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Everything posted by SoWeMeetAgain

  1. SoWeMeetAgain

    Old sky

    was that not a performance problem? I don't remember. Buuuuut either way everyone should have the same sky, should they not? It changes the lighting, how something looks when directly in front of the sky. But maybe it's a minor thing and we should allow more graphical customization? What do you think?
  2. Hello there, If you guys remember, in the Arma2 you could "empty" your hands by pressing "h", it would only drop the item from the hands if there was no space in the inventory. Why? As of right now you have to open inventory and either double-click the item in your hands, or drag it into a slot/free space in your inventory by hand. Takes a lot of time. Sometimes I want to take out my compass, but it's not on a hotbar key, so I have to open the inventory, fine, no prob. But then to put it away and get empty hands I have to again open the inventory. That I don't like. Or I have un-hot-bar'd rags in my hands from bandaging and I want to put a weapon I dropped into my hands, again have to open inventory, get rid of rags first, then either drag weapon to hands or close inventory and "use" it. It would be a small thing, but improve the quality of life in some situations, if there was a keybind to "empty hands", trying to put the item into your inventory, and if not possible either not do anything or drop the item (designer decision right here). Yes I know we have a key to just drop the thing from hands to ground, but it's clearly something else, because it does that no matter if there's space in the inventory or not. What do you guys think? Cheers
  3. SoWeMeetAgain


    ... why did you resurrect this thread from the long dead? nice to see they implemented suggestions from the forum tho
  4. SoWeMeetAgain

    No point in starting as a new player.

    How about if you're that clueless you go to a pve server and ask someone to give you a hand? This is not a "suggestion" by the way, you are in the wrong section of the forum and clearly so.
  5. SoWeMeetAgain

    actually working character creation

    Okay so here's a better formulation: a character creation process I can enter into without exiting the server, so I can customize my "next" character after dying
  6. SoWeMeetAgain

    actually working character creation

    Hello there, Can we make the character creation actually work, please? It's so nice, but doesn't do anything. Maybe I'm a bit harsh about it, but some characters I just commit suicide rather than having to look at it every time I open the inventory ;-) cheers
  7. SoWeMeetAgain

    actually working character creation

    thank you, never knew it worked this way!
  8. SoWeMeetAgain

    Less deadly diseases?

    https://dayz.gamepedia.com/Character_Status the wiki is not really up to date on everything else, but as far as I know this part is correct One thing not in there - if you eat a multivitamin pill, you will not *get* sick from unclean water or zombie hits, but it will not *cure* an already established sickness
  9. SoWeMeetAgain


    you talk about realism while in 3rd person
  10. I agree that it is way too fast to pull out weapons and shoot as of now. Especially from the backpack, but even from the shoulder. However the solution must not be that you can't store a rifle in a backpack. That is just unrealistic and stupid. What would be good is longer time to draw weapons overall. Different times to draw weapons based on how they're being hauled. Eg pulling a pistol from the holster on a plate carrier - super fast(but not faster than right now, maybe even slower). Pulling a pistol from inside a secure container inside a backpack - super slow. In addition(!) the animation for drawing weapons need to be bigger and involve more of the whole body. When you are holding someone up it's just too friggin sneaky to pull out a pistol right now, only the right arm moves.
  11. SoWeMeetAgain

    Some suggestions for the base stats in DayZ

    I agree with the points made. Some more things that I would love to see adjusted, and I don't want to open a thread just for it: #6 sprint speed is slightly too high. Also maybe weight should affect speed as well as stamina (less hit on stamina than now, but some hit on speed) #7 it is far too quick to take out a gun from the backpack, aim and shoot. This limits player interaction very, very much. You can't just talk to someone even if you walk up on them drinking while you have your gun out, it's just too quick for them to gun you down. Unrealistically fast. Maybe different draw speeds for different places of the gun? Eg in drybag within backpack super slow, in chest holster on plate carrier quickest (but still slower than right now please, and with a bigger animation). #8 related to 7, it is too quick to get out of restraints.
  12. SoWeMeetAgain

    how to reload guns correctly?

