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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. Siberian (DayZ)

    Hiding player bodies..

    ummm moving a body is EXACTLy the same thing.. your trying to prevent the victim from retrieving his gear. im fine with having my corpse hidden, in fact 99% of the time i wont even bother to go search it out.
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    The petition to keep DayZ HARDCORE (standalone)

    your poll is WAYYY to vague.. didnt vote. as for keeping it hardcore mode, well we have all seen what rockets "vision" of the anti-game has turned into when you dont have any form of rules or game play enforced areas. when you leave the internet to its own, well the lowest forms of life tend to gravitate to it.. if the standalone is built like this MOD is, i suspect within months (if not sooner) it will be in EXACTLy the same state it is now..
  3. so i sprung for the PMC DLC for ARMA II.. what should i expect to see different in Dayz ?? i fired up the game and tbh i didnt notice anything diffferent at all.. is there some setting you have to turn on ? ps i did start playing the PMC DLc for a few minutes so i know the game DL'd/installed fine... textures and so forth looked good in there.. does DayZ not make use of anything from the PMC DLC ? my character (in camo clothing) was just as blurry and nasty looking as before i bought the PMC.
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    question regarding PMC DLC and textures.

    yea i have no qualms about buying the DLC.. just wasnt sure what would be different within DayZ.
  5. Siberian (DayZ)

    question regarding PMC DLC and textures.

    haha.dam.. looks like i need to buy more DLC.. well played Rocket.. well played indeed. /golfclap, haahah
  6. Siberian (DayZ)

    Day or Night Servers

    DAM... well thx for the update.. good to know your on top of the possibility.. ps love your launch proggy btw. shame about the day/night info not being avaiable outside of actualy joining the game.
  7. Siberian (DayZ)

    Fail Log of the innocent survivor

    havent had any luck finding vehicles, but i did manage to run towards a downramp (on the second floor) of a barn and instead of going down the ramp i proceeded to jump clean off the edge and fall to my ultimate demise.. when i was still in midair, i was already yelling at my puter screen cuz i knew what was coming.. GRRR !!!!
  8. Siberian (DayZ)

    Disconnecting AFTER death??

    def. sound slike someone DC'd after dieing so you wouldnt get to loot them.
  9. Siberian (DayZ)

    Day or Night Servers

    yea dayZ cmder needs to update/patch in a sync to the ACTUAL current time in game when pinged. gonig throu all the hassle to find the server is light/dark depending on what your scanning for is a serious PITA given how long it can take to actual span in game sometimes..
  10. Siberian (DayZ)

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    so basicly rather then play the game you just decided to find the " i win" buton on the internet and hacked all the gear you'd need... wow thats about as lame as ive ever heard.
  11. think my highest Zombel kill total was near 1000... my player kill total is at ZERO, and will remain there...
  12. Siberian (DayZ)

    Chernarus Bus Tours - Disgruntled Passengers

    lol at the ending.. sniped with ur face to the wall.. nice execution.. ever figure out who got you ?
  13. Siberian (DayZ)

    We crashed our helicopter... again

    /golfclap... hahahah...
  14. Siberian (DayZ)

    Veteran Servers

    veteran has nothig to do with how easy you die to players or Zeds. your HP and guns remain the same power. if thats what your after.
  15. Siberian (DayZ)

    How did you kill your first victim?

    no idea, i havent killed anyone yet.. (doubt it will ever happen tbh). i rabbit like a mofo, when i even think there might be another player.. i RP as a survivalist, and dont need to be bothered by someone elses PVP agenda, if there were a SP version of this i'd be playing it already.
  16. Siberian (DayZ)

    Is my character sleeping or glitched?

    sadly if nothing else just let your food/water timer run out and die that way.. sorry i have no idea whats wrong.. have you tried logging into various servers ? or even "end program" while loading the game after connecting to a server ? sometimes that can reset you onto the beach.
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    THIS GAME IS SO.....

  18. Siberian (DayZ)

    character bound per server?

    i say NO until servers stop disappearing.. i routinely have to scan for new servers as my old favs seem to be offline/full or just plain gone..
  19. super grats to the community playing on this server.. nice to know there are still some real players out there.. cheers.
  20. Siberian (DayZ)

    Remove Hiding Bodies...

    disagree completly.. its a total legit tactic, i dont even PVP and im ok with it.. in fact i expect it..i almost never go back for my corpse if my death was a PVP one or in a high traffic area.. i expect the corpse will either be stripped or hidden.. sounds like your just bitter cuz you had to go get new gear. if gear never expired from the game, very soon everyone would be "fully kitted" and then there would be NO need to explore anymore..
  21. you can try to login into a few servers and end program at the loading screen after connecting.. most times this will cause your location data to get corrupted so the game will spawn you on the beach next login attempt. GL.
  22. Siberian (DayZ)

    you sir, are an ahole

    just try to play on low pop servers.. fuk the PVPers who prey on fresh spawns.. its a real shame how low the community as a whole has stooped for this mod, but thats what happens when you dont have zones/rules for seperating fresh spawn/noobs from fully geared bored gankers.. you either can try to limit your risk by selecting servers with less people or stop playing.. or you can continue to fall prey.. thats about it really.
  23. Siberian (DayZ)

    Loging out/Loging Back in

    normaly you can.. most tiems when u warp to the coast, its due to a bug with your location getting corrupted on the loading screen and alt-tabbing out of game.. losing items is a whole nother issue.. i havent had that happen but i do routinely get sent to the coast.. grrr.. fraid i cant help you on losing ur gear, you sure you didnt die ???
  24. sounds intriging... have to look into this more over the weekend. as a RP player this server interests me greatly. even thou i play from the West coast of NA. perhaps the ping will be tolerable. i have played euro servers before just fine.
  25. Siberian (DayZ)

    ALT f4 stopping. The simple way.

    i wonder how happy about this idea the OP would be when his game crashs or his net DC's... lol @ insta-death on Alt-F4 ( or any version of it)... totaly NOT a solution, kkthxbai