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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    So It Happened To Me (Reset)

    It won't be the last time your character gets wiped before release (in 2015?). Just grin and bear it. Gearing up is more fun anyway :).
  2. rickenbacker

    Reaction On Dying

    My reaction is more along the lines of "Oh well, time to gear up again. Fun!"
  3. It's the instant gratification mindset. It's typical of 3-year-olds, though some people hold on to it well into their retirement years, apparently.
  4. rickenbacker

    Dead man's swiches

    Would you run around with a live grenade, with the pin pulled, in your backpack all day? Just to get back at someone who might possibly kill you? No, I didn't think so.
  5. rickenbacker

    The benefits of being a "Hero"

    There's no reward to KoSing either, it's just safer. Most killers in this game don't even loot, and when they do, all they get is stuff they already had or didn't need in the first place.
  6. rickenbacker

    Do you save your loot? or spend it when you can?

    The longer I play, the less stuff I keep. I eat all food as soon as I can, unless I expect to give some of it to a friend. I never keep more than 3 magazines of ammo for my M4 (every time I've needed more than two, there were too many enemies and I died anyway) and no extra guns (what would be the point of a pistol, when I have a rifle?). I've also stopped carrying 5 water bottles, as a well is never more than 5-10 minutes walk away. I now carry one bottle of water for emergencies. I probably WOULD carry medical supplies, but most of them aren't used for anything in the current version, som some bandages, morphine and perhaps a blood kit is enough.
  7. rickenbacker

    Best Misunderstandings?

    Saw a guy chased by a zombie through a bard. I was starving and low on health, so I thought it was two zombies and promptly whacked him with my fire axe :). Apologized and bandaged him up afterwards, though.
  8. So by being the 300.000th person to combat log, you think you increase the chances of the devs fixing the problem? Great job there, Sherlock Holmes!
  9. I agree about KoS and killing new spawns (or whoever you want), as there is nothing in the game to prevent you from doing so. Glitching, server hopping and combat logging, though, are all exploits and/or cheats, since they use elements outside the game. The developers have also stated that neither of those is intended, and that they will be stopping players from using them. So, in other words, you're 2/5 right. Do whatever you want within the context of the game, but don't expect to keep your DayZ account if you use glitches, exploits or cheats. Only a complete idiot would expect to get away with that kind of thing.
  10. rickenbacker

    No loot in cars since update?

    They either turned the spawn rate way, way down in some spots, or they broke something with the update. The white barns now have loot, but the cars don't, and some houses that DID have loot before the patch, now has none or very much less than before.
  11. rickenbacker

    So, about the Mosin's new compensator...

    We don't know how the AK family will be modeled in the game yet. But I agree about the weapons modeling, using a "cone of dispersion" to simulate the human factor, unfortunately causes counterintuitive solutions like this. Putting a compensator/muzzle brake on a real life Mosin wouldn't really do anything. It sure as hell wouldn't make it more accurate, the best result you could hope for would be to enable the user to fire it more times before getting a sore shoulder, and making very slightly faster followup shots. Which is useless in a bolt action anyway.
  12. The Chernarus rail network isn't electrified, so it'd have to be a diesel locomotive. And why would you have to turn around?
  13. rickenbacker

    Are they breaking DayZ as we know it?

    Alpha is the time to break things, beta the time to fix them.
  14. rickenbacker

    Remove Payday Masks from Game

    I love the Payday masks! If I see a guy wearing one, I know he's an idiot and can just shoot him right away. It's a huge timesaver!
  15. rickenbacker

    new player strategy - pointers needed

    Just wait for the "stuffed" status to go away, then eat. Takes a few minutes. I think the entire stomach empties in about half an hour or so, so you can eat and drink pretty often. The fireaxe is the best weapon in the game. Once you have it, you can just run up to any zombies and one-hit them. Look for it in garages and workshops.
  16. rickenbacker

    Mythical 'Healthy' Status

    I think they work instantly, but the stomach then takes time to process the contents, so you still can't eat immediately after you fill up. This is based on me starving, and going all the way back to not hungry instantly by eating two cans of food.
  17. What possible answer can there be? Compensators don't do anything to improve accuracy, period.
  18. rickenbacker

    Gun echo.

    i hear it all the time, but it's not the right sound. It sounds like someone firing a gun right next to your ear now. Needs to be more of a "whip" snap, than a loud boom as it currently is.
  19. No, it increases accuracy, which is BS.
  20. rickenbacker

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    Something is odd with the loot spawns. A few buildings that didn't have any loot (i.e. barns) now have it, but a lot of buildings that USED to have loot now have none. It's not consistent, but it happens too often for it to be a coincidence.
  21. rickenbacker

    Berry Picking?

    The berries is a lie! Or maybe they're just all see-through?
  22. rickenbacker

    I just think the blood system needs to go...

    The hunger/thirst/health system is actually a pretty decent simulation of how a real body works, with some abstractions. And it's very intuitive, once you get it. Eat all you can to store energy, drink to keep your fluid reserves up, and stay healthy to heal your wounds. It's not rocket science.
  23. rickenbacker

    Mosin is horrible unless your accuracy is 100%

    This man speaks the truth. I shoot pistols, and pretty much every pistol ever made can make one ragged hole in the X ring at 25m. I can't do it every time, but the pistol can, if I do my part. The annoying thing in DayZ is the way they model the human factor. They do it by adding a large, random dispersion cone to all guns. This means that everyone spreads their shots all over the map, no matter how good you are. It also means unrealistic stuff like the muzzle brake/recoil compensator that was just added that ADDS ACCURACY to the rifle. This is of course total bullshit, but it's an artefact of the convoluted way the engine handles human factors.
  24. rickenbacker

    Mosin is horrible unless your accuracy is 100%

    So is the OP, apparently.
  25. Long story short: Your $30 bought you a game that won't be out for another two years. But while you wait, you can help test it, and maybe have some fun on the side. If you don't like that, don't pay.