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Everything posted by Majeye

  1. Anyone know what this restriction means? I have never used any scripts or hacks to bring any non-DayZ sanctioned guns/items/vehicles into the game. I am 100% legit when I play. No idea why this is happening. At this rate, BattlEye really *IS* worse than the hackers/scripters. Glad to have such an amazing anti-cheat engine helping all the legit players from being kicked/banned.
  2. silghtly ridiculous that BattlEye is a 3rd party anti-cheat program and it's banning people from playing a game that they bought for $30. I hope Bohemian Interactive is happy right now.
  3. Thanks for the super knowledge and help, I'm sure you make your momma proud.
  4. I *NEVER* update anything until about 5 days after it released. I never get kicked/banned from servers. Never hacked or scripted anything in. 100% total legit player. Still not kicked/banned from any server. Not sure how this is happening, but still able to play, thank you Steam for such an awesome game & thank you BattlEye for protecting me from scripters.
  5. Majeye

    Admin Abuse US 888

    I witnessed this happening. If that link does not work, this one should: http://www.twitch.tv/thinkingpcgamer/b/327434255?new
  6. Majeye

    DE 735 God Mode, Teleport Hacks

    I was part of this group and was one of the players that was teleported from Lapatino to Green Mountain. I really wish more could be done about this "hackers/cheaters/scripters", they are ruining such a fun/addicting game. This incident took place: 7/25/2012 around 1:10am Central Standard Time (U.S.)