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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. Siberian (DayZ)

    standalone missions

    the KoS crowd will always poo poo any sort of PVE type content.. of that you can be sure..
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    Best Weapons?

    winchester.. hands down the perfect mix of ability/ease of finding, and quietness..
  3. 15:25 in: Rocket wants to deal with the KoS issue.. hahah GL with that.. unless they fire the entire community and start over with fresh people, or finaly actualy implement some kind of ruleset, the KoS issue will still be the single biggest issue..
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    What do you like/dislike so far when it comes to SA?

    hahah sorry but i have ZERO faith the community wont be right back to KoS within 2 weeks of release.. people will have been everywere, seen all the new stuff, and then simply return to popping every person they see.. hope im wrong but i REALLY dont think i'll see anything but CoD on a huge map continue..
  5. Siberian (DayZ)

    What do you like/dislike so far when it comes to SA?

    i thought most of everything in the video looked bad. if i didnt know better i would have said it was a console port of DayZ. i dont think there was one moment were i was excited to see something. as if it were entirely new, like SA should be offering.
  6. sadly ur about a year to late for that.. the game has sadly become CoD on a massive map. all thats left are the KoS kiddies.
  7. Siberian (DayZ)

    E3 Expo - June 2013 - Interviews and Gameplay

    i stopped being jazzed for DayZ months ago, due to it being obvious it werent even close to alpha release as promised. i firmly beleive this game missed its window, and this newest video makes me feel no different. will it sell ok ? im sure it will... but i dont think it will be the mega game we all thought it would be 8+months ago... there are alot of games on the near horizon that give a similar level of atmosphere and survival horror. Dayz simply doesnt have the play field to itself like it did before. i'll still buy the game and im sure ill enjoy it, but im well past being ravenous for it, and if it doesnt come out before any of the other similar titles, ill just move on..whateva... ps one thing i did notice (hopefully its changed for release) is exactly what i feared would happen when i heard of more enterable buildings.. theres simply so much/many loot places that people will be able to scav. basics in vitrualy no time at all.. wheres the searching time ??? were is the desperation ? weres the going hunting to find stuff.. so far everything seems like its early in the afternoon of the 1st day of the fukn Apoc. if every house has loot EVERYWERE... BAH... bad idea is bad.
  8. Siberian (DayZ)

    New map for DayZ: SA?

    all you guys who think the "new" Cherna map will be intersting for more then 2 weeks are fooling yourself. theres NO way a improved Cherna map is going to keep DayZ vets happy, when you consider people have been playing it for well over a year and not to mention all the addon maps that will cease to be options when SA drops. frankly i have no doubt people will be asking for a new map ASAP, when dayz SA drops. you can bank that. Chernarus, even a modified one is simply played the hell out..it just is..
  9. Siberian (DayZ)

    Kids on DayZ can be hilarious...

    u were gunna kill him in the back anyways.. whats the difference.
  10. thats ok, cuz everyone else will...
  11. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    anyone got a picture of a firework fizzling out after lit ?? i called June as a realistic release date months and months ago simply based on what/how Rocket said/reacted to questions. if they are now saying June, im gunna say expect December... but really by then, will anyone care anymore ?? im firmly in the band of people (and it seems to be growing all the time) of people who thinkSA missed its peak window and also beleive Rocket has biten off more then the devs can chew. instead of just releasing what was ready, and adding in all these addon bits down the road.
  12. Siberian (DayZ)

    Post 1 pic that should inspire the SA

    http://0.tqn.com/d/rubberstamping/1/0/U/o/-/-/june1.png beleive that.
  13. Siberian (DayZ)

    This prick places tents on church loot spawns

    axe the tent. i axe every tent i find. esp. ones stocked with gear. those ones are the most delicious.
  14. Siberian (DayZ)

    Lack of vanilla

    u guys are sadly sadly mistaken if u think SA wont be a KoS haven just like the mod js. the community in game will always drop to the lowest common denominator. over time. sure the first few weeks might see a lull while people explore and get used to new mechanics/features. but within a very short time period the same people who KoS now WILL revert back. i see no reason to believe KoS will deminish. Rocket has clearly stated he has no intention of adding mechanics to prevent greiving.
  15. Siberian (DayZ)

    How many types of shotguns are there in Dayz.

    OMG can this myth plz die already.. the 1866 is a RIFLE not a shotgun.. it simply used shotgun shell artwork as a placeholder by Rocket cuz no actual art existed at the time for the winchester... that is all..
  16. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why is the forum so dead?

    ARMA III. that is all..
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    My first play with TrackIR 5 in DayZ \o/

    if someone has nothing better to do then watch someone playing a video game by spying throu their webcam, more power to em.. how boring must ur life be to sit there and watch someone playing a game.. haahah... play nakeeed, that should scare most pervs off.
  18. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    i still dont think ive ever seen an answer to this query.. how do the devs. plan to handle new spawns/ new players being able to get up to speed on acquiring weapons with which to fight back, if Zombies will now basicly be able to stay latched onto you ASAP, no matter were you go inside/outside if a fresh player cant ever loss a Z. how can they ever be expected to stop to loot something,.. with the current mod, i still remember it was hard as hell to stay alive when u didnt know how anything worked.. and that was with Z's that didnt see you easily or have a hope in hell of catching you. i just see this is a problem that perhaps hasnt been flushed out yet. cuz basicly everyone testing knows every trick in the DayZ handbook.. perhaps sitting someone down who has NEVER played, offer them no hints and tips, and watch to see how they get along/survive/die..
  19. Siberian (DayZ)

    So...How long until a DayZ ARMA 3 port?

    yes there is everykind of MP u can wish for.
  20. Siberian (DayZ)

    So...How long until a DayZ ARMA 3 port?

    after having played arma iii for the last few days, it makes armaii dayz mod look bland n unintersting. plz make a dayz mod port to armaiii, for use while we wait out the eventual SA release.. armaiii with all the options turned up is flat out gorgeous, and a hella fun game
  21. ill scavenge all the usual items i need for a play session, then explore around looking for encounters, or a vehicle.. then see what happens. i dont PVP, but i do love being chased and fired upon..im a bit of a weird one i guess.
  22. ill venture to say we see dayZ ported to Arma iii, before we see dayzSA (release). im actualy looking forward to playing arma iii, if u had asked me this question a couple of months back, id have said NO, to buying arma iii. but recently ive really amped up my Arma ii (and mods) time both in SP and MP, (not including Dayz). and been really enjoying it.
  23. typical PVPers attitude in here.. "what ? the non-PVPers wanna leave and play on their own servers ...but but, who will i be left to shoot at ???" oh yea just other PVPers who actualy want to engage and fight.. not unarmed beach spawns.. this is why DayZ is always destined to have this problem, without mechanics that prevent it (which rocket clearly has no intention of adding), there will always be a seqment of the player base that will want seperate hives/servers to play on. same as the 3rd person/1st person discussions.. or crosshairs no crosshairs, or no AS50/ full access to every weapon discussion.. it never ends..
  24. and promptly got shot the fuck up. lol ur hilariosly awesome..
  25. WTF ? u got shot the fuck up, cuz u had no idea were it was coming from.. and ur crying.. hahahaah....