    Hey guys, so I'm a bit confused here, the only way I have found to reload any gun is through the inventory, the "r" hotkey doesn't do it the way I would expect. Say we're using a Mosin, the "r" key of course only cycles the bolt. To load bullets I seem to have to have the rifle in hand, drag the bullet over to the gun and "combine", then it puts on one bullet and closes the inventory, repeat until magazine is full. Is there an easier way? Cheers, SoWe
  13. SoWeMeetAgain

    how to reload guns correctly?

    Man I really hope we can change this behaviour with the hotkeys. I don't want to hold the thing to put in a round. Also hope we can make it so m1 makes the gun go up if it's down and shoot's if it's up with no problems ... and another key to take it down. I remember in the experimental the key to toggle up-down wouldn't work half of the time and if you held it it would result in a stupid dance, aggravating.
  14. SoWeMeetAgain

    how to reload guns correctly?

    That is how it used to work, but now we are in beta. So now, no, that puts the gun away and the ammo into your hand.
  15. Hey guys, just wondering, is it possible to remove the "crosshair" from first person? Like, is there an options feature somewhere? I mean the little bent line. Just don't like it, in fact it seems distracting to me. Cheers, SoWe
  16. SoWeMeetAgain

    Stable Update 0.61.136770

    The current patch is really, really good. Thank you for all your work, devs! And I mean all of you. Map makers, model makers, sound guys, sound engine programmers, animation peepz, AI programmers, bug fixers and everyone else I just can't think of :)
  17. SoWeMeetAgain

    CR 550: Discussion

    So this rifle will be effectively the Winchester, but with external magazines?
  18. I have noticed that the west is super empty now. I ran for 4 hours yesterday and saw one(!) person in a town where there's no spawn. Maybe it's just time to make the servers host 100 people at a time :) And remove third person ofc k thx bye
  19. SoWeMeetAgain

    Close Quarters Ballistic Combat: How?

    the new, upcoming player controller will make it impossible to change direction willy-nilly, that means it will not be possible to change running-direction instantly, which in turn means you can't as easily run circles around anyone in close combat when he means to shoot at you
  20. title is self explanatory the way it is right now is downright stupid
  21. SoWeMeetAgain

    let me take the weapon from an unconscious player

    that's a workaround, not a solution, you /insert expletive/ it does not do the same thing now, does it? best thing would be that if you go unconscious you actually *drop* what you had in your hands. If you get up, you have to pick it up again.
  22. SoWeMeetAgain

    let me take the weapon from an unconscious player

    When someone is unconscious you cannot take the weapon that was in his hands when he went unconscious. You have to tie him up or kill him to do that. But he's friggin unconscious, what's he gonna do? Just let me take the friggin' weapon out of his limp hands.
  23. Title says all. Getting set back up to a minute. Character looks like he's running or standing, depending on when the desync started, of course can be killed during that time without being able to do anything. Unplayable. No idea why. Possible solution https://m.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1yt4dy/confirmed_fix_for_desync/ didn't work for me, does not apply. Using Comodo Internet Security firewall, DIR-615 router no SPI activated, ports are forwarded, rules for dayz set to allow all
  24. SoWeMeetAgain

    do waterproof bags work?

    Hello there. Just wondering if I found a bug or if waterproof bags don't work. I put stuff into the pristine bag, almost all of it was dry, put it into my backpack, then went to soak myself to cool down, now stuff in the waterproof bag inside my backpack is wet as can be. The thing is, one item was "damp" ... did that lead to the bag becoming essentially compromised? Water adding to the damp item, swapping over to the other, dry, items in the bag? Would consider that a bug. Or do waterproof bags just not work at all? cheers, SoWe
  25. SoWeMeetAgain

    Considering buying dayz

    You can find a tent in game, set it up somewhere and store items that way. Tents are not available on all servers, you need one with persistence enabled. The tent will also be only on THAT server. Other people can find and loot it. Sometimes you find ten guns in one house, sometimes you don't find a gun in several towns. Sometimes you have loads of ammo, sometimes you don't. If you're not too picky you will never be without a gun for long. You can always craft yourself a bow and arrows. This game is hard. Well, unless you're on a 3rd person server. Then you're a wimp.