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Everything posted by Mister_Meatball

  1. Yes this is a wall of text, please tl;dr at your own risk. The following happened yesterday night and 30 minutes ago. There must be a million stories on this forum that begin like this, but there is no other way to accurately describe what was happening at the time, well, here it goes... So I was walking though the woods with my friend, this was a server with side chat and we heard about a teleporting hacker, this was a busy Chicago based server and we felt relatively safe, we kept our eyes open and kept going (first mistake). About a minute later a ghillie suited player with the same loadout as my friend (M4A3CCO) appears directly next to him with the name Tbankz, once I saw the name and that this was not a glitch I blew him away with my DMR, nothing unusual about his loadout except for it being relatively high tier, my buddy who had thought it was a glitch and disconnected due to Tbankz having the same weapon and ghillie suit was reconnecting (second mistake). I went prone 100 meters or so uphill, looked around and gaurded my buddy's last location. I looked around carefully but got sloppy and was killed by two point blank shots from an M4A3CCO, guess who it was. (final and fatal mistake). My friend quickly disconnected and I respawned, taking the AS50 out of his pack while he kept his M4A3CCO. We stopped outside of Cherno and called it a Night. Today we reconnected and decided to waltz into Cherno, having the sniper I checked the skyline and especially the factory complex for snipers, 10 people on the server and there was one staring right at us from the tallest building. "Sniper!" I called out and we took cover, a bullet hit me and knocked me down to about 4k blood, pretty impressive at 550m. My buddy went prone and began to spot, he had the angle wrong and the sniper got him. I ran about 25m to right and crouched behind a think tree. I zeroed to 500m and returned fire, he had the advantage but I was not about to disconnect. I returned fire from the one side of the tree I could see from, he was good and I could not get off a good shot. I leaned out the other side and let off two shots as suppressive fire, then a third, I got him, it was an almost blind shot, lucky me. We celebrated over skype as my buddy was less than 30 seconds out at this point, attempting to recover his gear, I go right towards the coast and I hear a M107 fire from behind me, zig zagging for about 30 seconds I take cover and am immediately killed. No biggie though. My buddy makes it to his body and the last thing he says before he is ventilated is "Wait vislain [sic] just died! I moused over him and he is right back where you killed him!" First off, I am not raging, I got a DMR at the tents outside of Balota and we met back up in Cherno. The sniper experience was worth the death. Second, I am not saying I was killed by a hacker the second time, I have no evidence that his was vislain [sic] who killed me. Third, do you think this vislain [sic] was teleporting or just made it back to his perch inthe factory complex in about a minute. How prevalent is this? If the second experience was in fact a teleporter it seems as though no server is safe from this. I see a bunch of servers that say they ban on tele but it seems a lot of servers with side chat talk about teleporting hacker, If only 10 percent of these accusations were true than it would still be epidemic. I am not looking for pity I just want an assessment of the second encounter and an answer on how prevalent this issue is.
  2. Mister_Meatball

    DayZ Stories

    Today I found a bus, too bad it was full of people who wanted to kill me. I was leaving the fire station in Elektro and I ran right in front of the thing, I was a fresh spawn after I won an epic 500m sniper duel only to take an m107 bullet from less than 50m away. I had an enfield and was not too eager to use it. Having very little to lose I ran next to the bus seeing if it's occupants would be kind enough to stop, they did. And they got out, and began tracking me with a double barreled shotgun, and they opened fire. It was at that point that I returned fire with my rifle, zeds be damned. I counted 3 in the bus, and began circle strafing those who got out. I am sure I was taking fire because I began bleeding. I got one and he fell down, I put one into his body just to make sure, I was less than 5m from his buddies, and one of them was attempting to kill me with his revolver. I did not even scope in and resumed firing. I got a second guy and began running, my blood icon was red and flashing, I could not stop because the dinner bell had been rung about 10 times at this point. I though the last one would be scared shitless but I was wrong, he came at me with an AK-74 and I heard the shots ping all around me, his mistake was getting close enough for me to distinguish his form from all the zeds, insulting the lot over direct I put one in his chest point blank, and as I fell down dead I saw his death message flash on the screen. Those zeds got a surprise buffet, that for sure. Message to the lucky bus bandits in Elektro: We could have been the best of buddies but you gave me my third epic experiece in one day, three of which by themselves would have made my entire month, I hope we meet again, and this time I could be a great passenger in the bandit bus, that is if some very luck fresh spawn didn't drive it into the ocean.
  3. Mister_Meatball

