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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    Turbo Question

    I've found that "fist running" crashes the game and/or kicks you off the server after a while. Maybe that's just me, though, but I don't do it anymore.
  2. You're in luck! Since the last patch, the server browser displays time.
  3. Apart from being cheating, that won't work in a few days.
  4. Being stuffed was always bad, but in the current version it doesn't cause you to insta-puke.
  5. This would lead to you being constantly on the edge of dehydration and starvation, and needing to eat and drink every few minutes. Stuffed needs to be a warning that you MIGHT throw up if you eat/drink more, not insta-puke. We need to be able to fill up on energy (i.e. eat enough to store it in our fat cells) without puking.
  6. "stuffed" just means that your stomach is getting full, can be water or food, or a combination of the two. You can still have low energy and starve to death, if your stomach is full of water.
  7. The "stuffed" message comes up when your stomach is half full, IIRC. If you eat after that, you might throw up, with the chance of puking increasing as you approach a full stomach - i think, that last bit is conjecture. Of course, the new patch might be bugged as well.
  8. There are long periods between thirst and hunger. The problem is that we all start out dehydrated and on the verge of starvation. Once you get your energy level and hydration up, you can go for hours without eating or drinking.
  9. rickenbacker


    When you say torches, I think that rags, sticks and some fuel would make an excellent torch! All you need is a match to light it, and you're set!
  10. So, around 5x that of a real human being. I don't actually mind that, given the huge distances in the game.
  11. Well, it really doesn't. The loot spawn chance must be infinitesimally small in log cabins, because I have never, ever seen any loot in one, nor even heard of anyone who's seen loot in one. Maybe it spawns below the floor or something, but it sure doesn't spawn inside the house.
  12. rickenbacker

    Cannot Use An Item (E.g. Drink/eat) If It Is "ruined"

    Currently, though, shooting someone in the foot ruins everything in their backpack. It's broken.
  13. rickenbacker

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    Dunno if you've noticed, but people who just died are walking around all over Chernarus :).
  14. rickenbacker

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    "Community" joke? :)
  15. rickenbacker

    Zombies Spotting You From A Distance.

    Don't worry about it. If you're unarmed, just aim for the top of their heads. You should punch them in the face (hit detection in melee is way off) and knock them down. Keep hitting them, and knocking them down if they get up. They'll be dead before you know it. The only problem is that you'll take some damage, so stock up on torn-up t-shirts to bandage with before you go looting. You won't lose that much blood, though, and you'll find a weapon soon enough.
  16. rickenbacker

    Is Optimization Ever Going To Happen?

    Probably in beta, that is sometime next winter.
  17. rickenbacker

    Today's Pending Update.

    Because it's not the same people doing the backend code that are doing the spray cans.
  18. rickenbacker

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    Well, sights (or all optics, actually) have a specific angle of view. If you mess with this, I imagine your sight picture could look a bit off. Oh, and "zoom" and "field of view" can be used interchangeably. Zoom is just a word camera makers invented to describe changing the angle of view of a certain lens.
  19. rickenbacker

    North-West Missile Base

    Dunno about missile base. To me it says military or possibly part of a small space program, though. And I hope it is, it looks neat!
  20. rickenbacker

    Today's Pending Update.

    I'm most upset about the berries news. Says they have higher nutritional value now, but there's still no mention of actual berries being put into the game! Rocket is berry-trolling us, people.
  21. rickenbacker

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    Orange raincoats or bright blue shirts make people more likely to talk to you. KoSers are still going to shoot you, but by wearing non-military clothes, I've managed to get out of more than half my encounters with other people alive. Oh yeah, and if you want to get shot on sight by EVERYONE, just wear a Payday mask.
  22. rickenbacker

    Vehicles (Planning)

    Yes. One of those.
  23. rickenbacker

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    It's impossible to prevent. You just have to live with it and explain it away as people having radios. There's also gamma cheating, which can't be prevented and won't go away, but that one I really hate. It's the reason I never, ever play on night servers. Night should just be removed, with sunset rolling over into sunrise.
  24. There are a lot of problems with sounds still. I don't know if it's possible to have the doors make noise, but that's very high on my list. You can already hear the footsteps of other players, though, but you have to be very, very close and have your sound turned up high. Needs to be a little more audible, at least for running on hard surfaces. I tested this on an asphalt road, an I could barely hear my buddy running past me at 1m or so. I have also noticed, like many others in this thread, that the log houses have no loot, ever. Nor do the smaller barns, although the white, three-level barns now have lots of good loot! Looks like a very good patch, by the way. But I'm still convinced that the "berries" are just a troll attempt - they're not in the game!
  25. rickenbacker

    For those complaining about development pace

    I don't think anyone who hasn't created their own game, faster than Bohemia, has any right to complain about the pace of development. It's slow, yes, but it's slow on purpose, and I'm confident it'll get there in the end.