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About Jessop

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dayz Community, Yes this is me whining ! Yes this is me Bitching ! The developers took so long to release the first Alpha because they were spending so much time to make the game hack proof. Yes Hackers have decreased a lot since the Mod but they are still a big issue and make me so angry some times. I'm at NE Airfield. Collected loot with my friend for 1 - 2 hours. Been in multiple fights ect ect. We shoot some guy and we know we did not miss. I move in closer to flank, he shoots through barracks walls and kills me. He then shoots accurate fire with a M4 through the barracks wall at 800 meters at my friend in the tree line above NE. I respawn, run all the way back for some kid to sneak up on me. I explain that im a new spawn and tell him to watch out because there is a hacker here at NE. He says yeah, its me. I ask him why he hacks "Dunno" is his reply. Asks me if I want some hacked gear so I tell him to fuck off. Explain to my friend on skype while talking in local chat that this hacker sounds like a 3 year old. He gets mad and shoots me. Stupid Hackers will ruin this game like it did the MOD. ~Jessop
  2. Jessop


    Right... so there is this big discussion about everybody killing each other like this game is COD or BF. Most of us have fallen victim to this or have committed murders just because we can... Rather than punishing those who mass murder i'd rather reward those who didnt. Reward those who have higher humanity. Ideas: Better loot chances Better Camo for survivor Camo that identifies you as trustworthy Starting with better weps Starting with a map and compass Chosing start locations Little things like this make other think twice about pulling the trigger as they want the benefits that come with higher humanity. However, I understand the PvP mechanic is very important and your always going to get those so called "Dicks" Post your thoughts below: Jessop
  3. Dayz might need an incentive for having higher humanity, the higher humanity you have the better loot you might find ? The better humanity you have the better camo or some sort of incentive system would be good
  4. I have heard of people having the same problem, all you need to do is re-download all the files for dayz and put them in the folder. Once you have done this, when your playing, open your inventory 'G' you can right click on objects like beans and bandages and there will be an option to use. Now you just have to worry about only having 10 FPS :D
  5. I had died and decided to camp Cherno's first aid tents in the attempt to get some good loot. I found an AK-47, 1 mag and a watch. For one reason or another the servers crashed and upon reset I was transported back to the coast. I decided that I needed to get back to Cherno as soon as possible or the loot would be taken so I ran as fast as I could. I was just before the outskirts of Cherno, approaching from the East, running through a forest when suddenly gunfire erupted. The whizzing and Crackling of rounds past my ears then suddenly a thump ! I was hit in the leg, my bone shattered and my screen shaking and I was down to 4000 Blood. I ran ! No time to shoot, no idea where the firing was coming from I decided to hide behind a tree. A round cracked into the left side of the tree, It was coming from the north ! I ran 20 Meters south, prone dived into a bush, still bleeding, and waited. The survivor ran forward, straight into my snap ambush, I fired, unloading the whole of my AK mag into him. As soon as he went down I bandaged myself and breathed a sigh of relief. I hobbled my way over to his corpse... It was a gold mine. Map, Compass, Toolbox, Alice backpack, DMR, G17, Ammo, Medical supplies and lots of cooked meat to replenish my blood. As I went back into third person view I noticed that I had become that I swore never to become. A Noob, one that just spawned was running towards me, he was sprinted straight towards me and I was in a dilema. Im a Badit, he will never believe im friendly and yet I have all this cool loot, I cant loose it now. So I took aim with my new DMR and 1 shotted him to the ground. He was bleeding out and I looked at him on the ground and smiled. It felt good. I am now... A Bandit!
  6. Ive played the game for a few days now and all I hear is people talking about the airfield. Some mention loot and treasures beyond my wildest dreams but others warn of impending bandit attacks and death traps. I decide its about time I go in the search of better loot, my arsenal at the moment consists of: G17 M4A3 COC CZ 550 Though im happy with this I wanted some NVG or a compass to go with my map. As I approch the airfield i turn into sneak mode, using the bushes and forest to scope out the airfield with my Binos. Its clear, no one is hear, no one has mentioned NW airfield on the chat and most of the action and bandits are apparently in Cherno at the moment. However, there was a distinct lack of zombies but I just assumed it was my lucky day. I crawl around, weaving between the reamaining zombies as not to alert them, I search the Fire Station to find nothing but beans and bandages. I restock but was still curious to find my next big pile of loot so i decided to make my way to the radio tower opposite. Once again I get on my belt buckle and crawl, im crawling when suddenly I start hearing a crackling noise above my head, my adeniline starts to rush, I turn trying to locate the contact then as the rounds start to land next to me, The zombies are close to me and I cant risk running, I crawl but suddenly Zombies start to run after the gunshots. I take this chance to run to the radio tower but the entrance is blocked! I try to mantle the rubble in front but with no effort, I spin round to find the Bandit in the doorway of the fire station looking straight at me, I open fire but he retreats inside. Suddenly a hail of gunfire rains down upon me, a group of 3 survivors open up on me as a sprint behind the radio tower. I shout out that im friendly and the gunfire ceases. The Bandit, named Russia (with all the letters facing the wrong way) proceeds to tell us he has a silenced M4 and is currently got eyes on me. He tells me what weapon I have in my hand and he is correct. My CZ 550, I change to my M4, scared that hes just round the cornor. I spend the next 20 minutes, crawling slowly back away from the airfield, the group of survivors that are apparently friendly talk to me, asking questions telling me that they dont know where the bandit is. Finnally i quit, just on the edge of the airfield, overlooking it from the forest, im sure next time ill find my NVG but today I was lucky to survive and im sure those baked beans taste all the sweeter Jessop :)
  7. I have been playing the mod for a few days and would like to know how the weapon shot sounds work. I understand that the louder the weapon the more chance of attracting zombies are. I shot my G17 in the middle of a city and attracted 1 zombie I shot my M4A3 COC in the middle of a town and attracted 20 zombies I shot my CZ550 rifle 250m away from zombies and attracted all 6. I understand that the sniper rifle and M4A3 are loud weapons but how am I expected to sniper zombies/bandits at long range with a sniper at 500m and still possibly attract zombies? Do the zombies that hear the shot come to the shot location or follow you directly ? Can you fire and maneuver and still remain invisible ? To conclude: How close can you shoot without zombies hearing you ? can you sniper without zombies hearing you ? How does the sound mechanics work ?