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Everything posted by Comrade_

  1. "Side note : You cannot be "banned" from dayZ for doing this." Sorry that I upset you, but it gets old when others jump on a bandwagon. What exactly should I imply from " for doing this". Come on, of course I applied it to fact he thinks he's banned.
  2. If I had popcorn for everytime some random kid comes in to post and buddies up with the Op of the thread and "agreed" with what ever it is they're saying, I'd be set for life. He was never banned, please be quiet. Where do you even pull this stuff from? Did you even read my post? Come on kid... http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/7166/durphurp.jpg THERE YA GO ^
  3. Oh god...are you serious with this thread? Are you so attention deprived because you were banned from teamspeak? You can post on forums, like you've already done. I enjoy your random threads about how l33t you are and all the things you do. Your lucky you haven't faced me yet on our servers. Do I need to take a screen shot and post it here about how we told you that we DON'T care if you hunt SAS members? Like, what point of me and others telling you " Go for it " and that " we don't host carebear servers so have fun" do you not understand? I concur with dev, do go over the process of your admin-ship to where you are now. Write a novel for us, will you? P.S - You aren't good. The fact you think "learning" SAS members patterns because...ta-da you were an admin and easily knew where and what people were farming and where they were camped out at, doesn't make you good. I know where DevilDev is 90% of the time, look at me I killed him by waiting 4 hours for him to show up. I'm so l33t. Lol bro, you really are silly. P.S.S - I'd also like to MENTION that it came to my attention that you were SNIPING SAS members, while you were a SAS ADMIN. WHILE YOU WERE IN TEAM SPEAK. Everyone, let that f-ing SINK in. Logs don't lie. And 86j admitted to it as well. I don't even want to spend time going through all the shit from you. Jesus dude...you are really pathetic.
  4. Comrade_

    *=SAS=* Cheating

    I'm not sure what is worse Choco, the fact this person actually made this thread with no factual basis nor an understanding of the server being private and not connected to hive. Or the fact he is actually an admin and founder. Both are disturbing, and both will require long pondering for me to figure out which is worse. I'll let you know after some thought.