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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    The Gun of your Choice

    I guess it depends on whether we're talking in the game or in real life. In the game, I take the SKS over the M4 every time. In real life, there's no way I'd trade an M4 for a rickety old russian rifle.
  2. rickenbacker

    The Gun of your Choice

    I'd go with the M4 in any situation where I didn't have to conceal the weapon, actually. It's way more accurate than any other gun on the list (yeah, I know it's not in the game, but in real life it's noticeably more accurate than the Mosin). If I had to carry the gun all day, or conceal it, I'd go with the CZ-75, simply because I have a clone of it and know I can shoot well with it.
  3. rickenbacker

    .42 New Weapons: Good or Bad?

    That's as it should be. The CZ has a threaded barrel, the 1911 doesn't, so it doesn't accept suppressors. I think any new civilian weapons are good. Now if we could get somewhat realistic ballistics to go with them...
  4. rickenbacker


    It's all due to the very strange and counterintuitive "cone of fire" system used to simulate accuracy. In the game, putting a bipod or a compensator on your rifle, somehow magically makes the barrel shoot straighter! The Mosin is probably the only weapon in the game with a somewhat realistic dispersion, though. The M4 should have slightly less than the Mosin, but currently it's more like a garden hose when it comes to accuracy. Unless you put magical Accuracy +1 accessories on it, to make it closer to reality.
  5. rickenbacker

    Food and drink system needs to change!

    All houses will spawn stuff eventually, it's just broken right now. So that's number 2 taken care of. As for the first one, that's part of the challenge of respawning, and I quite like it.
  6. rickenbacker

    Umbrella's and other curios

    I like the umbrella idea. And the rain poncho, but the engine might not allow that, as having clothing cover more than one part of the body seems impossible at the moment. Teflon doesn't really work that way... Sure, you can spray it on something to get a nonstick surface, but it won't do much for clothing, it won't make bullets better and it won't do anything for your cooking. And I really don't see how it could INCREASE grip on anything.
  7. rickenbacker

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Because there's no point stress-testing .37.
  8. rickenbacker


    Most sources I've researched (admittedly online) state 4-4.5 MOA for a new, unblemished Mosin-Nagant. The AKM seems to be capable of 3.5-4. So the accuracy is about the same. Even the AR family, and thus the M4, are only a little bit more accurate than that. In actual practice, you probably wouldn't notice the difference between the assault rifles we're getting in the game, all the rifles would seem about as accurate at any kind of realistic range.
  9. rickenbacker

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Yes. On my i5-3570K, 16GB, GTX660Ti system, I noticed a marked FPS drop with the current stable patch.
  10. rickenbacker


    The sounds are a mess at the moment. But Bohemia recently hired a sound designer, so it should get better soon!
  11. rickenbacker

    Bush-Plane on pontoons and guide gear.

    While I love me some bush planes, this map is WAY too small for airplanes. The only place they could land on floats would be the ocean, and most bush planes small enough to possibly fit on the tiny Chernarus map generally aren't equipped with amphibian floats (i.e. floats with retractable wheels). Ultralights would make more sense, but even those would fly clear across the map in a few minutes.
  12. rickenbacker

    Nonlethal shotgun ammo-Rock salt

    Unconscious? How does salt render someone unconscious? It hurts as hell, probably does some damage, and potentially ruins eyes and teeth, if it hits the head. But I don't think that would really be represented in-game, and thus the rock salt shells would have no effect except pissing the victim off.
  13. rickenbacker

    AKM Sneak peak close to being implemented

    Looking forward to getting some more eastern guns! I would be more excited if we could get rid of the "cone of fire", though. The AKM will probably be fine up to 50m, after that it will be random chance if you hit anything at all, even if your sights are perfectly lined up on it.
  14. rickenbacker

    All the colors of the Rainbow!

    They'll get to it eventually. The bottleneck is that every piece of equipment that can be painted requires a separate new texture for each color of paint. So it takes time to put a new paint in the game.
  15. rickenbacker

    How far away can you hear the eating/ammo sound?

    With the current state of the sound engine, anything from 1-500m or more.
  16. rickenbacker

    Anyone else tried shooting a rabbit?

    The opposite is worse: When you hear zombies growl behind you, think "it's just a rabbit" and then start bleeding from a zombie attack :).
  17. rickenbacker

    Regarding future updates

    I don't think we'll see this in the next update, no. The assets people seem to be ahead of the programmers/designers, as we have so far gotten the models and animations long before the gameplay mechanics were in place. So these will probably be included in the next experimental, but not useable until the one after that.
  18. No one has promised anything. And thanks to assholes like you, soon they won't even give us an estimate.
  19. He's not only wrong about that, they also didn't use the ARMA 2 engine :).
  20. rickenbacker

    buttstock cartridge holder

    I didn't think the OP meant it would make reloads faster, just a way to carry a few extra rounds without taking up space in the bag... I don't think it WOULD make reloads much faster in real life either, compared to say keeping a few rounds in your pocket.
  21. rickenbacker

    buttstock cartridge holder

    You misunderstood the suggestion. The OP wants the ability to store a few rounds (5-10) in a pouch on the buttstock, which is something you can add to many rifles in the real world. And of course we need stripper clips for the Mosin. As well as the ability to load it one round at a time (which you currently can't do without emptying the entire magazine first).
  22. rickenbacker

    Sweatshirts and t shirts / jackets and t shirts

    T-shirts don't give you two slots...
  23. rickenbacker

    disabling weapons when abandoned

    Anyway, this is purely a griefing mechanic, and it adds nothing useful to the game, so I say no.
  24. rickenbacker

    Nuclear area

    Where would the radiation come from? There are no nuclear powerplants, and there hasn't been a nuclear war...
  25. rickenbacker

    Bone breaking skin

    Would add nothing to the game, be annoying and soak up loads of development time. I don't like it, I'm afraid.