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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. Siberian (DayZ)

    ??? unknown game version after latest ARMA patch

    ah ok.. thx boss..
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    Logging off delay

    wow thats def. never been suggested before..
  3. EXACTLY... if it werent for DayzCmder and Vilayer the Panthera map would still be a mostly unused map on a couple of servers most people wouldnt even notice. in the end theres nothing stopping people from playing on the original Panthera version if they want to. provided you can find someone willing to host the map. this thread is pretty full on twisted panty's.. hahhah... i must say without DayZcmder, i'd prolly not be playing DayZ anymore.. i'd be so burned out on Cherna. and the non-stop sciddie problem. DayZcmder/Vilayer are doing the majority of the DayZ player base a massive service by keeping the gameplay fresh. if map makers are getting butthurt about the way maps are being used, then they should rethink why they build maps in the first place.
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    Memories of DayZ mod in SA

    mountain dew AD road sign near green mtn. for extra creep points.
  5. so you want this "free" software which allows me to play this "free" mod, and enjoy fresh new "free" maps to be banned ?? have i got that right ??? ummm yea, whateva.
  6. the problem with ur idea is that this game is full of KoS asshats.. so long as there are "no rules" anti-game design going onhere, that will never change. good luk getting a group when its virtualy impossible to see another player and not have bullets exchanged. good luk indeed.
  7. Siberian (DayZ)

    Never leave a fresh spawn alone on your bus.

    i dont know, seems one douchebag move deserves another.. seems like Karma set the balance back if you ask me. stealing a ride that the people were nice enuf to give u a pickup in, is a BIG part of why so few nice things/people exist in DayZ anymore.. ur part of the problem.
  8. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ Commander problem =[

    uninstall reinstall ??
  9. Siberian (DayZ)


    i RP my way throu the game world, but alas few others do.. most just play murder-sim 3000 mode. shame really. but when u build a game without rules, thats what you get..
  10. Siberian (DayZ)

    Your First Murder

    HEY, everyone wants their 15secs of fame..
  11. Siberian (DayZ)

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    NO.. why should spawning in be made easy-mode to regear.. its a survival game, why remove parts of the game that make it challenging.
  12. Siberian (DayZ)

    Your First Murder

    ive never killed another player in DayZ... i actualy prefer to play the "rabbit" and employ the power of hide n seek to make my gameplay more exciting. this way both parties get to live, most times the other player doesnt even know i was there, and "could" have killed them but didnt. sometimes i get shot at, and then the chase is on. sometimes i manage to hide and watch them hunt around trying to figure out were i went.. if theres a side chat sometimes i will mock them when im a good distance away... hahah.. but lets be honest most times it involves me being shot to death.. but who cares. then i get to start the adventure all over again.
  13. Siberian (DayZ)

    Getting pulled over by the military

    did you really just build that roadblock and sit there n wait for someone to come past ? LOL if so.. that was a great skit thou.
  14. Siberian (DayZ)

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    much love for Vilayer... oh and DayZcmder.
  15. Siberian (DayZ)

    Panthera Island First Look Heli Tour

    anyone else notice the Z's on Panthera seem to be extra hostile ?? i noticed the Z's seem stronger then previous. and there seems to be more spawning in a given area (when ur the only person there)
  16. Siberian (DayZ)

    Panthera Island First Look Heli Tour

    nm got it working... just tried the reinstall button, that seems to have figured it out.. got about 1hr playtime in.. LOVE IT so far... you guys rok.
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    Panthera Island First Look Heli Tour

    anyone able to get this map to work throu Cmder ? im getting some accepted keys error or something.. i dont know jack about how to get this to work manualy so i rely on dayzcmder for my addon maps. i have fall/takistan and lingor all working throu cmder so im guessing this is some error due to the new release. any ideas ?
  18. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ - Chopper Assholes...

    wow random doucheness. you'll fit in perfectly.. /facepalm
  19. Siberian (DayZ)

    Panthera Island First Look Heli Tour

    never mind the haters.. i for one love what both Vilayer and DayZcmder have done for the dayZ community as a whole. id be long since burned out if it were only Chenarus to play on. for me personaly i love the takistan map. but this Panthera looks awesome.. come on dayZcmder lets go... /drooling on keyboard. EDIT, sweet its up.. DLing all the updates now.. wohoo
  20. Siberian (DayZ)

    So, you ever been picked up by a heli-house?

    that was a pretty quick exit.. my hats off to you, i would prolly have been squished by that house before i thought to get out.. godam scidies.
  21. Siberian (DayZ)

    Hilarious Events When Needing to be Serious

    looks like everyone got what they deserved.. all bandits dead and accounted for sir.
  22. started playing today was just about to be break of dawn.. managed to get the single farthest spawn from anywere...well W of the bridges out past Kamenka for gods sake.. ohwell hoofed it all the way to Cherno, finding a few items along the way and dispatched a few Zeds. the best part was nearing Cherno, and a vehicle of some description (soviet army jeep?) ripped past me on teh road heading towards kamenka. low n behold it didnt swerve to run me over or empty out and kill me on site. instead they just kept on going.. wow thats a nice change of pace and more like the gameplay i expect in a Zombie survival game..people in a moving car would have no real reason to stop and hassle a single person with no equipment. everyone went on their merry way.i could get used to this. we'll see in the next few days how things continue. but so far its 2 zombie thumbs UP !!!
  23. Siberian (DayZ)

    So I was bord in DayZ

    yea id def . rather have a hatchet then a mak. in fact i wont even pick up a mak. it just gets me into more trouble then being barefisted.
  24. as a rabbiting non-PVP'r i use any kit i can that helps me hide till the danger is passed.. i kind of like the hide n seek gameplay of being a non-combatant. so yes i use a ghillie when found even thou i dont hunt players. the ghillie is one of my best/ most fav. items for helping me hide. it really does work well.