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About CombineOverwatch

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. CombineOverwatch

    I literally can not play the game for more than 3 minutes

    I think my connection is fine because in the lobby it shows my ping and its usually around 40-60 sometimes even 20-30
  2. CombineOverwatch

    I literally can not play the game for more than 3 minutes

    Its a great mod really, but i cant enjoy it all -.-
  3. I use to be able to play without interruption. Now i join any server and i get the "No message received." Prompt. is there anyway to fix this?
  4. CombineOverwatch

    Joining Other Servers

  5. CombineOverwatch

    Joining Other Servers

    Where is the save timer located? Does this mean i have to start all over again?
  6. CombineOverwatch

    Joining Other Servers

    Hello, Recently i was having a wonderful time playing DayZ. I had been in city got good loot and so on, then i decided to go into a house and leave the server. I joined another server and all my stuff was gone and i was in a different location. How can i find the server i was in? I thought your supplies came with you wherever you went, i guess i was wrong... Please help, Combine Overwatch