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Everything posted by milch

  1. yeah you're right :D
  2. It's everywhere on the internet i think :D "Hey guys there's a girl playing a game! Thats freaky!!" ^^
  3. take a look at facebook ._. all these Duckface girls ^^ these girls dont play but they are on the internet actually ^^
  4. milch

    Finding my first real camp

    2-3 months and never found a ghillie? :D found 2 in the same house just in elektro ;P
  5. milch

    We found a bus...

    well, i parked a hatchback for five minutes at a petrol station filling it up, i was inside my cousin outside and he was filling oil in it whe he was attacked by Zeds and i went to help. when i got out of car the car just gone away like *POOF MAGIC* i thought it was a respawn or smth but i didnt move 3 metres away. So this was an admin? cuz i just found the car a few hours before empty but with some good stuff in... €: if not what is it then?
  6. milch

    Broken Bones... Story/Video

    actually this looks like berezino, theres a Hospital in berezino 100% morphine :)
  7. milch

    no scroll menu or map

    so if you don't have a scroll menu for doors also and this stuff and you already tried to relog into the game i dont know really :/ the only things you should be able to do with scroll menu is switch between sub n prim weapon interact with doors and pick up things and interact with other players! you arent able to bandage yourself with the scroll menu
  8. milch

    no scroll menu or map

    You cannot look on a Map if you have none? ^^ well lets say next time you eat some beans you dont have ^^ also you bandage your self in your inventory, right click the stuff and it should work! you can bandage other survivors with the scroll menu but not yourself ^^ PS:
  9. Actually, i am playing since a week or something and i am wondering there are so many people calling them self not "Bandits". I really NEVER found a Survivor who didnt shot me on sight! Now my question is, are there still friendly people or where do they hide? Always i am walking around and see some1 (AGAIN) thinking "Oh, this could be a good one" i am full of hope saying something to him like "dont shoot" and that's it i am dead... Is this because the friendly are aware and stay away from me or is every1 shooting on people on sight? I even tried to help some1 who shot me after i shot him falling unconscious... i tried bandage him and heal him up but his answer was shooting at me and then we killed each other. The only friendly people i meet are new players on the coast who play the first time and i always am nice to them and help them and dont shoot... So where do you hide, nice people? I bet every1 had a murder once...
  10. milch

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    is there a problem about having more maps then just chernasus? i think it would be pretty nice to have different maps on the hive where the spawns would be saved for the Map but the inventory would be the same. why is every1 just complaining about this?
  11. Hey There 1. Age: 18 :) 2. Experience Level: Veteran i'd say 3. Preferred role: Since there are so much guys who want to be Snipers i'd like to be a Medic/Assault may combine both but i would do all of those they all sound like fun :3 4. IRL Location: EU, Germany 5. Ingame Name: Milch, Seriously ^^ My steamname is Milkiwey! I really would like to join you guys, cuz i teamed up with some friends till now and this didnt went really well. Looking forward to play with you guys ;)
  12. Well i, a nice German guy, am a little bored and i just am looking for some job or something! I do whatever you want me to do, i can help you with searching for stuff or just carry your stuff you find so you got a 24 slots Bag more which follows you and also shoots at enemy Bandits! You want me to keep care of your vehicle? want me to come with you so that i can refill your car while you are sitting in your car chilling? What ever you want me to do, I WILL DO! And the best is I DONT want anything in reward! it is just that i got something to do! If you are interested PM me or add me in Skype(Bantau94) or Steam(Milkiwey)!
  13. A Medic would do the job but if you tell me where you are per PM i can see what i can do!
  14. Well, 12 hours keeping an eye on your Helico wouldnt be a hard job but if i will keep an eye from now on 12 hours on your helico it would be 9am and i think i can't handle this because of my reallife sorry o.o
  15. milch

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP2

    "I got Painkillers" - "Painkillers? PAINKILLERS?! OMG that is illegal!" XD Just peed myself
  16. milch

    Burn f**kin Hackerz :D

    So, just checked out some car spawn when suddenly saw this! :D He was wearing a G36C SD (CAMO) so no doubt he was a fkin hacker :D also the whole sky was "burning" some funny bug but i dont have a pic of that ^^
  17. milch

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Teach just helped me and fixed me up he is my hero :D i luv you sir ^-^
  18. milch

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I quickly need someone who gives me some blood please :/ i am at 2k blood actually and i am sitting at the haven in Berezino! need ya help x.x
  19. milch

    Vehicles' bad side

    i think there is a chance that the car explodes if the engine is red also the fueltank emptys faster if the fueltank is red about the restart, i know how you feel bro ^^ this really sucks but what could we do..
  20. i think it is just... every1 is scared of dieing... i once killed some1... but before i killed him i told him to enter my car as passenger ( eh had a broken leg ) i wanted to heal him up at base but he crawled to the drivers door and i shit him because i was scared he would steal my car... he didnt answered on what i said...
  21. milch

    Keep being Kicked

    Today i started a new try in DayZ on some German Server(671) and i actually made the whole way ti Zelenogorsk-thingy to find a Car. I found none yet but suddenly when i left green mountain and went back to Zelenogorsk to get some supplies i just were kicked out of the game... It was a Regular server so my first thought was that it could be because i was alive a long time now but it isnt... from every server i tried to log in yet i were kicked... WTH is this? I actually did nothing restricted i just ran because Zombies followed me and i was kicked and now i cant log in back.. Someone Help me pls! (my english isnt that good, sry ^^)
  22. milch

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    Actually, the worst way i died... I were on NW-Airfield with my cousin. We were in this Fire Department when suddenly some1 shot me and i fell down. When i lay there i saw, it were 3 people. My cousin was shooting at them and they dindt hit them. I were bleeding very badly and i took my remington shooting them down. First i hit one who fell down. Next one shot at me and i blew 2 round with pellets right through his chest he died. the third one ran to my cousin and shot him he fell down. I tried to help my cousin and shot the last one right in the head. when i bandaged my wounds and looked around me i saw that the guy next to me had a very powerful weapon i havent seen in my whole time playing.(since 4 days i play now). Suddenly he screamed up and was blooding hardly and i made the bad mistake to bandage him with the hope we would maybe team up to get out of there because a lot of Zed were attracted. when he crawled away i was looking for a blood bag but there was no. i repeatedly said "Dont shoot! Dont Shoot!" but then when i got out of the inventory he startet to shoot me and i shot him right in his freaking face with my Revolver... the last i saw is.. Milch died Thariss died(actually dont know the right name) That was so fucking crazy ._.
  23. Hey Survivors! Actually I am looking for someone to trade some goods or something! I really need Car-engine parts but i have no real chance to find some. If some1 would bring me some I could give a Revolver or some meat or if u want I can take you for a ride and bring you whereever u want to go :) If u are interested reply or write me in steam ;) (Steam: Milkiwey)
  24. milch

    Looking for Trade

    Just added you, I could give a AK74 if this is enough but accept my request and we can talk about it :)
  25. milch

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Solanum just helped us out when we were really fked up :) thank you sir!