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About j0hncr055

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm stuck in debug planes. I need someone to respond to me if they are going to get me out.
  2. j0hncr055

    Stuck at loading screen

    I think I have found a partial solution to being stuck on "Setup Complete, please wait..." You have to just wait it out and eventually you will spawn in, but you will be in no mans land in the debug planes. From here however I don't know where to go. I am currently waiting to die of thirst/ hunger so that I respawn.
  3. j0hncr055

    Stuck at loading screen

    I have encountered a whole new bug, hopefully no one else has to share in my dissapointment. Everytime I join a server I get through the loading screen perfectly fine, but when it gets to the "Setup Complete, Please wait....." screen, the game just stays there and won't let me join in. I have been playing Day Z perfectly fine for over a month and nothing has ever happened until now. I can join private hive servers fine for the most part but I am unable to join normal servers and play with friends. I hope this is just a minor bug that will be fixed in an upcoming patch. However if anyone has any solutions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.