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About XpoZe

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Its me and a bunch of my friends or just me by myself come join, watch and chat! Twitch.tv/XpoZe
  2. Uninstalled my driver and re-installed it and no luck... Any other ideaS?
  3. i disabled that to try and see if it fixed anything
  4. really thats all u did and it worked?
  5. I honestly dont know what it could be.... Does that really look like a dyings gfx card? And if so how come it only happends on dayz?
  6. I got this computer for Xmas... Havent had any problems on any other games such as Diablo 3, SMNC, Starcraft 2. League of Legends, and Smite
  7. I searched the forums and been watching a lot of live streaming / youtube videos and have yet to see anyone have this problem. http://i.imgur.com/eBwML.jpg For some reason in that picture and EVERYTIME I play DayZ i have white pixelation everywhere? Anybody know or how to fix it? (BTW all my setting are on the lowest or disabled.) PS My game lags quite a bit too anyone know any way to help with that. Figured id throw that in here rather then making another thread. Thanks guys