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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. Siberian (DayZ)


    logged in to test the new patch after NOT playing SA for several months.. it's actualy worse now.... lost my character to lag/desync..(not that it matters i guess) played for about an hour, back to the mod for me.. SA might look pretty, but its got nothing on the mod at this point...
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    Will DayZ SA die out to Mods just like the Mod did?

    exactly.. i hear alot about modding = 1000cars/full loot spawn, and i understand those servers exist. but it doesnt mean EVERY mod servers does. i play several different dayz mod versions and NONE of the servers i play on have those features at all.. my current favortite mod is "unleashed" which is about as close to vanilla as can be but it has roaming AI npcs baddies fighting a 3 sided war.. (army AI vs Bandit AI vs Player) its AWESOME... i wish /hope someone makes a unleashed mod for SA. ps Unleashed always has its own custom map which is fantastic
  3. played it all since arma II, but right now ive returned to the mod.. havent picked up SA in 2 months or so.. its simply to hollow.. to be frank i dont really have to much faith in SA with BI/Rocket... perhaps once it hits the mod community then it will take off. but until then i just dont see myself ever playing ALOT of SA like o do with the mod. im not at all interested in playing a shit/poison forcefeed sim..
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    omg in rage new player!

    UGH !!! for what its worth, Dayz is basicly a endless cycle of dieing and rekitting.. that is the GAME !
  5. Siberian (DayZ)

    What the f*ck is going on on the coast?

    and another KoSer is born.. the line starts over there ---->
  6. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why I'm a Bandit..

    oh look, yet another KoS'er.. news flash the lineup starts over there ----> and its a LONG lineup...
  7. Siberian (DayZ)

    How long before we get another map?

    i dont think you'll ever see a new map released from BI/Rocket.. i bet any new maps come with/from the modding community.
  8. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why is der a F****** hide body function!?!?!

    its pretty much one of the few ways to control the amount of gear in the game.. if nothing ever vanishs before long everyone will have everything.. hiding corpses is a VERY important part of any gear economy...
  9. Siberian (DayZ)

    Being killed,with no explanation ?

    sniped and bled out would be my guess.. and sounds like u had a broken leg to boot.
  10. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    whats a sacriel ?
  11. Siberian (DayZ)

    I don't understand this game.

    well said..
  12. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    thats like saying if someone gets the drop on you, its not fair either.. 1st or 3rd person views have little to do with being fair or not, its more about situations, sometimes ur the lion sometimes your the lamb.
  13. Siberian (DayZ)

    While your adding in content.. can we get some cats?

    thx as a cat lover i found that image incredibly hard to watch.. my blood was boiling for hours after.. there was NO call for that to be posted in a open forum
  14. Siberian (DayZ)

    I don't understand this game.

    congrats welcome to endgame DayZ.. basicly,sadly yes this is all u can expect from the game community. sorry to inform you. you should have been here about 2 years ago...before word really got out.
  15. Siberian (DayZ)

    Always in the daylight?

    cuz nitetime in Arma/DayZ sucks ASS..
  16. Siberian (DayZ)

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    even with headbob right the fuck off in FPV i still get queasy... with headbob on, i'd have to stop playing if it were forced...
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

    to be honest the bast part of Dayz was/is being a freshie trying to figure out were u are, and then planning a path to get some basics. problem is Chernarus is sooooooooo played out everywere knows the map.. for me Dayz thrives on new maps/mods/content to keep me happily exploring
  18. Siberian (DayZ)

    A message, to message!

    local chat doesnt go very far.. this wont work in SA except for all but the luckiest of KoS-hunters...
  19. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why is hardcore so underpopulated?

    exactly.. FPV in arma/Dayz is god awful.. i feel like half a Rtard stumbling into walls , clipping corners and basicly NOt enjoying my time at all.. not to mention the feling of queasyness that come on after a short time.. i played tons of FPS games and never get the same problems i do in Arma/Dayz... thers just something about this games engine that makes FPV suck ass.. no sale...
  20. Siberian (DayZ)

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    : in order to not be seen by other players means u might aswell just go play a offline SP game.. theres as much player interaction there aswell..
  21. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why Day Z is "Fundamentally Flawed"

    ^^^^ EXACTLY^^^ i'd bet the farm thats the single biggest issue on why Dean is walking away from Dayz...
  22. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why Day Z is "Fundamentally Flawed"

    haha.. miss the ENTIRE point much ??? do everyone a favor go play CoD.. hahaahh
  23. Siberian (DayZ)

    I tried to be a friendly player, I really did.

    yet another KoSer is born... the line starts over there-------> ps its a LONG line... /facepalm
  24. Siberian (DayZ)

    Is Dayz over?

    http://massively.joystiq.com/2010/04/05/lead-game-designer-lee-hammock-leaving-fallen-earth/ this whole situatio reminds me of when this happened to another game that was in development that i USED to enjoy.. after Lee left, so did his vision of the game.. and Fallen earth quickly fell off the edge of the world so to speak, never to become what Lee had envisoned.. i see the same same thing happening here...