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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    "Useless Items" - an authentic world

    The kiddie backpack isn't useless, it's just odd. I love odd things, but useless things would add nothing to the experience, they'd just be annoying. So I'm all for more strange items like this, but please don't add things that have no use. The database is slow enough as it is.
  2. rickenbacker

    Products of the murderer

    OP, you either ate something else that poisoned you, as cornflakes aren't poisonus even when ruined, or you ate too much, threw up and then died of thirst or starvation.
  3. rickenbacker

    Bullets can to go through Wood Doors and Walls.

    "Full metal jacket" just means that your bullet (the bit of the cartridge that goes flying towards the target :)) is unbroken, usually a solid copper piece. As opposed to hollowpoints and other bullets with holes in the front.
  4. rickenbacker

    So idk if anyone else noticed this...

    I don't get in firefights very much, but today I faced off with someone in the admin building at the NEAF. He hit me maybe twice, to no real ill effect (my screen went a tiny bit blurry), and I emptied half a mag into him before he finally died. This was at very close range, so I'd say 10-15 shots probably hit him, if not more, before he finally went down.
  5. rickenbacker

    If you like dying, come to BEREZINO.

    Just OP waving his e-dick around. Nothing to see here.
  6. It's not very useful as a "loot map" anyway, since the loot spawn rate is now so low that it's 0% in most buildings, for all practical purposes. I still love the DayzDB map for navigation, though.
  7. Not really. I wear stuff that has less than the maximum number of slots, simply because I like how it looks. It also helps me not get shot, as you will if you walk around in full camo.
  8. rickenbacker

    DayZ Standalone Weapon Guide

    Well, I suppose then you could just post stupid threads on the forum.
  9. rickenbacker

    compensating bullet drop distances

    No, it's been a part of Bohemia games since Operation Flashpoint in the 90's.
  10. rickenbacker

    Shoe sizes and clothing sizes

    No. This just adds frustration for no reason, while adding nothing to the game.
  11. rickenbacker

    Gps player location indicator

    GPS satellites will start to get unreliable without daily updates. WIthin a day you'll notice degradation, within a few weeks to a few months, they'll be completely useless.
  12. rickenbacker

    A new idea to stop the "kill-on-sight" mentality

    Not going to happen. The devs have stated that this game will focus on player skill, not character skill, and thus won't have roleplaying elements like this.
  13. rickenbacker

    Just 2¢ from someone who has used these weapons in his day job

    The AK family is hardly crap. They're very well designed and constructed for their purpose: to be used by uneducated kids with an hour or two of weapons training, and to operate even if you pour a handful of grit into the mechanism. They're not made to be the world's most accurate weapon. simply because they don't have to: most firefights take place within 100m or less.
  14. rickenbacker

    Akimbo Pistols

    Sure, as long as accuracy is lowered to pretty much nothing. Akimbo pistols is not a real thing, and never has been used in any way, by anyone, other than Hollywood actors.
  15. rickenbacker

    SKS and Mosin Stripper clips.

    The current solution for speedloaders would work equally well for clips. The clip/speedloader stays "attached" until you reload, and then shows up in inventory, empty.
  16. rickenbacker

    Respawn Loot

    Congratulations, no one had thought of this! The devs had no clue what to do about the loot problems and had no plans to implement respawning loot. Nor did they write about this in the announcements months ago. You've just solved all their problems forever! You are a true hero of the Internet!
  17. rickenbacker

    Dog Tags good or bad idea ?

    Weeeelll... My native Sweden used to issue dog tags to all citizens on birth (I still have one somewhere), to be worn in case of war, so it'd be easy to tell who you were and what blood type you had. They stopped in the mid 70's, but I'm sure other countries in Europe did the same...
  18. rickenbacker

    Knockout strike suggestion

    Exactly. If you know what you're doing, you can aim for the head and have a high chance of a knockout blow. Just like in real life. No need for a bogus "takedown" mechanic, IMO.
  19. rickenbacker

    Gameplay Mechanics Pt4 - The Weapons

    I really like a lot of your ideas, but this one is a classic gunstore myth. Compressed springs don't degrade anymore than relaxed ones, springs only wear out if they are continuously moved. Thus a full mag shouldn't wear out any faster than an empty one. I would also like the ability to duct tape pretty much anything to anything else :). I like your melee ideas, and would add that gloves would significantly lower the chance of hurting yourself when punching.
  20. Here I thought the first post was going to read "toilet paper" :).
  21. rickenbacker

    Knockout strike suggestion

    You can already do this, we don't need a separate, unnecessarily complicated, mechanic for it.
  22. rickenbacker

    Allow Iv Bag Use On Yourself

    They didn't do this for realism reasons, but rather for gameplay reasons. This way you can''t just magically heal yourself, you need help. So it's probably not going to change.
  23. What the hell are you talking about? You're making no sense.
  24. rickenbacker


    I don't really wear military gear. Much more likely to get shot if you're in full camo and a brain bucket :).
  25. rickenbacker

    DayZ Standalone Weapon Guide

    A few notes: The speedloader decreases the loading time, not the other way around. It also allows you to reload the revolver and shotgun by hitting R, as many times as you have filled speed loaders in your inventory. A 3,5x sight is not a "sniper scope", it's just an optical sight. The long-range scope for the Mosin-Nagant is the only scope that has an extra zoom level (activated by looking through the scope, then holding down the right mouse button) right now. I wouldn't call the CZ-75 (or any pistol/revolver) "powerful". In any case, the CZ isn't as powerful as a .357 magnum revolver or a .45ACP pistol. But handguns in general aren't regarded as powerful, if you really want to hurt someone, you use a rifle. You can swing your mouse around all you want, there are no "mouse gestures" in DayZ, and your axe swings the same way every time no matter what you do.