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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. Siberian (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    DUDE , that was fukn outstanding... captured life in DayZ perfectly.. gunna share that vid link with some friends in fact.
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ - Cartoon Style [Fixed]

    thats scary accurate to... well done sir have some beans
  3. Siberian (DayZ)

    mythbuster: heli crash pilots and NVG

    searched many a downed helo, never seen a set.
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    Permanent Bandit & Humanity level

    ur bandit/hero/humanity status is permanent upon death... not sure what ur talking about
  5. Siberian (DayZ)

    Takistan Servers

    sciddie infestation.. nuf said'
  6. Siberian (DayZ)

    "Oh, it's night. Guess I'd better leave"

    i dont play on any nite servers.. simply dont enjoy playing in darkness..
  7. im all for any new maps.. doesnt matter how kickass a map is, eventualy u need new hunting grounds.
  8. Siberian (DayZ)

    Fresh spawn as bandit? Huh

    you played as a bandit, now you get to live as one.. typical attitude of a bandit.. "waaa waa, lives to hard now that people know i KoS, i wanna be part of the mass', again".. sorry no sympathy, go earn ur humanity back..
  9. Siberian (DayZ)

    Meanwhile, at the office..

    must be photoshopped.. if that were a real DayZ picture, the person holding the camera would have shot you for your ghillie.. 8-)
  10. Siberian (DayZ)

    How NOT to steal someones plane (Catapults in Takistan?)

    exactly.. douchebag got what he deserved.. sayin friendly then attacking is about 1 step above being a hacker/sciddie and its a VERY small step.
  11. Siberian (DayZ)

    {Poll} A player saves your life, what do you do

    i love how NO one has voted for kill them. when thats EXACTLy what happens day in day out in game.. typical...
  12. Siberian (DayZ)

    New players tutorial to the Makarov PM

    the only way to make the Mak. worth picking up is if your comfortable headshooting.. if you cant aim quickly in a panic sitiuation then the Mak. will just as likely get you killed as if you had no wepaon, and choose to flee instead. personaly i'd rather have no weapon then pick up a Mak. ps and the crowbar isnt even worthy of picking up..
  13. ive had this happen enuf times, that it has to be a intended feature/bug thats not owrking correctly.. even switching servers doesnt get rid of it, unless you go to a private hive. not sure what causes it, but godam its annoying.
  14. Siberian (DayZ)

    Bandit only server

    ummm you just said everyone is a bandit and should be expected to shoot on sight. then you said "me and my team", so its not really any different then any other server is it ??? if you want a true bandit only server then there should be no teaming up and everyone is out for themselves. now that would truely make living hard/dangerous. personaly all i see but what ur setting up on this server is a team play server only. as a lone player your basicly fuked.
  15. Siberian (DayZ)

    How's the hacker status of DayZ?

    all the hackers seem to have migrated over to the Fallujah map.. good god you cant have a decent game there right now..
  16. Siberian (DayZ)

    SurviveDayZ Servers

    good to know. ill keep watching for updates on this. thx.
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    SurviveDayZ Servers

    not sure if this is the place to ask. any chance this exciting new mod will be coming to dayz cmddr? ill admit im not the puter tech expert. and i really appreciate the ease with which cmder makes installing/updating/running maps and such. just curious if the survivedayz/dayz cmdr devs have considered adding support? thx in advance Siberian
  18. Siberian (DayZ)

    Leveling system?

    def. NOT... Dayz isnt a leveling type game.. it just isnt.
  19. Siberian (DayZ)

    Surviving a Horde Only to be Killed by...

    LOL axed u in the back, haahh
  20. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ favorite map

    Takistan.. i just love it.. not sure why. Cherna was awesome a few months back but im burned out on it now. Lingor was fun for awhile, but it didnt hold my interest as long as Takistan is. Fall. is just plain BAD !!. never tried Utes as i dont PVP.
  21. Siberian (DayZ)

    Should they disable spawning in kamenka?

    this week Kamenka, whats next weeks bad spawn you want removed ??? sorry but just cuz you dont like spawning there doesnt mean some dont.. personaly i have NO trouble spawning there..
  22. Siberian (DayZ)

    Grounded the little turd

    To the trolls: do the world a favor.. dont have children.. seriously. OP was/is correct, in this day n age, everyone seems to think saying "sorry" is enuf to get away with anything..
  23. Siberian (DayZ)

    Favorite DayZ youtubers

    yea his ability to snipe is legendary.. i miss his update vids.
  24. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ Takistan: First game / First Kill

    Takistan is WAYYY better then Fallujah atm if you ask me. i log most of my play hours into Takistan these days.
  25. Siberian (DayZ)

    Who the F*&$ broke Takistan....

    ??? u mean the lack of servers lately ??