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Everything posted by andersonrussell@live.com

  1. andersonrussell@live.com

    ZAS Clan Recruiting Again :)

    In game name : PLAYER 1 Age 16 location louisiana , usa experience : 3 - 4 weeks I have been playing with my brother but hes going to colledge so i want someone to play with
  2. andersonrussell@live.com

    Cherno's Finest [Bandit Clan- CA 16] Still recruiting!!

    DayZ Name : Anderson How long have you been playing DayZ : 2 months What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] Central US Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] yes What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] Well, I prefer sniping since i have a ghillie suit, but whatever really. Skype name : Anderson.russell
  3. How do we become official members? My application has been processed, now what?
  4. IRL Information Name: Anderson Age: 18 Location: USA, Louisiana Timezone: GMT -6 Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes Game Information IGN: Anderson Steam ID (if applicable): N/A Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Sniper Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I like helping others, im skilled in sniping, (i have 4 M24s at my camp) What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: Sniping skills/ Ghillie suit.
  5. andersonrussell@live.com

    [Recruiting] The Brigade

    I'm interested in joining. My Skype is: anderson.russell