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Everything posted by CombineOverwatch

  1. I use to be able to play without interruption. Now i join any server and i get the "No message received." Prompt. is there anyway to fix this?
  2. CombineOverwatch

    I literally can not play the game for more than 3 minutes

    I think my connection is fine because in the lobby it shows my ping and its usually around 40-60 sometimes even 20-30
  3. CombineOverwatch

    I literally can not play the game for more than 3 minutes

    Its a great mod really, but i cant enjoy it all -.-
  4. CombineOverwatch

    Joining Other Servers

    Hello, Recently i was having a wonderful time playing DayZ. I had been in city got good loot and so on, then i decided to go into a house and leave the server. I joined another server and all my stuff was gone and i was in a different location. How can i find the server i was in? I thought your supplies came with you wherever you went, i guess i was wrong... Please help, Combine Overwatch
  5. CombineOverwatch

    Joining Other Servers

  6. CombineOverwatch

    Joining Other Servers

    Where is the save timer located? Does this mean i have to start all over again?