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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. Siberian (DayZ)

    So meanwhile at the airfield

    the only way that would have been cooler is if you typed in chat that you stole his bullets outa his pack.. followed by a loud MWHAHAAA... lol..
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ Gameplay lately...

    if the entire map is full of camping snipers, this game would be uninstalled so fast.. i like the fact this game is all about exploring, and knowing certain areas are high PVP probability.. if the enitre map becomes one big DM arena, im done..
  3. Siberian (DayZ)

    Running up Hills?

    run at a 45 degree angle to the hill
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    i really dont understand the mind of the PVP combat logger.. its one thing if your a carebear like myself who's never gunna attack a fellow player.. i will logout if i think another player will attack me. but when you purposely go out to hunt other players (like sniping from that rooftop), then what on earth would you combat log for ?? you basicly just wanmt an I WIN button, and if you dont get it you log out ??? sorry but thats lame as shit.
  5. Siberian (DayZ)

    Wanna Get BETTER at DayZ? (Watch These)

    thx boss.. not sure why utube couldnt find it when i searched
  6. Siberian (DayZ)

    Trust nobody! Not even on a non - pvp server!

    what server is nonpvp.. i want in..
  7. Siberian (DayZ)

    Wanna Get BETTER at DayZ? (Watch These)

    got a link ?, i cant seem to find it on your chnl.
  8. Siberian (DayZ)

    It Sounds Like It's Not Even About Zombies

    most of my deaths are from Zombels, as i dont PVP, and dont usualy walk off of hi heights.. with that said, my deaths are usualy from explroing with just under full blood and some zombel will get me with a lucky strike and break a bone.. from there things tend to get ugly quickly.. i normaly try to find Morphine before heading N, but if i dont find any i'll head N anyways and risk it.. makes things exciting, knowing everytime i login, it might be my toons last gasp at life.. love it.. for those who say the Zombies are no threat, i feel bad for you i really do..the Zombie survival game play mode is easily the best part of this game, you can find PVP anywere in countless FPS games,...
  9. Siberian (DayZ)

    How to explain to a potential new player...

    yea i just used Cmder after installing the arma stuff throu steam.
  10. Siberian (DayZ)

    How many people play DayZ with TrackIR?

    holy shit is that ever cool ima have to check my local puter store see if they sell that.
  11. Siberian (DayZ)

    Wanna Get BETTER at DayZ? (Watch These)

    hey weres chapter 4 ??? i found 1-3 then this one .. did 4 never get released ???
  12. i know its against the ToS, but i give me beans to that server admin.. putting up a wall to block out cheaters/hackers, is necc. at this point.. even if it does prevent some honest players from getting in.. until theres a shortage of servers for honest players i have ZERO problem with this tactic..
  13. Siberian (DayZ)

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    how sad is the DayZ community when the lowlife fresh spawn greivers Alt-F4 when someone can and does actualy shoot back .. fukn sadd........im no PVP'r in DayZ, but that is unbelievable how much of a douchebag move Alt_F4 is when you initiate combat then jump shit when you take fire..
  14. most of the servers that are strictly enforced to keep hackers/cheaters under control are private hive servers.. and i totaly dont blame them for doing it..
  15. the only time ive ever had this happen is when a server is getting ready to shutdown.. cuz i'll usualy DC, then check dayZ cmder, and sure enuf that server will be 1million ping in red. gotta try servers with lowest ping you can find i guess.. but if its every server, then you my friend have a bad net connection. ps use dayZ cmder its the best UI tool for filtering servers ive found
  16. Siberian (DayZ)

    Wanna Get BETTER at DayZ? (Watch These)

    ill give youir vids a watch after work.. thx for posting..
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    It Sounds Like It's Not Even About Zombies

    agreed, and those same people would say " this is a PVP, go play kitty isle. and GTFO".. sadly as soon as a game has any kind of PVP, it instantly becomes its soul focus to the narrowminded..
  18. the single biggest problem with the PVP in this game is that the community as a whole never takes in account the fact that not every encounter needs to end in bullets being traded.. in a real world Apoc. if you were at all leary about another person sighting, you would rabbit and try to avoid the suituation. you wouldnt expose your life to a sudden end, when theres another option.. if people in Dayz simply avoided people instead of always shooting first, the enrite game world would be better for it.. but alas when internet tuff guys can just sit behind their puter screens, and fire away at any moving pixel, the odds of that happening are pretty much nil. its really a shame that KoS is modusoperanti here... really a shame hopefully WarZ deals with the KoS problem better..
  19. Siberian (DayZ)

    Killing unarmed survivors..

    wow what a group of real baddass' we got here.. killing fresh spawns in elec. with your GROUP of well armed toons.. and you posted a video to gloat about it to, hahah.. /facepalm
  20. Siberian (DayZ)

    When does it go to night?

    exactly.. and take into account the load times and its an annoying "feature".. Dayz Cmder needs to get that sorted. show us the ACTUAL time in game atm. or else scanning for server time is a total crap shoot.
  21. Siberian (DayZ)

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Fortran, you sir are awesome.. i salute you.
  22. Siberian (DayZ)

    When does it go to night?

    dayZ commander still even when scan/filter for daylite servers will put you into full dark games.. its def. wacky, but at least you can get a better chance of finding dark/light servers.
  23. Siberian (DayZ)

    Operation Bang Tidy: Open Community Event

    if i were able to be online for the US time slot, i'd be all over this like stink on a baby Zombie.. but alas Rl will keep me offline.. shame as it sounds like fun should be had by all. assuming grievers/hackers dont ruin it.
  24. Siberian (DayZ)

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    i shudder i shudder to think how shitty this games community would be if everyone thought like you did.. /facepalm ps quake is ---> way...
  25. Siberian (DayZ)

    Death should really be the end.

    umm so what happens to the rest of your team if your traveling in said car, and teh driver dies.. does everyone in the car suddenly warp onto the roadside, cuz the car magicaly disappeared ??? sorry but its a bad idea that wont work in DayZ, unless theres a singleplayer version.. for that your idea would work perfectly