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Shanan (DayZ)

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About Shanan (DayZ)

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  1. Shanan (DayZ)

    Check This Out

    Yeeah not getting this, its shit
  2. Shanan (DayZ)

    FPS Problems

    New computer time man, i have pretty much the same computer and i was also running the game choppy, i tried everything possible with very little change, so i choose to upgrade my computer. Sorry dude
  3. Shanan (DayZ)

    how is this not passing the system req's?

    lol. Buy a new computer. I could'nt even run the game well on my Amd Phenmon dual core 2.8GHz, with 4gb of ram and a GTX 275
  4. Shanan (DayZ)

    Bad FPS, any help?

    New Computer, no doubt about it man
  5. Shanan (DayZ)

    Check This Out

    Thank you very much, i did thought i only clicked it once. Sorry about that
  6. Shanan (DayZ)

    Check This Out

    I Dont see whats so bad about it?
  7. Shanan (DayZ)

    Check This Out

    Btw, its 1000 NZ dollars. a nd its not bad? WTF
  8. Shanan (DayZ)

    Check This Out

    Wow fuck, i didnt mean to do that? i clicked it once, how do i delete them..?
  9. Shanan (DayZ)

    Check This Out

    http://www.pbtech.co.nz/index.php?z=p&p=WKSPB1466&name=PB-1466-Intel-Ivy-Bridge-Core-i5-3470-Quad-Core-3. I plan on buying this, what do you guys think? Thanks
  10. Shanan (DayZ)

    Please help me with my FPS trouble.

    http://www.pbtech.co.nz/index.php?z=p&p=WKSPB1466&name=PB-1466-Intel-Ivy-Bridge-Core-i5-3470-Quad-Core-3. I plan on buying this, whatya think?
  11. Shanan (DayZ)


    Thanks for the help guys, Im buying a new computer
  12. Shanan (DayZ)

    Please help me with my FPS trouble.

    http://www.systemreq...e=DayZ&id=11404 said that i could run it best as possible..? lol
  13. Shanan (DayZ)

    Please help me with my FPS trouble.

    where do i find my mobo?
  14. Shanan (DayZ)

    Please help me with my FPS trouble.

    Okay thanks, i have done all that, accept the config thing, and also i've had shadows disabled?
  15. Sup All, I have been experiencing low FPS in Dayz. It doesn't matter what settings i have, whether its all low, or all very high, I still get 20 FPS. I have tried everything to stop it including RAMdisk, running it as -winxp off steam, running it in windowed and playing around with the settings. Computer Specs are: CPU: AMD athlon™ II X2 240 proccesor 2.81GHz GFX: Nividia GeForce GTX275 Ram: 4Gb Hard Drive: 300GB Please help me. Thanks