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About wellysmut

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    norwich uk
  1. wellysmut

    DayZ SA Controller Issue

    there was a update today still not working has there been any news on this or we still left in the dark
  2. wellysmut

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    day 16 spawned in this time lost my backpack still no problem with that i can always find another zeds seem fine abit of desinc traveled pretty far it seems ok my end arma x steam sixupdater somthing that may help i dont sign in to steam when using sixupdater i dont no if that makes any difference but i have had no major issues but i did sign in when battleeye wouldnt update and it seemed to work maybe just by luck :)
  3. wellysmut

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    started up loaded for 1st time since update strait in only thing lost was ghillie suit but thats ok no other problems day 12 steam armax user sixupdater everything goes fine if we keep it simple dont rush in all at once i will go back in tomorrow for a long trip to see what happens if i survive i shall report back if not then farewell survivers you will have to find my notes :)
  4. wellysmut

    Starting a comunity camp

    if any one on steam add me my name is wellysmut it would probably be the safest way to get started skype wellysmut :)
  5. wellysmut

    Starting a comunity camp

    yes i get your point but but this is about surviving for the long hall not just to run around willy nilly with the freedom to come and go and you would have to earn free stuff as it would be a joint effort to help the new the more experienced could help with that matter :) good stuff once i start settiing stuff up will give you a shout we will only know if we try :)
  6. Hello there i am thinking of starting a community on a server hopefully my own once setup i am from uk so ping shouldn't be a problem in Europe anyway plans are (1) setup a camp ie wire tents and stuff that maybe added in future (2) help for survivors that need it ie journey out with what you need and with help to find Vehicles and protection from bandits so please give feedback if you are interested ideas if we cannot survive alone then lets try to help each other out there will have to be rules like guard duty as wont be able to leave camp unprotected search groups will need leaders a voting system for over all rules hope there is some interest in this idea let me know thanks for reading at least :) Help would be appreciated i will try to keep you updated as and when possible
  7. No. Nothing needs to be done to hostile survivors. It is fine right now, people getting shot and robbed like they would be in real life. There is no room for the weak. i agree i once spawned and met up with a random player who helped me to safety and asked if i wanted to tag along with him and his friend but i thought no they went out of there way to help me so i thought i would do the same and help some one to get set up there are spawn killers but there are also people willing to help which i hope would be the case in a real situation i was happy to do a good deed for someone but i probably would not of if someone hadn't helped me we learn to adjust :)
  8. wellysmut

    se 9 cheaters

    yes i guess thats not hacking but cheating all the same me and my mate could of just logged out but thats not the game hacking cheating same thing in my boat it makes no odds we had the angles covered ready for a good shoot out but no go coz the weak cheat..... but thanks for pointing that out i will think more about what i right in future :)
  9. wellysmut

    se 9 cheaters

    se 9 cheaters loggin out then loggin in so the buildings are see-through then shooting i wrote watch out hackers in the lobby then i was kicked time 20.00 gmt flats near shop near lumbermill / idont mind being killed but not if it is unfair whats the point hope karma bites you in the arse
  10. wellysmut

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    thanks mr r keep on keepin on love the no guns at start more friendly i have become a helper of the new repaying as someone done that for me :D
  11. wellysmut

    [UK4] - Currently ONLINE

    you have ping whores in your server there going upto 7000 makin everone crash just thought iwould let you know :) frans and sloth
  12. wellysmut

    EU16 - will it come back?

    eu 16 watch out got shot at so shot back both of us died but then i was kicked from game so watch out who you shoot UsK
  13. wellysmut

    [UK4] - Currently ONLINE

    sorry it was me in the airfield i have learnt to shoot first ask later got my do's though got ran over and shot in head well deserved i think again sorry awsome stuff no need for the gimp comment ha ha how did you know lol