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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. Siberian (DayZ)

    Update isn't backwards compatible?

    yea im getting the same errors. im just gunna rollback to 1.7.3 for now
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    Namalsk Brensk Bridge

    that was a awesome concus. wave. this game needs more things like this in it.. being able to blow up/ make changes to the enviroment offer so much gameplay options.. i never tire of watching the namalask bridges get blown up. thx for posting
  3. Siberian (DayZ)

    Vilayer New Hive and Map updates

    what about the odds of seeing Taviana any time soon ???
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    Dayz in real life - standoff

    godam KoS bastards..
  5. Siberian (DayZ)

    Return to DayZ worth it?

    still same. KoS still what u can expect pretty much the only good thing to happen to DayZ recently have been the addon maps
  6. Siberian (DayZ)

    Do custom servers make a good sandbox?

    i think with more variables, comes a larger player base.. while some will see it as watering down the DayZ experience, i see it as opening the game to those who might not have liked the Pure dayZ game. as long as its clear in the UI before joining so that players know what they are logging into, then i have ZERO issues with customs servers running any number of flags for new game play mods or turning off other core features.
  7. Siberian (DayZ)

    If you were an in game item what would you be?

    Siberians cozy Fire log.. perfect for those cold nite RP sessions round the fire.. 2for1 bonus pack coupon good for use on Namalask only...
  8. Siberian (DayZ)

    Remove 24/7 Daylight servers.

    LOL dont u see the irony in your own reply.. theres soooo many servers running various versions of DayZ, why would you care how a few are being run differently ??? 1 million flavours of vanilla is still just 1 flavour really. DayZ in all its various versions is whats helping cater to a bigger player base then just 1 version of like it and shutup ever would.
  9. Siberian (DayZ)

    zombie movements for standalon

    hmm is this wasteland a mod thats available to play for ARMA II already ?? ive never heard of it.. fill me in..plz
  10. Siberian (DayZ)

    So you thought Hatchet Man was gonna Getcha?

    DayZ is 18+ so were all safe..
  11. Siberian (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    maps far to small for jets.. hell its to small for any kind of plane really..with the exception of the Osprey thats on certain maps, but its a hybrid Helo's suit dayz perfectly, thers no need for anything else really,
  12. Siberian (DayZ)

    [DayZ SA] Will DayZ remain a sandbox game forever?

    personaly i dont think there is anything different we can expect from the SA vs. what we see today in the mod, the KoS epidemic will continue, maybe have a slight lull at first launch as people go about exploring the map again, but in very short order it will be camping the hills above Electro to pop nubs as per usual.. i dont think Rocket can fix DayZ without putting into places rulesets vs play styles. with freedom ala DayZ ur gunna be stuck in a game world full of asshats. simple as that.
  13. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ: Namalsk

    DL DayZcommander.. it makes installing addon maps painless.. i to am unable to figure out the manual method.. so DayZcmder is a livesafer. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27604-dayz-commander-unofficial-six-launcher-alternative/
  14. Siberian (DayZ)

    What's the point in being good?

    ummm thats EXACTLY what you get in DayZ if everyone just continues to KoS every bloody time marching right on into SA. its always funny how the people who foster the KoS attitude are the same people who complain about how you cant trust other players.. /facepalm
  15. Siberian (DayZ)

    Weapon damage, do you like it?

    its fine the way it is.. the Axe would be pretty much the end all weapon if it were a reality sim. no one functions after getting wacked fullon with a Axe blade.
  16. Siberian (DayZ)

    I returned from a 3 month break.

    namalask is what Chernarus should have been. the hunt to find basics is an epic balance of eat/drink it now or risk not having enuf for later. add in the enviro-damage and u have a great exploration map. that doesnt treat u with kid gloves
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    Axe/Hatchet the best weapon ever?

    hatchet has its place but the near constant blood loss from zombie strikes add up. i use it as a fresh spawn whilst searching for my beloved winchester. for my non-PVP. play style the winchester is the ultimate survival tool.
  18. Siberian (DayZ)

    Am I too friendly?

    just dont let the asshats at the top get to you.. nothing wrong with be overly friendly. DayZ is about starting over, much more so then some weird desire to keep ur gear and live forever..
  19. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ in real life - stairs

    LOL, must be playing Namalask given the lack of food.. keep em up, really enjoying this series.
  20. actualy your compeltly WRONG.. the bandit skin did in fact help. when it was removed the KoS problem skyrocketed out of control. its a fact.
  21. zombies are like mike tyson.. they can bust you up just by being near you.. personaly i feel the chance to break a leg is way to common. but its part of the risk of playing.
  22. Siberian (DayZ)

    What was your very first ever DayZ death?

    ran into town, promptly seen by Zombies.. beaten/eaten to death trying to figure out why i couldnt fight back, hhahah
  23. Siberian (DayZ)

    New Map - DayzTaviana is released!

    yea i tried that to, still doesnt work.. i seriously cant figure out ho to manualy install maps i guess.. come on dayZcmder.. get this map online. namalsk is starting to get old..not old like Cherna but its getting there..
  24. Siberian (DayZ)

    Destructible bridges are "EPIC".

    holy shit that is fukn epic.. i often wondered if teh bridge could be destroyed.. WOHOOO... vid of the year right there..
  25. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why the skin system is fine...for now

    hopefully the SA comes with various levels of skins for play styles.. such as field medic, murderer ( of various levels), mechanic, etc... and such.. just having a single hero/bandit skin to cover all the various reasons for having obtaining it (while working in the mod) isnt good enuf for a full retail game. looking out long term people need reasons/consequences for their actions.