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Siberian (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Siberian (DayZ)

  1. of course i would... like most games, once the magic is gone, its gone forever..
  2. Siberian (DayZ)

    Why is "side chat" prohibited?

    it also adds to server loading, by having extra data being sent to every player that is frankly unecc. not to mention EVERYTIME there is "ok to use" side chat, its full of asshats being idiots..
  3. Siberian (DayZ)

    Help Me!

    log out.. simple enuf fix.. but seriously, fight or die..
  4. Siberian (DayZ)

    Are there zombies with special abilities?

    you found the Mike Tyson zombie.. beware they hit HARD.. ps all Zs have a % chance of KOing you even from full blood..
  5. can i be the first to ask for a carebear Tee. :P
  6. the problem is this is a game, and if you dont make rules to give people results of their actions, then the douchbag factor becoems the norm.. if there is no repercussions from being a bandit, then trust me very soon ALL inter personal encounters end, it turns into a huge KoS furball.. its happened before when the bandit skin was removed.. no one trusts no one, every sighting is an exchange of bullets. after that dayz tumbles into obsecurity.. dayz absoluetly needs a bandit skin, or someway to set people apart.. there is a reason why basicly every game outside of pure FPS games have rules.. they have to because of the internet douchebag crowd.
  7. Siberian (DayZ)

    What's your Day Z playstyle?

    leeroy jenkins.. :login set area i want to make it alive to, travel there and enjoy the adventure that follows.. if i survive to the point i set, then i set another point and try to get there.. rinse and repeat. only time i deviate from getting to my map point is if i come across a vehicle/plane/helo.. then sheer stupidity usualy ensues.. hahah
  8. do yourself a favor, DONT search the net looking for tips n tricks.. learn everything first hand throu experience, you'll enjoy the game longer.. if you learn everything in advance of playing, you'll grow bored alot sooner..
  9. i'll just log over to a daylite server... sorry but stumbling around in pitch black is like the opposite of fun. no interest in playing dayz on nite servers.
  10. i'll continue my "leeroy jenkins" approach to looting in SA, until its clear it doesnt work. but i have my doubts. its simply faster/safer and better use of time to just runin and loot, than try to stealth everywere.. hopefully SA cures this..
  11. Siberian (DayZ)

    Top 10 DayZ mod maps?

    currently playing Sahrani.. its fantastic, perhaps even better then Taviana.. Namalask is great for short fun filled lives. the rest of the maps all kind of blur together. althou i did enjoy Takistan for awhile many months ago.
  12. Siberian (DayZ)

    Do you hide bodies you come across?

    i hide/remove everything... bodies, zombies,tents, vehicles and esp. Military weapons.. i've allowed my backpack to eat so many rifles in that last year, i could fund a 3rd world coup. partly cuz of giving proper burials, and to clean up the Apoc. (someone has to do it). and secondly to hide my trail....
  13. Siberian (DayZ)

    A Plea To The Devs For Law And Order in Dayz SA

    exactly.. if anyone thinks this "feature" wouldnt get abused to hell, your crazy..
  14. Siberian (DayZ)

    Dayz with FT - 1 year montage

    LOL @ 1:30... hhahahah... epic brown stain moment...
  15. Siberian (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    "feature creep"... dayz SA is def. starting to suffer from this plague that many game devs fall into. duke nukem forever im looking at you... this is a ALPHA release, just get it out there.. we'll understand and go from there...
  16. it'll turn KoS, because thats what the community is used to now.. the disease mechanic wont make a shit worth of difference.. players will simply die n respawn at the slightest inconvienence. the ave. player wont put up with having a medical condition.. esp. group/clan players. "hey hold my shit, i'll brb in a freshspawn".... /fact
  17. Siberian (DayZ)

    Standalone Release Predictions

    24.99US$. obviously it wont be shipping in June. /lesigh
  18. stopped reading here.. /facepalm, welcome to being part of the problem... the line is over there ---->
  19. Siberian (DayZ)

    How good are YOU?

    i can rabbit like a mofo.. try n catch me, i dare you...
  20. they are gunna open it up to everyone.. i suspect giving out a limited number of keys, and having negative reports, might kill momentum going forward. this way if everyone is buying it on the same day, by the time word spreads they will have already sold enuf units to no longer need to fear.
  21. Siberian (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    i cant help but think Dean is over thinking what the ave. player of Dayz does in game, and how they play/live. i really dont think anyone on ave. is gunna care about foot damage or infection/diesase cuz they will simply die n respawn into a fresh body at the slightest in convienence. secondly i wonder if his primo-rare loot system will even work.. imagine for a minute, i lukily find the only uber rare gun-o-matic5000 for the planet. i promptly log out of that character.. now that item is basicly no longer even in the game.. does he plan to have the item removed from inactive players within a set time ? or does the item become available to respawn on another sever if the item/player logs out ? but then what if that initial player logs back in, is the item deleted from their inventory ? frankly i just dont see how this uber rare loot system can work... i like the idea of rare loot, but i just not sure a world economy model wont be abused within minutes...
  22. Siberian (DayZ)

    Will the SA Ever Feel like This?

    no chance.. cuz the KoS crowd will be moving in on day 1 of release.. sadly i beleive the intial vision for dayz's zombie survival gameplay is lost forever. going forward it will always be just a DM on a massive map.
  23. Siberian (DayZ)

    Questions about KoS

    basicly if you are seen, expect to be KoS'd. regarrdless of if you have a CZ or any weapon.. the days of player interaction without bullets being exchanged on sight are LONG gone... shame but the reality, expect it to carry over into SA aswell..
  24. i asked this same question months ago.. im still trying to wrap my mind around how your supposed to find loot/weapons if the Zombies can literaly not be lost anymore, if killing them is required and you dont have a weapon, are you simply gunna have to just die and reset ??? im hopefully the SA isnt simply a game of either find weapon first or find zombie first and die.