    Ok, so I destroyed Elektro's church....

    I went into Elektro and saw a destroyed church, If that was you the hell yeah, because I would have never ran into a bus full of people who tried to kill me and ended up all getting killed by me. I love the enfield as much as you love smoke grenades.
  4. Adding to that picking up fresh spawns in vehicles is a neat thing to do, don't keep them around long enough for them to shoot you and steal your ride but give them a ride to the town/city/unofficial deathmatch arena of their choice. I know this has been done to death but I still get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when a ghillie suited m107 toting badass gives me a ride in his (I'm not making this up) F***bus.
  5. Mister_Meatball

    US 843 Hacked in camp. HUGE.

    These are some of the only camps in all of Dayz that I will not raid, besides the obvious reason against taking hacked weapons, camps like these give a bad name for Dayz in general, and looting them just shows that we accept them on the servers. (Besides the point that somebody might just be camping the nearby hills with a hacked weapon.) I have however, raided camps like these with the business end of some hacked in heavy armor before I drove it into a lake, this might be from the same guys seeing that even hackers without two brain cells to rub together sometimes learn from their mistakes. (I bet you could use their tents as an impromptu helicopter pad if you've got one though, post pics)
  6. After a respawn I found a AKS-74U at a deer stand and headed down to Elektro. I saw a survivor crouch running through the streets but decided to go ahead and loot the red brick building across from the Schoolhouse. Shooting started and I saw a bandit (I thought) on the second floor balcony of the Schoolhouse with a 1866. I shot him and waited in the building looking for movement. Someone else came out on the balcony and I shot at him thinking it was his comrade. I hit him but didn't kill him and he went around the corner but was still on the balcony. I ran across the open square (yes I know) and into the schoolhouse, up the stairs and out on the balcony ready to finish this guy off. At this point he heard me and told me not to shoot, still being wary but knowing of his wounded state I kept my gun raised but allowed him to round the corner. He explained he was doing the same as I did with the last bandit and was unaware I had killed him. I gave him blood and he game me some loot, we went our separate ways without shooting each other in the back. Some of the most interesting encounters I have had involved not KoS (well attempted KoS). tl;dr A mix of playstyles is what I have found the be the best for getting the full experience out of Dayz.
  7. Mister_Meatball

    Funny ways you've died.

    Fresh server restart, I spawn by a lighthouse and find a bike, ride up to the rocky point North of Berezino, my buddy is already there, find small boat there but decide to go for the pbx, begin riding further North, instead of following roads or coast I just go North. Go over small drop, faceplant, straight up die. My buddy "Where did you get shot from? I didn't hear any gunshots!" Me, "Dude, I.... I killed myself on the bike" *His mike distorts with laughter* Me "Get the bike and find the pbx, I just respawned in Kamenka.... It's gonna be a while. Epilogue: I found another bike and rode through the two southern warzones ringing that little bell while makarov and enfield shots flew past me. Found the pbx and rode it into the sunset (North), found tent city, loaded up with weapons, antibiotics and mountain dew (literally), and am still roaming the North East lakes with nightvision and a vengance, sometimes they say you can hear the far off sounds of a bike bell, and a few seconds later a crash, then a kill message will appear on the server with a name that isn't logged on, if you find your dew missing from your massive tent city next to black lake you just got paid a visit from the headless bikeman. :)
  8. Mister_Meatball

    Shooting blanks.

