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Posts posted by Bamakid

  1. Hey Guys, well good news im an Admin again on a superb UK server..... Hosted by the Balota Buddies and im wanting to start holding secure meetups there plus im planning on setting up a small community within the map, a sort of Mini Equestria.... anyone interested in Joining (they ave US and AU servers too) then just click this link and apply! http://dayzmod.com/f...ota-buddiescom/

    It is a whitelist server only so you MUST register in order to play!! hope to see you all soon!

    I'll probably sign up soon. Hopefully my ping won't shoot through the roof because it's a UK server.

    Well, Siiri just quit due to the fact that "friendlies" kill other players, especially after helping them, among other things. I, myself, have gotten kinda bored of DayZ for now, but if we have meetings be hosted, I'll join in.

    After dealing with the same crap before, I can't blame her. Fortuntely, I can tolerate things to a very severe degree, so while it bugs me to hell, I can still enjoy DayZ. Still, it sucks that everyone seems to be quiting DayZ recently. At least standalone will be out soon, and I'm sure that will get a lot of people back in the game.

  2. Well, you see, my icon was an image God HImself descending from heaven shooting lightning out of hands, all while shredding the most holy of guitar rifts. Many died after viewing its glory.

    Then flying monkeys came. And they stole it.

    Damn them...

    • Like 3

  3. Can some lovely person Pm the server info. Sounds like a laugh to play with you guys

    I would, but since you aren't on the list, you gotta wait for Derpy to ask you a brony question as proof. Once you do, he'll send you the info.

    Although, it's apparently not that hard to find since we had almost a full server on Wednesday...

  4. Ah, I was just wondering because for the meetups I understand a private server, but for just a group playing I'd figure you'd (maybe someday we :P) would want to play the full experience on a public server with the threat of bandits and such. :P I know I'm a hypocrit for saying that since I usually try to log into servers with few players on, but that's because I'm normally on my own. And Chernarus is a cold, lonely place when your on your own . . .

    That is, unless, you feel the heat of bullets flying at you from the out of nowhere and piercing your skull. <_<

  5. I was wondering why you have been so quiet recently, things have got alot better, we use a dedicated Brony server, TeamSpeak is working fine and we seem to be doing alot more together!!

    Ill be away till Saturday night/Sunday but soon as im home ill PM you all the details you need, or maybe one of the others here could be nice enough and save me the effort ;)

    Good, because after getting shot in the back after helping people twice in one day, I'm done being the good samaritan. Out of the three people I ran into, the one bandit was the nice guy. We just shared some information and wished each other well on out journeys. The other two I worked together with for a bit and suprise suprise, they blew my brains out. It sucks not having a group to play with.

  6. Dear Celestia it's been a while. Last time I was on here was meetup 5.0. Anyways, after being M.I.A. in the woods of Chernarus after that little get together, shit in life just went down. I was out of a computer for a while then everything just came crashing down once I got it back. So, yeah. I'm here, I've noticed a lot has happened since I've been gone, and it would be nice if someone could give me a recap maybe?

  7. Sad to say I'm certain I won't make it this weekend. After going off to join the last one, the 'rents weren't to happy when they found out I was behind on my school work when I did that, so they've taken everything. My computer, my guitar equipment, can't go anywhere after school or on weekends, and I have to stay in kitchen to do homework. I'm on lockdown. The only reason I can type this is because of my iPhone (praise Celestia they didn't think to take it). But my grades aren't as hard to pull up as they thought, so hopefully I won't be out for too long. Especially since I just pre-ordered WarZ. . . Yes, I just spoke heresy on here, WAT U GUNNA DO BOUT IT!?11

  8. I think if I remember, Derpi is 5 hours ahead of me and I'm eastern time. So he's six hours ahead of ECT...so 7PM them is 1 PM for you? We'll have to get a correction.

    I just looked it up, and it seems it would now be 2pm CDST due to daylight savings and all that crap. Here's a link if anyone else needs to figure out their time.


  9. That's 5 am my time -_-

    I probably won't be up at 5, but how long do you think this party will go on for? More than a few hours? If so then I could join up with you guys whilst you're on the move.

    How will communications work? Teamspeak, direct com? Or something else?

    Private Hive or public Hive server? I for one think, if you get a nice quiet public hive server, it would make it easier for most people, as I'm sure they have maps and/or a GPS thus navigation is easier. Unless of course, you were planning to make them meetup start so that we all are fresh spawns.

    Yeah, I remember seeing 5GMT and thought of it being like really early over there, so I just assumed he meant that as 5pm, even though it would technically be 17GMT.

  10. Ok Saturday has been rescheduled to 7PM, and The Brony meetup will be held during a Brony Party that i am attending... ohh it's going to be messy and soooo much fun!!

    Hope you guys can make it

    Ok, so does that mean 7GMT or what? I'm already having enough trouble trying to convert to CST US time, and with no reference timezone, I have no idea what you mean.

  11. Would love to have you on board, just answer me this. What animal is Scootaloo referred to by Bronies?

    Well dang, now I'm hungry for KFC. . . ;D

    Edit: In case your wondering why that took me a bit of time to answer, I was going to put a quote from "Promises" by Princewhatever as an answer, but apparently Derpy got ahold of my connection so I gave up.

  12. A brony meetup huh? I'm up for it if it's done on the weekend.

    It would be nice to actually play alongside more than one other person for once. Hell, it'd be nice just to have ONE friendly now. My one friend who does have the game refuses to play it at th moment since he has to run it on the lowest settings because of his computer. And everyone else, well . . . what few random friendlies there were when I first started playing have pretty much disappeared.
