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Everything posted by cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

  1. If its not safe to store items in tents, is it safe to store them in vehicles ? and will they restarts and crap like that because its lame working hard for your stuff and have it dissapear
  2. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    Does dayz need good internet

    Im moving into my grandmothers house and i doubt she has very good internet at all will dayz be hard to run without it ?
  3. Are tents still duping items or are they working correctly yet ?
  4. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    Military Offroad

    Where does this monster spawn!!!
  5. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    To glitch or not to glitch

    So your choice is to go one of the many tents alot of you have and chose all these amazing rare items and kill newbs, or to play legit and get killed my people glitching and killing you while you work your way up.. is it worth it ?
  6. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca


    Arethey back in the game or whaat?
  7. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    Best server.. Working tents

    Does anyone have a server were there tents seem to actually save intead of delete them
  8. My tents are gone again :/ didnt they patch them ?
  9. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    I log in to find my tents gone.. didnt t hey fix this?

    What can you trust! lol vehciles randomly despawn to :(
  10. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    I log in to find my tents gone.. didnt t hey fix this?

    but there patched now and items wont delete right
  11. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    so are the tents fixed ?

    i was wondering did they patch the bugs
  12. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    so are the tents fixed ?

    ya i want to know if its safe now haha
  13. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    so are the tents fixed ?

    they delete items
  14. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca


    Has the update to repair tents been added yet? and i was also wondering if items get deleted in a tent after a restart is it that pacific tent and i should stop using it or is it random
  15. cayleb.d@hotmail.ca

    Hacks or glitch ?

    We had 2 trucks and then all of a sudden they were gone killing my friend inside it? lol