    I see that you are also a fan of sticking objects into people that don't belong there, I hope in dayz at least it is mostly high velocity shards of metal and less low velocity slabs of soft meat.
  9. Mister_Meatball

    good tent locations?

    The following is a Copy/Paste of a post I made about base locations back in August, I don't want to type this all out again. About those tents in the middle of the woods, those are never safe, being a career camp raider I usually know exactly where the good tents are. Armed to the teeth thanks to some extremely well stocked "clan clusters" I will wait at night outside a camp and while eating beans and sipping on some mountain dew waiting for engine noise. Survivor(s) drive up on an atv or bike, or a car if I am lucky, park by the tent headlights on, get off, go to tent, get wiped out. Otherwise I just loot. I would go into more detail but that is not the point I am trying to make. 1. Isalnds are more or less secure if you control most of the easy to get "small boats" especially that rock 12 km out, but holy shit and one bad chopper landing will wipe out your tents in a heartbeat. Never use choppers for islands though because people will see it land and take off from the high pop coast and that is never good. Land by boat and from the side facing away from the coast. 2. Seperate you vehicles from your main camp by at least 2km, and use a bike to travel between them. No engine noise that the wary looter may hear. 3. This may seem crazy but never put your tents at the top of mountains or even in wooden areas that are mostly flat all around. I never spend more than a few hours without high tier gear from easy places like these. Put them in odd locations, not just on the map but in the terrain, (Edit: Yes tents do need flat terrain but look for surrounding terrain that can help conceal tents, I do not recommend rocks for that because they are contrasted to the surrounding terrain and are eye catchers) but seriously, EVERYBODY will find that tent city in the north east corner of the map. Use centeral north and north west if you have absolutely no better place to put them. Use the NW pass for vehicles and keep them in a motor pool away from your camp. City bases last little longer than beans in a backpack so I would only use one if I wanted to start over and go out in a guns blazing atop the battlements fashion. Think alamo.
  10. Mister_Meatball

    Another Helicopter Crash Site

    While the M24 is solid, the M107 is far superior in every way except for noise and ammo availability. One hit kills and zeroing mean you can hit people at such a range you can be gone before any other survivors work up the balls to peek out of cover. Plus you have a tent so you could keep both for different situations.
  11. Mister_Meatball

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    1. Age: 18 2.Nickname: Mister Meatball 3. Nationality: American/Southwest 4. Experience: 3 months Dayz, Arma II since 2010 5. Role: Marksman (Medium range support), Looter, Driver, Pilot (boats and helis), and scout if necessary. I will add you on Skype
  12. Mister_Meatball

    Camp awaiting plundering

    You were right about the boats not having slots, having just recently used them I assumed they would be like any other vehicle I liberate from a campsite. That said if a clan had a base on Skalisty I would assume they had some decent means of transportation. I have raided camps there a few times in a small boat only to find the pbx sitting on the shore facing away from the coast. That said any boat or even a chopper would do depending on what you find.
  13. Mister_Meatball

    OMG! DayZ 2

    Day 0, killed by a freak bicycle accident (totally not my fault, that rock moved!). Get on bike in Kosovo and ride to east coast through cherno and elektro. End up pulling a bunch of zeds off a guy in elektro, starting to be a pretty nice life.
  14. Mister_Meatball

    What gear do you rock?

