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Everything posted by Milney

  1. Milney

    Contacting specified server admin

    Yeah, the connection failure has been affecting a few people (myself included). It's an issue with the NAT routing - my only work around is to swap across to my other Broadband Connection (different ISP) and it seems to work. Obviously not everyone can do this - Greg had managed a workaround, but after one of the restarts this morning it seems to be broke again.
  2. Milney

    Contacting specified server admin

    I'll signpost him to you when he's online this evening. Care to elaborate what your issues are? (If it's a "Connecting Failure" error when attempting to join, this is a known issue with NAT routing that he's working on). Edit: Looking at your posts you seem to be Russian, so I guess you might also be falling foul of the ping limit of 200ms.
  3. Milney

    How to open my tin of beans

    Most beans come with a pull-tab lid now...
  4. Milney

    Blood Transfusion on yourself.

    Because it makes surviving alone even easier than it already is. The "realistic" reason is that you need to elevate the bag whilst inserting the needle - hence a second person. The "gameplay" reason is that DayZ is a social experiment - making people entirely self-sufficient with no drawbacks means that NOONE will interact, which is half the fun. You can already gain a whole heap of blood back by murdering a cow and eating it (8x800 blood = 6400), having a 1 slot item that can instantly heal you to full would just make a mockery of cooking anything at all. (And cooking is promoted as the need to set up a fire increases the visibility of the player leading to more chances of interactions - similarly why temperature was added, to keep warm you need to be in a building or near a fire. Both choices increase the chance of meeting another player).
  5. You have a tent... but you carry EVERYTHING you own with you? Colour me confused.
  6. Milney

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    I'd vote no - keep the models (exception of course if the technical difficulties are insurmountable). Not only is it a useful indicator of intent, but for those saying they're not realistic the reverse is in fact true. In a post apocalyptic world there is no "society" to blend into - appearing normal is not a concern. Gathering the best survival gear is though, and military wear is much better than civvies. So bandits would of course start wearing these items as they gather them. It's only because we respawn in the game that we think it "unrealistic" as it gives their history away - but it reality this different gear wouldn't be a giveaway as people who knew what it entailed would be dead or wearing it Still if removed then my SOP will be to kill absolutely everyone on sight, as there would no longer be a consequence to doing so and there would now. BE even less reason to trust a survivor. Sorry everyone else, guess I'll just deactivate chat as it will no longer be used - who needs words when bullets will do.
  7. Not sure if this has been suggested before, but couldn't find a thread covering it on the first few pages. My suggestion is fairly simple, though I'm not sure how technically challenging or feasible it would be: Have the character spawn location be independent for each server (so saved locally on the server rather than on the HIVE server with the character data). The main reason for this is two-fold. First, it would remove the "loot-scrollers" who clog up valuable resource and server space by flicking through servers after having run to, say, the NW Airfield on one to clock up the loot. The second is to prevent those who abuse the central spawn location to create "inpenetrable" bases. Three times in the last few days I've had to log onto a different server after the main one I use has been down, and in each of those cases, spawned trapped into a completely walled in compound with a bandit camping in it (who then proceeded to murder me as I couldn't get out). The real issue though is that these players camp safely in their fortifications, upon killing a prey outside of the fortification use the ladder bug to exit the position, loot the corpse, then server scroll to move to a server where the position isn't boxed in then relog onto the original server. Suffice to say it's frustrating and immersion breaking.
  8. Milney

    [UK4] - Currently ONLINE

    Does the server get switched off during the day? I never seem to find it when logging on early evening after work :'(
  9. Milney

    [UK4] - Currently ONLINE

    I say old bean, the old girl seems to be off-line. Is she perchance beautifying herself for the evenings activities?