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About Gert-Jan

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  1. Gert-Jan

    thanks to you that ruined this game

    so he died because SA is still in ALPHA? another constructive reply.... nothing personal. Hacker deaths just %$#%#%# the game, ALPHA or not, they indeed waste your time..
  2. Gert-Jan

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

    did i offend u personaly? u clearly did not understand what i said inbetween the lines. for ranting about me feeling robbed, my smoking habits,job and ability to cook an anctual meal: you are confused..... and should not rage like this to someone u do not know personaly, like an adult (if u are one......) indeed: 20e is NOTHING for the entertainment value this game COULD hold. *after a final release* it is just confusing to see an Alpha evolving so erm.. backwards... accidentaly introducing mayor bugs while adding stuff like clothing is just confusing to some.. the whole timetable is not working out for them (devs), more confusion... i haven't played the SA since months because of this, not until things are actualy being fixed. It's fine by me that people defend the alpha stage of the SA... but others would like to see some real improvements, not seeing some clothing u can now pick up in the game and rip appart... to plug holes made by clipping Z.... o sorry...
  3. Gert-Jan

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

    Saying 'it is an ALPHA" to me is like balancing zombies while they are still running through walls - ridiculous will it finaly be BETA after this? because right now i feel like playing the first DayZ mod version i started playing way back in the day..... but now i payed for it.. dang.... maybe THAT should be in the disclaimer: You paid for this, idiot, complain elsewere!
  4. Gert-Jan

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    okay, so another update.. have not played since months.. why? Zombies still clipping trough walls..... DayZ SA should be realistic right? then why is this bug still in the game? How is the development planned? AROUND this bug? Alpha stage or not, any NEWS on a fix? (guess not?)
  5. Gert-Jan

    Some questions about looting.

    same for server hoppers.. so wait a little before you even aproach and look for movement/Zombies spawning..
  6. Gert-Jan


    did u say; losing PERKS???????? I will steal your beanZ for that! U cannot get perks until 50.000 humanity! ( :P )
  7. Gert-Jan


    Put reticle over back pack scroll mousewheel press 'open Assault Pack" dump all shit from your back pack into Assault Pack scroll mousewheel press 'Take Assault Pack" tadaaaa or maybe your game got a little stressed out=not reaction. it happens sometimes (like bloodbags not working etc) or what Smusht_au said...
  8. Gert-Jan

    Maiming without killing

    maybe an option in the scroll menu: apply pressure to wound. so your buddy can bandage you. or: if you bandage your self, while doing so, you will loose blood more rapidly until the bandaging is done. (because you lift you hands from the wound).
  9. Gert-Jan

    Amd Dual Graphics

    maybe set crossfireX on OFF in Catalyst will help. do you have V-sync on/off? Latest drivers? beta drivers installed? i have a dual GPU card: Colorworks 6870x2 (that is 2 gpu's on 1 card) and i can run Dayz at max settings real smooth. i have it overclocked just a bit. crossfire is on but not used since it's dual gpu on one card. Maybe a cheap upgrade might help a bit?
  10. Gert-Jan

    Face camo paint / Military camouflage ?

    no face with Camo there...
  11. Did u try to reinstall BE? maybe check for updates?
  12. Gert-Jan

    Day z singleplayer

    got any screenshots from that singleplayer thingy? Launcher, Menu's etc?
  13. Gert-Jan

    Nuclear vaults

    quite common in europe? what part of europe? there's some old WO2 bunkers maybe as far as i know..
  14. Gert-Jan

    Day z singleplayer

    anyone ever heard about this anyway? if it's that good, why isn't there any info on your link about what it is?
  15. Gert-Jan

    Face camo paint / Military camouflage ?

    military camo face paint is not just lying on the streets. finding it in a forest will be hard because the package is not reflecting, and GREEN. Military medical tents? kinda funny to rub wounds with camo paint: "not to worry! your cut blood vains just dissapeared!" Choppers? meh... just scrape your face along a wall and look like a zombie. or: trip, fall, pull face out off mud, punch laughing buddy's, carry on, laugh at buddy with bullet exit wound in head.. just my 2 cents..