    Binoculars/NVG DMR M9 SD Ghillie Suit All recently liberated from a "clan cluster" of tents.
  15. Mister_Meatball

    a handful of definitions

    I am a bandit, and a murderer, but I am not a xenophobe because no one I come accross lives long enough to make me feel threatened.
  16. Mister_Meatball

    Dead after 20 days

    Tele'd into the air, US201. Server resets and most ragequit. My friend and I find bikes, boats, and a camp full of top tier loot within hours. I know that feeling.
  17. Mister_Meatball

    Camp awaiting plundering

    One of the best places to put a camp, what I would do is dump gear to be retrieved later, swim over with nothing, steal boat. (pbx most likely, if they have an island base most likely thay would have one of these.) Wait in hiding for a few hours, come back with boat, loot and scoot, use boat as container, set for life. Oh, and don't die, that part is important.
  18. Mister_Meatball

    Spawn Killers

    It's the most dagerous game on easy mode.
  19. Mister_Meatball

    You fail to understand hacking

    Agreed, if I find tents in the North East, it's either clans who worked their way to good gear for me to steal or others who scripted or duped their way to good gear for me to steal, and one time a tank for me to take a joyride in.
  20. Mister_Meatball

    Take out .50 cals

    I duped a jerrycan once at the expense of both my FN FAL mags and a smoke grenade. Sometimes it actually makes the game harder.
  21. About those tents in the middle of the woods, those are never safe, being a career camp raider I usually know exactly where the good tents are. Armed to the teeth thanks to some extremely well stocked "clan clusters" I will wait at night outside a camp and while eating beans and sipping on some mountain dew waiting for engine noise. Survivor(s) drive up on an atv or bike, or a car if I am lucky, park by the tent headlights on, get off, go to tent, get wiped out. Otherwise I just loot. I would go into more detail but that is not the point I am trying to make. 1. Isalnds are more or less secure if you control most of the easy to get "small boats" especially that rock 12 km out, but holy shit and one bad chopper landing will wipe out your tents in a heartbeat. Never use choppers for islands though because people will see it land and take off from the high pop coast and that is never good. Land by boat and from the side facing away from the coast. 2. Seperate you vehicles from your main camp by at least 2km, and use a bike to travel between them. No engine noise that the wary looter may hear. 3. This may seem crazy but never put your tents at the top of mountains or even in wooden areas that are mostly flat all around. I never spend more than a few hours without high tier gear from easy places like these. Put them in odd locations, not just on the map but in the terrain, but seriously, EVERYBODY will find that tent city in the north east corner of the map. Use centeral north and north west if you have absolutely no better place to put them. Use the NW pass for vehicles and keep them in a motor pool away from your camp. City bases last little longer than beans in a backpack so I would only use one if I wanted to start over and go out in a guns blazing atop the battlements fashion. Think alamo.
  22. Mister_Meatball

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    I'm waiting for a thread about how a "hacker" brought down this guys chopper with a makarov and how rocket should ban him.
  23. Mister_Meatball

    Exlie Clan

    Application: Age: 18 Timezone: Centeral Standard Time How long you have had DayZ: 3 months give or take DayZ Experience: North East campsite looter and general exterminator of life. (comes prepackaged with accessories and ghillie suit, avalability may vary depending on death to teleportation and camp raids.) Clans you have been in before: None Preferred Weapons/Roles: Marksman (not sniper) Medium/long range support, Pirate (hatchet, ghillie suit, nvg, access to south coast at night with pbx.) Steam Name(S):Mister Meatball PS: Teachers get apples, Clan leaders get mountain dew.
  24. Hey, at least you came out of it alive with an extra can of beans, thats more than you can say for your "companions".
  25. Mister_Meatball

    You Had The Jump On Me. Hurting Crayon

    I have had two oh shit moments, the first one was early on in the supermarket in Elektro. I was in the back with an AKM and the other guy was in the front with a pre-nerf enfield aimed right at the doorway. After a few extremely tense moments I decided to say over direct: Hey buddy, don't look left- and he looks left. He never had the chance to look right again. The second was when we found a camp in the north east forest somwhere between black lake and the north east cove/pbx spawn. My friend and I were looting it when we heard an atv come roaring towards the camp with two guys on it. My m107 was useless on moving targets at what I later found out to be 300ms+ ping. I got one and he got me at the same time but my buddy wasn't so lucky. Now I check my ping constantly, sometimes you learn the hard way.