That's a pretty common caliber, though not used very much anymore. But it is used in the Walther PPK, which is a gun I really want to get some day. The only 7mm cartridge I know of is the 7x20mm Nambu, used by the most useless pistols in the history of the world (the Japanese Nambu pistols).
  3. rickenbacker

    I think I found the rarest item in the game so far

    Can openers are common-ish, but they're hard to see and frequently spawn UNDER the floor in, say, the general stores. I can generally find one, though. The thing that bothers me is that in the image it's clearly NOT made from cast iron.
  4. rickenbacker

    Harries Technique Applied to Torches and Combat Knives

    Not by much, but perhaps a little bit. This is most definitely NOT more stable than a proper two-handed grip, and as the linked text says, it utilizes muscles that you don't normally use, and you get tired faster.
  5. rickenbacker

    Grenades Threat.

    I like your grenade idea, but not the booby traps. Mines and booby traps suck. Also, the "trap" quoted above won't work. Even if you could get the victim to step on the shell hard enough to set the primer off, the gas will just escape out the side and the bullet won't even go through the victim's shoe. Even IF it worked, say if you buried a pistol and rigged it to fire if stepped on (which seems both like a waste of a pistol and kind of complicated), a pistol shot won't "blow someone's leg off".
  6. rickenbacker

    Day / Night realism

    Might as well remove the nights altogether. I know I enjoy the atmosphere, but the only people who play at night are gamma cheaters, so if I played at night, i'd be at a huge disadvantage. I thus never play on a server where it's night time. And no one else seems to either, as you can see the number drop from 40 to 2-3 as night falls on a server.
  7. rickenbacker

    Nobody's talking about inventory?

    A solution in search of a problem, if you ask me. This is unnecessarily complicated, and adds nothing to the game.
  8. rickenbacker

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    You probably do. I just get real frustrated with the internet gun experts who all want Deagle brand Deagles in every damn game.And, in all honesty, you WERE wrong, whether you know what you're about or not :). And the army doesn't have depots all across the country anymore. They did, but now it's all centralized to a few large depots where all guns are kept. I remember my dad having a submachinegun in his closet when I was a kid! That doesn't really happen anymore :). The one Swedish gun I'd like to see in the game is actually the M45 submachinegun. Carried one for a year during my military service, and I quite liked it! No reason for it to be in Chernarus, though, other than that it's cool.
  9. rickenbacker

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    This is an extremely poor attempt at trolling. Ghosters should be banned from the internet for life.
  10. rickenbacker

    Too many buildings to loot

    1. Then don't loot them all. 2. Loot respawn won't fix server hopping, but it will get rid of the "casual server hoppers", who just want a chance of loot. 3. They're not. The fact that you don't have indicators makes it more immersive, and you do have plenty of clues to tell you whether you need food or water. 4. Every human has the ability to regenerate blood over time. Hell, every mammal does. 5. They will optimize it. It won't get as good as they think (it never does), but it will get better. And when the game comes out in 2017, you'll probably have a better computer anyway :). 6. This is just complete bullshit. You're saying that 90% of people are shooting each other on sight IRL?
  11. rickenbacker

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Well, I dunno about "insanely low". I forgot to put my ear pro on before shooting once, and that was a mildly painful experience. And you can hear a .22 from quite a distance. It IS less noisy than bigger calibers, though, and thus much easier to suppress.
  12. rickenbacker

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Everyone with a brain would prefer something bigger, but I like the idea of a crappy gun for the noobs, or those looking for a challenge. Plus, if we're talking handguns, they aren't very powerful in general, a rifle is always preferable. How common .22s are depends on where you live. In Sweden theyr'e relatively common, as every other hunter has one for cheap practice, and EVERY competitive pistol shooter has to buy a .22 as his first pistol.
  13. rickenbacker

    Sniper Rifles

    OK, this is the best post in this thread so far. You should have clicked the links in the Wikipedia article that is obviously your only source of knowledge about weapons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_operated Gas operated means that the gas from the exploding propellant is used to reload the weapon, making it semi-automatic. Not that it's "gas powered" :).
  14. rickenbacker

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Aren't you a gangster! Unfortunately there's no such thing as an AK-6 or a 7mm handgun. Most of what you saw was probably airsoft. That said, guns aren't that uncommon in Europe, even legally owned ones. Civilian guns should be common (i.e. hunting rifles with low power scopes, shotguns), target guns a little less common (pistols, revolvers, rifles, AR-15's) and military and police guns very uncommon.
  15. rickenbacker

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    Nahh! The Swedish army has self-propelled 155mm howitzers. Give me one of those!
  16. That has nothing to do with it. The heavy breathing is just an indicator that you now can't shoot straight for a while :).
  17. rickenbacker

    Hacks or destruction?

    Hard to tell, the guy on the left sure had a LOT of ammo, but he might have server-hopped for it, or just duped it. Nothing in the engagement screams "hack" at me, and at least they played it straight and didn't ghost behind you!
  18. rickenbacker

    What are your thoughts on the FNX 45?

    That's true of real life pistols as well, though. If you can hit your target beyond 10m you're an expert shot!
  19. rickenbacker

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Same. Server login takes a few minutes, rubberbanding up to 2-3 minutes back (!), no loot seems to spawn and I only hear zombies, I can't see them and they don't seem to be able to hit me.
  20. rickenbacker

    Question for Mosin experts

    Well yeah, that's working as intended. If you zero it at 400 yards, the bullet will be a few inches above the crosshairs at 200. Plus the game "simulates" human inaccuracy by giving the rifles HUGE dispersion if you fire them from anything but lying down with an extended bipod.
  21. rickenbacker

    Sniper Rifles

    They're not hard to operate, but they're hard to use effectively. I'm a pistol shooter, and when we introduce new people to the sport, they can pick up how the gun works pretty quickly (well, most can :)), but it takes a few months before they're able to consistently hit the target where they want to.
  22. rickenbacker

    Sniper Rifles

    AR-15's are made to be easy to shoot, and they are. I have very little experience with rifles (I'm more of a pistol guy), but within a few minutes of holding an AR-15 for the first time, I was plinking away at palm-sized targets at 100m and hitting every time. Not as easy at long range, though, not without quite a lot of training.
  23. rickenbacker

    Sniper Rifles

    There is? What difference is that, then? Other than green paint.
  24. rickenbacker

    map in 4 pieces is nonsense thing

    Um, everywhere? I think every country has maps of parts of it.
  25. rickenbacker

    Random sounds scaring me so much when I have end gear

    The ambient sound mix does contain a few sounds that shouldn't be there at the moment. There's the classic "chain link fence rattle" from the mod, but now they've added a zombie bark and the sound of someone opening a can of soda. I keep hearing all three while walking around in the middle of the woods :).