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Shanan (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Shanan (DayZ)

  1. It sucks. Just like you if you're really considering buying this piece of OEM crap. Use google and learn something about PCs before you spend a thousand bucks on one.

    It sucks. Just like you if you're really considering buying this piece of OEM crap. Use google and learn something about PCs before you spend a thousand bucks on one.

    Btw, its 1000 NZ dollars. a nd its not bad? WTF

  2. Well done. It's well... I'll let you decide I've also reported you for spamming.

    Well done. It's well... I'll let you decide I've also reported you for spamming.

    Wow fuck, i didnt mean to do that? i clicked it once, how do i delete them..?

  3. you may want to upgrade that dualcore to quad thats all I can say. you dont have the best gpu but im sure its enough for armaII needs and your cpu is holding performance back. look for your mobo model number and see if its compatible with a better quadcore amd cpu. amd quads are cheap.

    where do i find my mobo?

  4. When ArmA 2 was first released I was running it on an 8800 GT relatively well so it is possible. Although you are let down by your processor, which is an important part of being able to play DayZ.

    Try lowering 3D/Interface resolution, turn off AA and PP effects and in your config in your config turn off AOTC, also put shaders to very high (somehow this boosts performance) and make sure video memory is on default.

    Okay thanks, i have done all that, accept the config thing, and also i've had shadows disabled?

  5. Sup All, I have been experiencing low FPS in Dayz. It doesn't matter what settings i have, whether its all low, or all very high, I still get 20 FPS.

    I have tried everything to stop it including RAMdisk, running it as -winxp off steam, running it in windowed and playing around with the settings.

    Computer Specs are:

    CPU: AMD athlon™ II X2 240 proccesor 2.81GHz

    GFX: Nividia GeForce GTX275

    Ram: 4Gb

    Hard Drive: 300GB

    Please help me. Thanks

  6. Hey guys

    So im experiencing really low FPS in Dayz, and i've tried almost everything to fix it. Even if i put the settings very high or low, the fps stays at 20.

    Computer Specs are:

    CPU: AMD athlon™ II X2 240 proccesor 2.81GHz

    GFX: Nividia GeForce GTX275

    Ram: 4Gb

    Hard Drive: 300gb

    Please help me. Thanks
