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Everything posted by 99treefrog

  1. 99treefrog

    Is there a gun like this in DayZ ?

    Subtex, he's talking about an L85 AWS w/ Holo. Not L85 AWS w/ thermal and night vision :P
  2. 99treefrog

    Is there a gun like this in DayZ ?

    As far as I am concerned, the gun is hacked. The punishment might be a ban, kick, or warning? Idk about the punishment, sorry :( P.S. Correct me if I'm wrong :)
  3. 99treefrog

    Found a bunch of vehicles.

    Yup, we got hackers... :P
  4. DayZ Name : Alienware (Going to change it when I die :P) How long have you played DayZ : 1 1/2 to 2 months. I'm decent for my playtime. Time Zone: EST Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes. I would love some organization for once and DayZ. And it seems like this would be perfect. What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Navigator,driver(of cars-trucks), and/or engineer :) (spotter works as well) Thank you for your time, Treefrog
  5. Do you guys have a clan site? I got a couple of mates looking for some action. And how do we know you're not a bandit setting an ambush?
  6. 99treefrog

    I found a Radio

    Same here .__. This was truly a brilliant idea! Rocket, if you're listening to this, GIVE IT A USE! Maybe a form of comm as someone said with different frequencies. Or someone mentioned giving a crashed heli location 0_0 Just really want to see this radio in the game, legit, and having a purpose :)
  7. 99treefrog

    First Heli Crash Site yay!

    That's a shame. I just found my first heli yesterday. I was stuck outside Gorka for a while not doing anything. Couple weeks later I log back in and find a crashed heli about 250 meters away. Had to sneak in. First time I was chased to a barn. Next time I went sneak sneaky... found silenced Bizon with 192 shots :)
  8. 99treefrog

    Loot areas

    Ok, so I'm not amazing with locations and loot. But here it goes... North West Airfield: HIGH loot w/ High Risk as bandits love to pick off survivors here. (There is also an ATV spawn on a mountain north of it) Balota Airstrip: Towards the south. Good loot from the tower/building and from the med-camp just south of the airstrip.(Med-camp contains 4 deerstands which can spawn some military loot) I've been there numerous times and have only been killed by a player once there. Can't say the same with zombies. North East Airstrip: Ok loot. I've never been there but my friends say it's not too great. It does have some military loot. As for the risk I am unaware. And those are the main 3 places I go for military loot :)
  9. 99treefrog

    Looking For Small Group

    I think it'd be cool to have a couple of people to survive with :D I am on the east coast as well and I have Skype, however I have a TeamSpeak server that we could talk on. I'm not a pro at this but I know the basics and some things I found out by trial and error. Cheers, TreeFrog