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Everything posted by rickenbacker

  1. rickenbacker

    It's Alpha

    Personally, I just hope the devs don't read this forum...
  2. rickenbacker

    Firefighter's axe in a backpack, but not an M4?

    If we're talking plausibility and/or realism here, no one in their right mind would put a loaded weapon in a back pack, safety or not. Hell, you shouldn't even put down a loaded weapon, ever. Holster it or make it safe before you put it away.
  3. rickenbacker

    Ideas to make Chernarus feel more Eastern European

    It would, actually. It would have some other unwelcome effects, and would eventually make you throw up, but it would initially hydrate you. Fluid is fluid.
  4. rickenbacker

    Blood Test Kit

    Great ideas! I might add that saline "overdosing" should eventually kill you by overhydration (thinning of the blood to the point where it can no longer transport oxygen). At least I hope they implement that.
  5. rickenbacker

    Improvised suppressors

    The oil filter suppressors require an adapter, as well as a threaded barrel. Would be great fun to see it in the game, but it's not as "improvised" as you think :).
  6. rickenbacker

    Hunting and equipping time

    Everything you've suggested is already in the works. Except the AK-47, which probably won't be in the game as it's a bit of an antique and not really in use anywhere. The AK-74, though, has already been shown in dev videos, so we'll get some members of the AK family sometime soon.
  7. rickenbacker

    im scared to log in

    You'll die and/or be reset many, many times between now and release. Don't worry about it, just learn to embrace the fear :).
  8. rickenbacker

    character back ?

    No. Just get used to it.
  9. rickenbacker

    When being knocked unconscious...?

    Double-tap on the Alt key locks freelook. Just double-tap it again.
  10. rickenbacker

    When being knocked unconscious...?

    Stuffed has nothing to do with energy levels, that just means that your stomach is full. You need to eat until you get the "energized" status, then you'll start regenerating. Let your stomach rest for a bit, then keep eating. You need to get about 5000 Kcal in you, which is more than 12 cans of beans.
  11. rickenbacker

    How much authenticity is too much?

    How could you possibly know that? Chernarus isn't a real place, so for all we know it could have a dedicated target shooting community, which would mean lots and lots of .22's lying around everywhere. Lodged bullets could be made semi-realistic, though. Say you could remove them with tweezers (some bleeding), knives and scalpels (more bleeding) or pliers (lots and lots of bleeding). You'd then bandage up the injured limb, and once the would healed, the negative modifier from a bullet lodged in it would go away.
  12. rickenbacker

    Gas masks, payday masks, crash helmets

    Not sure about gas masks, but full camo and gear make you seem more "military" and thus more likely to shoot. And the payday masks just mean that you're a douchebag, and I'll shoot you to save time if you wear one of those :). But, as I'm sure you already know, there are no sure signs that you're a bandit,
  13. rickenbacker


    I think this idea is the shit!
  14. Nothing is taking priority over bug fixes, you just don't understand game development. They're doing both at the same time. Also, there are no sewing machines.
  15. rickenbacker

    Winchester 1895

    I like it! Plus, with a hacksaw you could make a "mare's leg" by chopping off the barrel and stock.
  16. rickenbacker

    Speedloaders done right.

    This might be a limitation of the engine, or simply something that they hacked in to get it in-game sooner, and will fix later. The workaround is of course to have more than one speedloader, so you can keep a filled on in inventory.
  17. rickenbacker


    Would make more sense to find a rifle there. Most firestations have a rifle or two with a mid-range scope, to shoot gas canisters in case of industrial fires.
  18. rickenbacker

    Gameplay Mechanics Pt1 - The Player

    I really like the thoughts in the first half of the posts. But please, no skills!
  19. rickenbacker

    take damage when you hit a wall with your hands for more realism

    I think you should take damage when you hit anything with your bare fists. Gloves can then be used to negate this.
  20. rickenbacker

    Get hungry in a minute.

    You can survive for hours and hours, probably even days, without eating in the current version. But you need to be well fed ("energized" in the game) first. When you first start out, you're already dehydrated and minutes from starvation, but once you get healthy, it's easy to stay that way. The current game mechanic is pretty damn good. What you're after is a little more time to find food in the beginning, which I'm OK with.
  21. rickenbacker

    Degrading Skills and Books

    The only skills that should be important in DayZ are player skills, not character skills.
  22. rickenbacker

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    This would only add unecessary frustration, so I say no.
  23. rickenbacker

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    If you didn't clean them (or at the very least cleaned the bore) before firing, I'd expect both to fail. If you did the very minimum of maintenance, I'd expect both to work fine.
  24. rickenbacker

    Weapon Balance vs "Realism"

    Three words: Cone of fire. This bullshit game mechanic has made semiauto and bolt action rifles more accurate than full auto weapons for decades now, and I wish people would stop using it.
  25. rickenbacker

    Optimize this Please

    No, we can't agree on that. An Alpha isn't the place for optimizing, it's where you put stuff in, break the game, fix it so you can put more stuff in etc. Beta is for optimizing and polishing.