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About glc2428@live.com.au

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    Forster-Tuncurry NSW Australia
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    Dayz (obviously) Scuba Diving

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    In Game, will be cautious, only fire if fired upon.. AND Bandits, I have a good memory of who kills me.. And wont Hesitate to return the favor...
  1. glc2428@live.com.au

    Clan needing full time medic

    What servers do you run on ?? I am in Aus.. Looking for a home myself... LOL
  2. glc2428@live.com.au

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Futher to my last post, Today, killed by Permafrost, ( even though I called out I was a medic & pointed my weapon away from him..) then he shot me, then I went prone and returned fire.. I died.. but so did he, then some strange things happened.. I logged back in , and found myself within 1 km, was almost back to my old body...within 100 metres then pow I was teleported out of game area, then I tried to re log in, kicked out twice, then I managed to get back on, my body was still there, no gear of course, but the basics, Permafrost, who I am sure ended up dead after his ambush anyway, wasn't nor his gear, so something NQR there methinks..
  3. glc2428@live.com.au

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Yes I know, it happened to me too.. same server.. I went elsewhere....
  4. glc2428@live.com.au

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Some even seem to be doing other tricks, like relocating people & removing all their gear... its not a hacker I dont think when it only happens to a few at a time or even individual players.. on a few select servers I have noted.. its not battleeye etc.. or too higher ping, (they state that when it happens for that reason) Then I have noticed people log off (in frustration maybe) & that frees up slots.. That way they dont effect their regulars.. So you might get booted off because they may not like your play ethics or not on "the team" etc.. where there is the chance, there will be those that abuse the priviledge... as stated before, most are great, but there are others that need to be seriously looked at..
  5. glc2428@live.com.au

    Clothing sets as rewards for past feats

    I would definitely like to see this happen.. you have my beanz...
  6. glc2428@live.com.au

    Rough Couple Of Days For Medics

    Hi Angel, I run with whats written above ie +BAndAid+ ( MEDIC ) But some servers, this wont show up and sometimes still gets me shot anyway, one cheeky guy, killed me, then I got back to my old body, got some of my stuff back & came up on DC saying sorry, I know you tried to help me , but... then he killed me again.. Go Figure.. LOL
  7. glc2428@live.com.au

    Rough Couple Of Days For Medics

    P.S. Usually I run with medicals supplies and pers weapon, for the zombies and self defence only, no major kit, so quite often, not worth the bullet.. LOL.
  8. glc2428@live.com.au

    Rough Couple Of Days For Medics

    Those of us that are running solo at present are getting cut up something wicked as well, I have lost count how many times in the last 3 weeks I have been killed and robbed, I would honestly say at least twice a day.. Still trying to get "sponsored" for the TMW guys.. One day, I might actually save someone & get out alive enough to prove my worth.. LOL.. I have tried, Ghillies get you shot cause they think you are a sniper.. normal gets you shot for your large pack ( medicals+ essentials) They see on your back, Havent tried camo , will when i find one next, apparently it also gives you a bit of protection.. If someone can let me know if it can be done and where I would like a medic skin, if there is a legit way of doing it, I have heard people having Joker & batman skins etc.. So maybe you can.. Thanks for any assist.. Not looking for ant special tratment , just might stop people from shooting on site , that wouldnt if they knew you were friendly..
  9. glc2428@live.com.au

    Rough Couple Of Days For Medics

    Hi Bonehead3535 , umm not really,some servers dont show nametags, so ya get shot sometimes by those that dont even know you are one, and you usually dont even get a chance to say medic or friendly, or they shoot anyway...
  10. glc2428@live.com.au

    Medic Skins or clothing ?? would be nice..

    I am not expecting any special treatment, but might stop those that shoot on site or wouldnt normally from shooting, because they can't tell you are friendly ie no nametags on that server etc.. I know for a fact Medics get shot in real life too...
  11. glc2428@live.com.au

    Free stuff (Closing down server 26th of August)

    Busted definitely no camp at 007-068 ,I was killed & out of frustration , went there to make good.. nothing there... Ah well , back to grind...
  12. glc2428@live.com.au

    I give up!

    Yeah well, I am sick of trying to do the right thing, all I do is get my arse shot off, tried to join the wasteland medics, they want "references" but when everyone so far has been a prick & kills you when you come to assist or you get taken out on the way by some idiot that shoots first before even reading your tag ( MEDIC ) of doesnt care either way & then steals your hard come by stuff, it makes you do a rethink.. And still havent managed to join up with them, at least I would be with like minded and maybe survive my first attendance ... Maybe I should bow down to fate and become a Lemming like them and pray on the innocent that are just trying to survivet.. or keep trying... So far I keep trying.. But I have had evil thoughts.. But only for those that pray on others.. Hopefully Karma gets them or I do.. I have a long memory & wont hesitate to take out a known offender.. You guys know who you are..
  13. glc2428@live.com.au

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    How about a medic skin ?? Cheers, then I MIGHT not get my arse shot off...
  14. glc2428@live.com.au

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Hi, I am currently running on a few Au/Nz & Us servers, have helped and tried to help a few people , but twice have been set up and killed.. Hard not to get cynical but still tryin to help out.. I am on most Evenings, I do carry weapons, but thats just for self defence against Zombies, and Known Bandits who have already done the dirty, ( I keep a list and wont be suckered in next time.) All others, I will try my best to assist, I will not fire on you unless fired upon. P.S. the last guy to kill me , admired I came to his aid, so he said, but killed me anyway :huh:
  15. I would like to see a Medic uniform or such, so when I am out and about I dont "accidently" get my arse shot off, after collecting a walking pharmacy.. LOL.. Only works if people respect it though I know, some dont..