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Posts posted by Comrade_

  1. Hello all,


    Hoping some other owners here can provide some input on this issue. I realize the logs (at least multiplay) are not perfect a lot of the times, and sometimes I've seen missing information. I'm curious if the example below typically indicates hacking or are there times it can legitimately not list what the action was that killed or damaged someone.




    [John Doe] SHOT <Jane Doe> by  into LeftLeg."


    So, what is missing is the actual "action" type (axe, fal, ect.) that occurred to cause the damage towards someone else. Can this be a random issue with the log itself, or is it identifying like I've caught numerous times, hacking occurring. Had a guy using his fist w/ explosions earlier, and the logs looked just like the example. But I'm not sure if in general, that is always 100% an example of foul play occurring or could it possibly be a log issue/error.


    Any information on this would be helpful.

  2. Simple solution: click the link under me and change to the best DayZ provider there is ;)

    We tested them all and fragnet is really unmatched, 20min support ticket response and they really help.


    We're in multiplay as well. Sadly, because of persistence we're stuck for now. We will probably wait until another dev wipe and switch at that time.


    My issue with fragnet is that when I looked at them previously they were charging a 25% VAT tax for those not in the EU, which isn't even legal. Pretty scum bag move in my opinion.

  3. You may want to go for the higher texture settings, this should get the engine to offload some of the work from the CPU to the GPU. It's kind of a backwards engine that way... push the graphics harder and you may see better frame rates. Have you done the .cfg tweaks?


    I5 750


    16g ddr3


    Haven't tried any .cfg tweaks. Are there specific ones you are referring to? I'll try to increase the texture setting to see if that helps.

  4. DayZ is more closely tied to CPU performance than GPU, hence the lack of an increase with the upgrade of your graphics card. There is no way around this ATM and I'd go as far as saying that there probably won't be until there is a major fundamental change within the RV engine.


    TBH, those terrible frames in game are the best you're going to get. Remember this isn't a FPS engine at its core, and so was never intended to return the top end figures for frames. The reason the RV engines are more suited to games like DayZ and the ArmA series in general, is the CPU intensive 'per frame' computations that are happening behind the scenes.


    I would like to see a complete reworking of the RV engines from the ground up with provision to really push the power that is available in the modern PC, but that's a project that would take considerable time and effort to get right. BI aren't one of the big boys in the industry and may not presently have the resources to undertake such a journey.


    ON TOPIC: I've only got a 560 Ti and am getting between 17~25 FPS in major towns, but I'm also using a late model AMD CPU, so YMMV.

    I semi-agree, but I've already looked at those with similar systems. Those on the 700 series are getting a larger power % with their cards, and they're getting higher frames. I'm talking high settings  and getting 60+ FPS. There is undoubtedly an issue with this game and 600 series. Having a 560 and 570 and myself now with a 670 shouldn't be getting equal frames.


    Arma 3 does better as well, so while I agree in some aspect about the engine and CPU driven, I think there is something else at work here. I'm using a latest gen haswell so I should be fine on that end. 


    The power % the card is getting for the game is what is killing me curerntly.

  5. I've wen't from a GTX 570SC, in which on generally all low/disabled settings getting around 30 fps in say, Electro, to now a GTX 670 FTW 4GB version with literally the same frames.


    Why? The game isn't demanding anything of my card, which is odd. Under EVGA precision, you can see the power % being used. This game with the 670, and I'd assume the same for the other versions, is using around 25-39 % of power. What results is a low clock and terrible frames in games.


    I can only assume there is no way around this and that this is a DayZ internal thing. Other games, BF4 ect. use the correct allocated power %, I get to 1150 on my core clock, so I know it's not just me.


    Can anyone else with a 600 series card give some input?



    Specs below:


    i7 4770 @ 4.0ghz

    8GB DDR3 

    GTX 670 FTW 4GB

    Samsung 128 GB SSD

  6. I played a lot on this server and I have to say that all the added features are balanced and that the new guns are awesome!

    Thanks for kind word, pass the word around. We really stress (just as we do on our BF3 servers) making things a place to be and hacker free. Top admins in clan playing Dayz don't even have access layers for adding or removing ect..

    I really think the new weapons, removing of some have added a good balance. Some new stuff just looks visually sweet which doesn't hurt. :)

  7. What happened to all the USS/ 4SFG guys?

    Some sort of internal thing with leadership. One of the brothers wanted their servers populated or something. Many of the members enjoyed playing here, their recruitment topic even talked about our server, but they are required to follow orders. Shame really for those guys.

    Also, not sure if main post has it or not, but there is auto-refueling by just going up to gas tanks which is fantastic.

  8. Snipers removed because we cant deal with them QQ < basically.

    Snipers are OP...lets add grenade launchers coz theyre not...

    There are plenty of servers catering to those who want to sit and 1 shot fresh spawns at cherno/elektro with an AS50.

    Thankfully, there is a place where aiming actually matters and fighting consists of a lot of fun close/med. range engagements with assault rifles and fun engagements with sniper rifles.

    Rare grenade launcher and ammo that will never be used at long range = not so rare AS50/M107 sniper galore

    ^ Nope

  9. Love the NPC military guarding klen, adds a touch of realism I was craving. You roll up onto Klen and suddenly hear them fighting the zombies. But it won't take long before they set their sights on you advancing. If you're not careful, you will get sniped or rpk'd down by them. Crazy fun and added a new dynamic to playing.

    And you can't beat the crap OP weapons gone and the addition of these sweet looking new ones. Especially Mk 16, god I love the sound of that.

  10. Is it true you have to re-save your tent or after 2-3 days it deletes? Assuming you haven't died.

    I had 6 or so tents. All saved, always there after server restarts for almost a month.

    I can't log in for a few days, and I come in to find they're gone. All in different locations, just gone. I was told that you have to re-save after a few days or they will vanish. If this is the case, it looks like I won't be building up tents as much anymore. If I'm off for a whole weekend, nothing I can do.
