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About dobo-babe@live.co.uk

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  1. Hi Guys & Girls, We have started a new Dayz server and we would like you to give us a try :) We currently have: Working AI Self Blood Custom Loadouts Custom Heli Crash Loots 250+ Vehicles Custom Debug Unit Friendly Admins & many more plans for the future :) We will also be looking for admins in games to keep things up to scratch when we aren't online :) Check us out! @ All Feedback welcome :) Have Fun Guys :)
  2. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Need any help? post here!

    i need help with my server can you pm me please. mods wont install
  3. Hi guys, Ive stared a server and not a single mod ive tryed to install will work, I have tryed to do: AI Bandits Admin tool Heli lift Dogs Traders and many more and these have all been tried on normal days and epoch days with no avail Please can someone help me if so drop me a pm. Thanks in advance.
  4. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    DayZ Screenshots!

    after a full on zombie attack
  5. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Humanity Reset

    basically when the update for humanity came out i instantly found myself at -65k humanity but now every time i am running for a while my screen blinks and it resets it back to 0 humanity and put me in the standard survivor skin is there anyway to stop this from happening or permenantly resetting my humanity?
  6. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Dayz isnt working, Please help

    My friend is having a porblem with dayz he trys to launch through both dayz commander and six launcher he trys to load a server which and while its loading he get an error message which flashes up very quickly and he is returned to the main menu of arma 2 and it all worked fine last night any ideas? the error message says you cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependant on downloadable content that has been deleted.chernarus
  7. dobo-babe@live.co.uk


    is it normal that everytime i spawn i spawn with -65000 humanity?
  8. dobo-babe@live.co.uk


    is it normal that everytime i spawn i spawn with -65000 humanity?
  9. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Artifacts after update

    does anyone else still have problems with the game Artifacting? because im still suffering with this problem
  10. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    anyone free in cherno? losing blood fast and need assisitance
  11. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    low blood in cherno fire station can someone give me a hand if ur in the area please add my steam: im4evergr8
  12. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Screen Resolution

    ive changed it from read me only and also tryed changing it in game and in the actual file and still no luck :/
  13. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Screen Resolution

    Basically i used to have a 19" monitor which ran on 1440x900 and i have bought a 23" widescreen which runs on 1900x1080 when i try and change the video setting for this in game it just resets whenever i reload the game why wont my setting changes stay?
  14. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Map Glitching

    ahh right and then aswell guys ive just bought a new monitor which runs 1900x1080 resolution but every time i restart the game is resets back to my old resolution of 1440x900 any ideas?
  15. dobo-babe@live.co.uk

    Map Glitching

    Whenever i go near stary or the NW airfield my screen will split and turn black so i cannot see anything i can still move as normal but there is just black segment on my screen